Profil dowódcy germanop > Dziennik Okrętowy

Nazwa dowódcy:
Aktualny statek:
(Krait Phantom)
Członek od:
18 kwi 2021
Zgłoszone odległości:
Odwiedzone układy:
4 583
Pierwsze odkrycia układów:
1 799
Stan konta:
2 127 145 875 Cr
1st of June 3307, HD 81946


Location: HD 81946(1428.6875/36.625 /62.40625) CMDR germanop, Krait Phantom "Nensha" GE-CC1

Today, if you can really talk about days if you're not even orbiting a star, has been pretty busy. I am still relatively close to the bubble which means more is explored and therefore obviously more Points Of Interests are known around here. The next leg is gonna be a little longer, it's 7500 Lightyears long, which shouldn't take too long, but I suppose about two EDEs, if I'm taking the time to look at the systems and scan them. I'll also leave the Inner Orion Spur again on my way, this time for a longer time. Also, I decided to make the trip to Hutton Orbital to buy a mug for my travels. Anyways, surveying is exhausting and the quickly changing gravitational fields have been pretty tiring, so I will head to sleep now. Luckily, the plants I was scanning were on the dark side, so I don't have to bother with sunlight. Not like my sleeping quarters have windows anyways... Stay safe, o7 CMDR germanop


30th of may 3307, Dzhanibekov Port, Gbekree


Recorded 30th May 3307 at Dzhanibekov Port, Gbekree(78.5 /-46.59375 /-38.6875) CMDR germanop, Krait Phantom "Nensha"

Getting ready to head out again, I am taking on the Canonn Challenge. It's gonna be a long journey, that's for sure but I also believe it's worth it. My ship is kitted out, I now just need to pack up my stuff, which is almost done. I am ready to head out into the black once more, for the biggest journey of my career as a pilot. Now I gotta get back to preparing for my departure, and say goodbye to my squadron mates, i won't be seeing them in the flesh for a while. Stay safe out there, o7 CMDR germanop


Salomé's Reach. 05-01-3307

====START OF RECORDING==== Well, this is it. I've reached the end. The furthest planet from Sol currently known within our Galaxy. Maybe at some point we will be able to travel between galaxies, but for now I've reached the end. It's fitting that the Pilot's Federation has promoted me to Elite as I reached Beagle Point. But now it is time for the trip back home. I can't just sit here forever. o7 ====END OF RECORDING====

22nd of April, 3307


I'm still on my way to Colonia, about halfway there, although I almost fried my ship next to a black hole in [REDACTED] after trying to watch a carrier jump away. Made it out alive though, and thanks to the Amerigo Vespucci for offering repairs. o7 I also made a stop at the Eagle Sector Secure Facility to rest for a while. Next to a gorgeous light blue gas giant, check it out if you're ever in the area! My next step will likely be to visit a neutron star a few lightyears away from the highway and map a couple of systems around it before continuing to [REDACTED]. Fly safe, o7, and maybe see you in COlonia when I arrive