Profil dowódcy Playwo > Dziennik Okrętowy

Nazwa dowódcy:
Aktualny statek:
Członek od:
5 mar 2021
Zgłoszone odległości:
Odwiedzone układy:
3 437
Pierwsze odkrycia układów:
1 303
Stan konta:
163 595 730 Cr
Rushing to help out

As an explorer far from the bubble I barely ever encountered thargoids, and even if I did they never tried to hurt me.

From out here I disregarded thargoid news for years now, not thinking they are actually still a big threat.

In shock I had to learn differently, this war is disastrous.

My ship is jumping as fast as possible towards the bubble. I will not refrain from my home!

See you in battle commanders o7

Too many water worlds

After taking a detour in my last entry I have started to fly back up and gained quite a lot of height again. Now back at my travel height I found "Nykk" to be just on my way. It is known for containing 7 water worlds as well as a earth like one. Very rare sight you don't get every day exploring.

The goal of my trip is also coming closer by the jump. The difference from the start to now is already drastical.

View on my goal

Going to continue my journey now, o7 commanders!

History along the way - Hawking's Gap Abandoned Settlements

Going through the EDSM known systems that are more or less on my route I found this one and the story behind it sounds very interesting to me. Could not stop me from taking a little detour to check out the remnants of project dynasty. It was also perfect to repair on the Ironside as I took some damage on a high G world before getting here.


Last time visiting a human settlement for a while: Going on a trip to Sagittarius

View on Laumer Arsenal