Fincien [#3240275986803]

J4X-G5T [#3708563456]
Fleet Carrier
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Fleet Carrier
Fleet Carrier

Contacts, Crew Lounge, Pioneer Supplies, Refuel, Repair, Restock, Universal Cartographics

Narcotics, Beer, Combat Stabilisers, Imperial Slaves, Liquor, Performance Enhancers, Progenitor Cells, Slaves, Tobacco, Wine
Aktualizacja: 20.08.2024, 17:57

Optional Internal

Fighter Hangars Integrity Mass Power Price
5D Fighter Hangar A module designed to house ship launched vehicles. ?? 20 t 0,25 MW 575 660 cr
6D Fighter Hangar A module designed to house ship launched vehicles. ?? 40 t 0,35 MW 1 869 350 cr
Planetary Vehicle Hangars Integrity Mass Power Price
2H Planetary Vehicle Hangar A module designed to house ground-based vehicles. ?? 12 t 0,25 MW 18 000 cr
2G Planetary Vehicle Hangar A module designed to house ground-based vehicles. ?? 6 t 0,75 MW 21 600 cr
4H Planetary Vehicle Hangar A module designed to house ground-based vehicles. ?? 20 t 0,4 MW 72 000 cr

Utility Mount

Xeno Scanner Integrity Mass Power Price
0E Xeno Scanner Scanner that can passively understand non-Human vessels, and analyse their structural make-up and internal modules. ?? 1,3 t 0,2 MW 365 698 cr
Experimental Integrity Mass Power Price
0F Shutdown Field Neutraliser Counters current xeno shutdown technology when used within proximity. ?? 1,3 t 0,2 MW ??

Weapon Hardpoint

Experimental Integrity Mass Power Price
2F AX Multi-Cannon (Turret) Rapid fire, small-calibre projectile tipped with a compound that damages alien vessels. Turret mounted, with automatic signature tracking. ?? 4 t 0,46 MW ??
2E AX Multi-Cannon (Fixed) Fixed mount, rapid fire, small-calibre projectile tipped with a compound that damages alien vessels. ?? 4 t 0,46 MW ??
2B AX Missile Rack (Dumpfire, Fixed) Missile battery capable of launching dumbfire ordnance loaded with a compound that damages alien vessels. ?? 4 t 1,2 MW 540 900 cr
2B AX Missile Rack (Dumpfire, Turret) Missile battery capable of launching dumbfire ordnance loaded with a compound that damages alien vessels. Turret mounted, with automatic signature tracking. ?? 4 t 1,2 MW 2 022 700 cr
3E AX Multi-Cannon (Turret) Rapid fire, small-calibre projectile tipped with a compound that damages alien vessels. Turret mounted, with automatic signature tracking. ?? 8 t 0,64 MW ??
3C AX Multi-Cannon (Fixed) Fixed mount, rapid fire, small-calibre projectile tipped with a compound that damages alien vessels. ?? 8 t 0,64 MW ??
3A AX Missile Rack (Dumpfire, Fixed) Missile battery capable of launching dumbfire ordnance loaded with a compound that damages alien vessels. ?? 8 t 1,62 MW ??
3A AX Missile Rack (Dumpfire, Turret) Missile battery capable of launching dumbfire ordnance loaded with a compound that damages alien vessels. Turret mounted, with automatic signature tracking. ?? 8 t 1,75 MW ??
Mines Integrity Mass Power Price
1I Mine Launcher (Fixed) Defensive weapon. Deploys proximity-triggered charges. 40 2 t 0,4 MW 24 260 cr
1I Shock Mine Launcher (Fixed) Launches mines that are designed to physically shock and push on a ship more than damage it outright. 40 2 t 0,4 MW 36 400 cr
2I Mine Launcher (Fixed) Defensive weapon. Deploys proximity-triggered charges. 51 4 t 0,4 MW 294 080 cr
Missiles Integrity Mass Power Price
1B Missile Rack (Seeker, Fixed) Missile battery capable of launching seeker missiles. 40 2 t 0,6 MW 72 600 cr
1B Missile Rack (Dumbfire, Fixed) Missile battery capable of launching dumbfire missiles. 40 2 t 0,4 MW 32 180 cr
2B Missile Rack (Seeker, Fixed) Missile battery capable of launching seeker missiles. 51 4 t 1,2 MW 512 400 cr
2B Missile Rack (Dumpfire, Fixed) Missile battery capable of launching dumbfire missiles. 51 4 t 1,2 MW 240 400 cr
Torpedoes Integrity Mass Power Price
1I Torpedo Pylon (Seeker, Fixed) Torpedo pylon capable of launching heat-seeking torpedoes. 40 2 t 0,4 MW 11 200 cr
2I Torpedo Pylon (Seeker, Fixed) Torpedo pylon capable of launching heat-seeking torpedoes. 51 4 t 0,4 MW 44 800 cr