Bibaridji [#7266681693585]
Fleet Carrier
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608 ls
Fleet Carrier
Fleet Carrier
Aktualizacja: 18.02.2023, 22:49
Optional Internal |
AFM Units | Integrity | Mass | Power | Price | ||
1B | Auto Field-Maintenance Unit | Allows in-flight repair of internal ship modules. Can restore broken modules. Requires ammunition. | 56 | 0 t | 1,04 MW | 270 000 cr |
1A | Auto Field-Maintenance Unit | Allows in-flight repair of internal ship modules. Can restore broken modules. Requires ammunition. | 46 | 0 t | 1,26 MW | 810 000 cr |
2B | Auto Field-Maintenance Unit | Allows in-flight repair of internal ship modules. Can restore broken modules. Requires ammunition. | 71 | 0 t | 1,29 MW | 486 000 cr |
2A | Auto Field-Maintenance Unit | Allows in-flight repair of internal ship modules. Can restore broken modules. Requires ammunition. | 59 | 0 t | 1,58 MW | 1 458 000 cr |
3B | Auto Field-Maintenance Unit | Allows in-flight repair of internal ship modules. Can restore broken modules. Requires ammunition. | 90 | 0 t | 1,55 MW | 874 800 cr |
3A | Auto Field-Maintenance Unit | Allows in-flight repair of internal ship modules. Can restore broken modules. Requires ammunition. | 74 | 0 t | 1,89 MW | 2 624 400 cr |
4B | Auto Field-Maintenance Unit | Allows in-flight repair of internal ship modules. Can restore broken modules. Requires ammunition. | 112 | 0 t | 1,9 MW | 1 574 640 cr |
4A | Auto Field-Maintenance Unit | Allows in-flight repair of internal ship modules. Can restore broken modules. Requires ammunition. | 92 | 0 t | 2,31 MW | 4 723 920 cr |
5B | Auto Field-Maintenance Unit | Allows in-flight repair of internal ship modules. Can restore broken modules. Requires ammunition. | 134 | 0 t | 2,24 MW | 2 834 350 cr |
5A | Auto Field-Maintenance Unit | Allows in-flight repair of internal ship modules. Can restore broken modules. Requires ammunition. | 110 | 0 t | 2,73 MW | 8 503 060 cr |
6B | Auto Field-Maintenance Unit | Allows in-flight repair of internal ship modules. Can restore broken modules. Requires ammunition. | 158 | 0 t | 2,67 MW | 5 101 830 cr |
6A | Auto Field-Maintenance Unit | Allows in-flight repair of internal ship modules. Can restore broken modules. Requires ammunition. | 130 | 0 t | 3,26 MW | 15 305 500 cr |
7B | Auto Field-Maintenance Unit | Allows in-flight repair of internal ship modules. Can restore broken modules. Requires ammunition. | 183 | 0 t | 3,02 MW | 9 183 300 cr |
7A | Auto Field-Maintenance Unit | Allows in-flight repair of internal ship modules. Can restore broken modules. Requires ammunition. | 151 | 0 t | 3,68 MW | 27 549 900 cr |
8B | Auto Field-Maintenance Unit | Allows in-flight repair of internal ship modules. Can restore broken modules. Requires ammunition. | 210 | 0 t | 3,45 MW | 16 529 940 cr |
8A | Auto Field-Maintenance Unit | Allows in-flight repair of internal ship modules. Can restore broken modules. Requires ammunition. | 173 | 0 t | 4,2 MW | 49 589 820 cr |
Cargo Racks | Integrity | Mass | Power | Price | ||
7E | Cargo Rack | Standardised storage rack for use in automated cargo transfer system. | ?? | 0 t | 0 MW | 1 178 420 cr |
8E | Cargo Rack | Standardised storage rack for use in automated cargo transfer system. | ?? | 0 t | 0 MW | 3 829 870 cr |
Collection Limpets | Integrity | Mass | Power | Price | ||
1A | Collector Limpet Controller | Controls limpets to collect canisters and asteroid chunks automatically. | 56 | 2 t | 0,32 MW | 9 600 cr |
3B | Collector Limpet Controller | Controls limpets to collect canisters and asteroid chunks automatically. | 77 | 8 t | 0,41 MW | 43 200 cr |
3A | Collector Limpet Controller | Controls limpets to collect canisters and asteroid chunks automatically. | 90 | 8 t | 0,48 MW | 86 400 cr |
5D | Collector Limpet Controller | Controls limpets to collect canisters and asteroid chunks automatically. | 77 | 8 t | 0,4 MW | 97 200 cr |
5C | Collector Limpet Controller | Controls limpets to collect canisters and asteroid chunks automatically. | 96 | 20 t | 0,5 MW | 194 400 cr |
5B | Collector Limpet Controller | Controls limpets to collect canisters and asteroid chunks automatically. | 115 | 32 t | 0,6 MW | 388 800 cr |
5A | Collector Limpet Controller | Controls limpets to collect canisters and asteroid chunks automatically. | 134 | 32 t | 0,7 MW | 777 600 cr |
7E | Collector Limpet Controller | Controls limpets to collect canisters and asteroid chunks automatically. | 79 | 32 t | 0,41 MW | 437 400 cr |
7D | Collector Limpet Controller | Controls limpets to collect canisters and asteroid chunks automatically. | 105 | 32 t | 0,55 MW | 874 800 cr |
7C | Collector Limpet Controller | Controls limpets to collect canisters and asteroid chunks automatically. | 131 | 80 t | 0,69 MW | 1 749 600 cr |
7B | Collector Limpet Controller | Controls limpets to collect canisters and asteroid chunks automatically. | 157 | 128 t | 0,83 MW | 3 499 200 cr |
7A | Collector Limpet Controller | Controls limpets to collect canisters and asteroid chunks automatically. | 183 | 128 t | 0,97 MW | 6 998 400 cr |
Decontamination Limpets | Integrity | Mass | Power | Price | ||
1E | Decontamination Limpet Controller | Controls a limpet that removes caustic chemicals affecting a ship's hull, as well as applying a small amount of hull repair. | ?? | 1,3 t | 0,18 MW | ?? |
3E | Decontamination Limpet Controller | Controls a limpet that removes caustic chemicals affecting a ship's hull, as well as applying a small amount of hull repair. | ?? | 2 t | 0,2 MW | ?? |
5E | Decontamination Limpet Controller | Controls a limpet that removes caustic chemicals affecting a ship's hull, as well as applying a small amount of hull repair. | ?? | 20 t | 0,5 MW | ?? |
7E | Decontamination Limpet Controller | Controls a limpet that removes caustic chemicals affecting a ship's hull, as well as applying a small amount of hull repair. | ?? | 128 t | 0,97 MW | ?? |
Docking Computers | Integrity | Mass | Power | Price | ||
1E | Standard Docking Computer | Allows automated docking sequence at all starports and outposts. | ?? | 0 t | 0,39 MW | 4 500 cr |
1E | Advanced Docking Computer | ?? | ?? | 0 t | 0,45 MW | ?? |
1E | Supercruise Assist | ?? | 10 | 0 t | 0,3 MW | ?? |
Fuel Transfer Limpets | Integrity | Mass | Power | Price | ||
1A | Fuel Transfer Limpet Controller | Controls a limpet to transfer 1 ton of fuel to a targeted ship. | 56 | 1,3 t | 0,28 MW | 9 600 cr |
3B | Fuel Transfer Limpet Controller | Controls a limpet to transfer 1 ton of fuel to a targeted ship. | 77 | 8 t | 0,48 MW | 43 200 cr |
3A | Fuel Transfer Limpet Controller | Controls a limpet to transfer 1 ton of fuel to a targeted ship. | 90 | 5 t | 0,41 MW | 86 400 cr |
5D | Fuel Transfer Limpet Controller | Controls a limpet to transfer 1 ton of fuel to a targeted ship. | 77 | 8 t | 0,3 MW | 97 200 cr |
5C | Fuel Transfer Limpet Controller | Controls a limpet to transfer 1 ton of fuel to a targeted ship. | 96 | 20 t | 0,5 MW | 194 400 cr |
5B | Fuel Transfer Limpet Controller | Controls a limpet to transfer 1 ton of fuel to a targeted ship. | 115 | 32 t | 0,72 MW | 388 800 cr |
5A | Fuel Transfer Limpet Controller | Controls a limpet to transfer 1 ton of fuel to a targeted ship. | 134 | 20 t | 0,6 MW | 777 600 cr |
7E | Fuel Transfer Limpet Controller | Controls a limpet to transfer 1 ton of fuel to a targeted ship. | ?? | 80 t | 0,55 MW | 437 400 cr |
7D | Fuel Transfer Limpet Controller | Controls a limpet to transfer 1 ton of fuel to a targeted ship. | 105 | 32 t | 0,41 MW | 874 800 cr |
7C | Fuel Transfer Limpet Controller | Controls a limpet to transfer 1 ton of fuel to a targeted ship. | ?? | 80 t | 0,69 MW | 1 749 600 cr |
7B | Fuel Transfer Limpet Controller | Controls a limpet to transfer 1 ton of fuel to a targeted ship. | ?? | 128 t | 0,97 MW | 3 499 200 cr |
7A | Fuel Transfer Limpet Controller | Controls a limpet to transfer 1 ton of fuel to a targeted ship. | 183 | 80 t | 0,83 MW | 6 998 400 cr |
Hatch Breaker Limpets | Integrity | Mass | Power | Price | ||
1A | Hatch Breaker Limpet Controller | Control unit that can program a blank limpet to hack a target's hold, causing cargo ejection. | 48 | 1,3 t | 0,28 MW | 9 600 cr |
3B | Hatch Breaker Limpet Controller | Control unit that can program a blank limpet to hack a target's hold, causing cargo ejection. | 90 | 8 t | 0,36 MW | 43 200 cr |
3A | Hatch Breaker Limpet Controller | Control unit that can program a blank limpet to hack a target's hold, causing cargo ejection. | 77 | 5 t | 0,42 MW | 86 400 cr |
5D | Hatch Breaker Limpet Controller | Control unit that can program a blank limpet to hack a target's hold, causing cargo ejection. | 58 | 8 t | 0,4 MW | 97 200 cr |
5C | Hatch Breaker Limpet Controller | Control unit that can program a blank limpet to hack a target's hold, causing cargo ejection. | 96 | 20 t | 0,5 MW | 194 400 cr |
5B | Hatch Breaker Limpet Controller | Control unit that can program a blank limpet to hack a target's hold, causing cargo ejection. | 134 | 32 t | 0,6 MW | 388 800 cr |
5A | Hatch Breaker Limpet Controller | Control unit that can program a blank limpet to hack a target's hold, causing cargo ejection. | 115 | 20 t | 0,7 MW | 777 600 cr |
7E | Hatch Breaker Limpet Controller | Control unit that can program a blank limpet to hack a target's hold, causing cargo ejection. | ?? | 80 t | 0,42 MW | 437 400 cr |
7D | Hatch Breaker Limpet Controller | Control unit that can program a blank limpet to hack a target's hold, causing cargo ejection. | ?? | 32 t | 0,56 MW | 874 800 cr |
7C | Hatch Breaker Limpet Controller | Control unit that can program a blank limpet to hack a target's hold, causing cargo ejection. | ?? | 80 t | 0,7 MW | 1 749 600 cr |
7B | Hatch Breaker Limpet Controller | Control unit that can program a blank limpet to hack a target's hold, causing cargo ejection. | ?? | 128 t | 0,84 MW | 3 499 200 cr |
7A | Hatch Breaker Limpet Controller | Control unit that can program a blank limpet to hack a target's hold, causing cargo ejection. | 157 | 80 t | 0,98 MW | 6 998 400 cr |
Prospector Limpets | Integrity | Mass | Power | Price | ||
1B | Prospector Limpet Controller | Controls a limpet to prospect an asteroid to discover its composition. | 48 | 2 t | 0,32 MW | 4 800 cr |
1A | Prospector Limpet Controller | Controls a limpet to prospect an asteroid to discover its composition. | 56 | 1,3 t | 0,28 MW | 9 600 cr |
3D | Prospector Limpet Controller | Controls a limpet to prospect an asteroid to discover its composition. | 51 | 2 t | 0,2 MW | 10 800 cr |
3C | Prospector Limpet Controller | Controls a limpet to prospect an asteroid to discover its composition. | 64 | 5 t | 0,34 MW | 21 600 cr |
3B | Prospector Limpet Controller | Controls a limpet to prospect an asteroid to discover its composition. | 77 | 8 t | 0,48 MW | 43 200 cr |
3A | Prospector Limpet Controller | Controls a limpet to prospect an asteroid to discover its composition. | 90 | 5 t | 0,41 MW | 86 400 cr |
5E | Prospector Limpet Controller | Controls a limpet to prospect an asteroid to discover its composition. | ?? | 20 t | 0,4 MW | 48 600 cr |
5D | Prospector Limpet Controller | Controls a limpet to prospect an asteroid to discover its composition. | 77 | 8 t | 0,3 MW | 97 200 cr |
5C | Prospector Limpet Controller | Controls a limpet to prospect an asteroid to discover its composition. | 96 | 20 t | 0,5 MW | 194 400 cr |
5B | Prospector Limpet Controller | Controls a limpet to prospect an asteroid to discover its composition. | 115 | 32 t | 0,72 MW | 388 800 cr |
5A | Prospector Limpet Controller | Controls a limpet to prospect an asteroid to discover its composition. | 134 | 20 t | 0,6 MW | 777 600 cr |
7E | Prospector Limpet Controller | Controls a limpet to prospect an asteroid to discover its composition. | ?? | 80 t | 0,55 MW | 437 400 cr |
7D | Prospector Limpet Controller | Controls a limpet to prospect an asteroid to discover its composition. | ?? | 32 t | 0,41 MW | 874 800 cr |
7C | Prospector Limpet Controller | Controls a limpet to prospect an asteroid to discover its composition. | ?? | 80 t | 0,69 MW | 1 749 600 cr |
7B | Prospector Limpet Controller | Controls a limpet to prospect an asteroid to discover its composition. | 157 | 128 t | 0,97 MW | 3 499 200 cr |
7A | Prospector Limpet Controller | Controls a limpet to prospect an asteroid to discover its composition. | 183 | 80 t | 0,83 MW | 6 998 400 cr |
Recon Limpets | Integrity | Mass | Power | Price | ||
1E | Recon Limpet Controller | Controls a limpet that can hack into data points. | ?? | 1,3 t | 0,18 MW | ?? |
3E | Recon Limpet Controller | Controls a limpet that can hack into data points. | ?? | 2 t | 0,2 MW | ?? |
5E | Recon Limpet Controller | Controls a limpet that can hack into data points. | ?? | 20 t | 0,5 MW | ?? |
7E | Recon Limpet Controller | Controls a limpet that can hack into data points. | ?? | 128 t | 0,97 MW | ?? |
Repair Limpets | Integrity | Mass | Power | Price | ||
1A | Repair Limpet Controller | Controls a limpet that repairs an amount of damage to the hull of a targeted ship. | ?? | 1,3 t | 0,28 MW | ?? |
3B | Repair Limpet Controller | Controls a limpet that repairs an amount of damage to the hull of a targeted ship. | ?? | 8 t | 0,48 MW | ?? |
3A | Repair Limpet Controller | Controls a limpet that repairs an amount of damage to the hull of a targeted ship. | ?? | 5 t | 0,41 MW | ?? |
5D | Repair Limpet Controller | Controls a limpet that repairs an amount of damage to the hull of a targeted ship. | ?? | 8 t | 0,3 MW | ?? |
5C | Repair Limpet Controller | Controls a limpet that repairs an amount of damage to the hull of a targeted ship. | ?? | 20 t | 0,5 MW | ?? |
5B | Repair Limpet Controller | Controls a limpet that repairs an amount of damage to the hull of a targeted ship. | ?? | 32 t | 0,97 MW | ?? |
5A | Repair Limpet Controller | Controls a limpet that repairs an amount of damage to the hull of a targeted ship. | ?? | 20 t | 0,6 MW | ?? |
7E | Repair Limpet Controller | Controls a limpet that repairs an amount of damage to the hull of a targeted ship. | ?? | 80 t | 0,55 MW | ?? |
7D | Repair Limpet Controller | Controls a limpet that repairs an amount of damage to the hull of a targeted ship. | ?? | 32 t | 0,41 MW | ?? |
7C | Repair Limpet Controller | Controls a limpet that repairs an amount of damage to the hull of a targeted ship. | ?? | 80 t | 0,69 MW | ?? |
7B | Repair Limpet Controller | Controls a limpet that repairs an amount of damage to the hull of a targeted ship. | ?? | 128 t | 0,97 MW | ?? |
7A | Repair Limpet Controller | Controls a limpet that repairs an amount of damage to the hull of a targeted ship. | ?? | 80 t | 0,83 MW | ?? |
Research Limpets | Integrity | Mass | Power | Price | ||
1E | Research Limpet Controller | Controls a limpet that scrapes samples and bio-matter from the surface of an alien vessel. | ?? | 1,3 t | 0,4 MW | 1 437 374 cr |
Utility Mount |
Heatsink Launchers | Integrity | Mass | Power | Price | ||
0I | Heat Sink Launcher | Purges ship's heat into a disposable sink block, which is then ejected. Requires ammunition. | 45 | 1,3 t | 0,2 MW | 3 500 cr |
Weapon Hardpoint |
Mining Tools | Integrity | Mass | Power | Price | ||
1D | Mining Laser (Fixed) | Used on asteroids to cut chunks of resources from it (requires refinery). | 40 | 2 t | 0,5 MW | 6 800 cr |
1D | Mining Laser (Turret) | Used on asteroids to cut chunks of resources from it (requires refinery). Only functions as a turret when there is an active Gunner role onboard. | ?? | 2 t | 0,5 MW | 9 400 cr |
1D | Abrasion Blaster (Fixed) | Breaks off surface deposits from asteroids (requires refinery). | 40 | 2 t | 0,34 MW | ?? |
1D | Abrasion Blaster (Turret) |
Breaks off surface deposits from asteroids (requires refinery). Only functions as a turret when there is an active Gunner role aboard. |
?? | 2 t | 0,47 MW | ?? |
1B | Sub-Surface Displacement Missile (Fixed) |
Allows recovery of sub-surface deposits from asteroids (requires refinery). Hold trigger to delay detonation of ordnance. Only functions as a turret when there is an active Gunner role aboard. |
?? | 2 t | 0,42 MW | ?? |
1B | Sub-Surface Displacement Missile (Turret) |
Allows recovery of sub-surface deposits from asteroids (requires refinery). Hold trigger to delay detonation of ordnance. Only functions as a turret when there is an active Gunner role aboard. |
?? | 4 t | 0,53 MW | ?? |
2D | Mining Laser (Fixed) | Used on asteroids to cut chunks of resources from it (requires refinery). | ?? | 2 t | 0,75 MW | 22 580 cr |