CMDR njesse99 profiel > Logboek

Commander naam:
Huidige schip:
Queen of Manchester [NJ-09C]
(Imperial Cutter)
Lid sinds:
4 jan. 2019
Afstanden ingediend:
Systemen bezocht:
Systemen als eerste bezocht:
Stretching my legs

I asked Rosie to park Irulan’s Handmaiden. I needed to stretch my legs a it. I hopped in the Adorable Lily and flew out to explore. I hit about a dozen systems fore I decided to land on a chiseled, rocky moon full of geysers. I scooped up a bunch of mats and then headed back. Once my AspX was secure I gave Rosie the order to keep us moving. Next stop: PRUA DRYDAE SF-S B5 1-3.

Next Up: One of My Discoveries

The next stop, PRUA DRYOAE NK-U B36-3, was a system that I discovered.

Jump #2

Got to the first stop without any problem. Ate up 126 tritium. On now to SWOILZ JD-M C10-12. I’d been in this system before, in fact the moons around the two gas giants have my name on them.

The First Step

The countdown to the first jump has begun! In about 15 minutes Irulan’s Handmaiden will enter hyperspace and arrive in CHAMELEON SECTOR QT-R C4-5. Let the journey commence!

Going on a trip

Tomorrow is the it day. The flight carrier Irulan’s Handmaiden is going to start its 6,000 light year journey to Hawking’s Gap. To boldly go to where only my AspX has gone before.