CMDR Angusmadmac1 profiel > Logboek

Commander naam:
Huidige schip:
(Krait Phantom)
Lid sinds:
20 dec. 2018
Afstanden ingediend:
Systemen bezocht:
Systemen als eerste bezocht:
When you look long into an abyss, the abyss also looks into you" - Friedrich Nietzsche

Hi Tabs, Well once more out in the black and it's begining to look like it's the best decision I've made . The Feds and the Glorious Empire are fighting the alliance are now hitting the biggest hornet's nest with a little stick . This is going to end in tears we are so unprepared . Inra/ Aegis and the Feds are hell bent on war . So I wonder who will make the most out of it again . It won't be the saps that will be used as canon fodder . I really wonder if the human race is hell bent on its on destruction ? So COTA came along and I signed up . Now looking for a home system well away from the maddening crowds . So I hope I have plenty of bourbon in stock . If anyone wants to finde look for the trail of empty bottles . End recording Tabs I'm going to hit the sack . Dim the lights and let the starlight light the seat.

One messy Programmer

Hi Tabs , Why didn't you tell me !!!!! Went back to the bubble to free up some credits for a Commander I know . Go to stored ship nope, dang it i've got limpets . Sell limpets . Got to stored ship strip down and sell and onto the next then the next then the next 10 ships plus some unused Prismatics and various stuff in my lockers and 1 bill credits in the bank . Back into "one star at a time" 184 jumps to the way point all going well I hit a star (literally), it just jumped out in front of me !!!!! honestly No worries a bit of hull damage it can wait A few more Jumps Hit a Neutron on drugs Hull damage still ok Hit a Star again !!!! it was behind the neutron!!! no worries Hull damage its ok i can fix it what do you mean no limpets !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!#@#@#@# why didnt you tell me !!!! I installed a red alert flashy thing and had you programmed to shout "LIMPET ALERT !! " before i left the bubble ...... Sat here now going through the programming ..... WHAT THE HELL !!!!! Whats kimpets?? That idiot i paid him 20 Credits to program it and he cant spell . WAIT TIL I GET BACK !!!! Ok only another 55 jumps be careful Afmu has done its business , just hope the hull holds out . 54 53 52 51 50 40 30 20 10 0 Thankfully these newfangled carriers are around and yes limpets !!!!!!!!!

next time i will use a decent programmer , now going to have to look through all the lines of code just in case Dont want to end up being crashed into a planet !!!! A few bottles of Bourbon close by with a bit of music to drown out the Madness of the stars and a long night debugging

end recording Tabs