CMDR Henckes profiel > Logboek

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(Krait Mk II)
Lid sinds:
15 nov. 2018
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919.008.484 Cr
Farewell CMDR Jameson

Rest in peace CMDR Jameson

I've finally visited the gave of Commander Jameson, yes, the hero Jameson from centuries ago. I search in the database the location of the crash site, I heard some rumours that there was some unpublished info about the cause of his death, and what I've confirmed is a little tenebrous, the INRA killed thousand or millions of life an its best Commander to hide this genocide. It is almost unbelievable that this really happen, and could justify the time that the Thargoids was away from our Bubble.



Oh, finally the [CENSORED], the famous world which few knows where is. Everybody says that already know but it is all lies, none of those people knows the truth, they believe in the first lie that they hear. The ones that knows the location never tell where it is, they don't even confirm the existence, I myself have done the same vow.

I already make a official note about my regress to the Elite HQ, I realized that I was too hard on people that didn't deserve and that was the right choice to reunite with them again after years. I've be part of the federation all along but I wasn't in contact anymore, I still a explorer of strange new worlds but a lonely wolf.

Finally, I think I kind feeling an excitement to be back, to be part of something great, especially in those moments of constant conflicts with thargoids. Was pleasant to visit the [CENSORED] and the [CENSORED].



From an explorer of worlds to to all Elite pilot, my fellow companions, to the ones that fight in groups, to the lone wolfs that travel by themselves, for the retired ones that finally can have a calm life and for the ones that come before us, that unfortunately already leave us but gave us so much inspiration, courage to explore the void, to battle fights that seem impossible, and win those fights with mastery, those ones that created the legacy of the Pilots Federation and the ones that perpetuate this legacy from the first days until now. I thank you.

I've been an Elite from sometime, I already knew about the [CENSORED] about some time, but I have to be honesty with you all, I damn some attitudes of a lot of pilots here, it was because of them, from their cowardice, dishonesty, unethical attuites that I refuse sometime to get along with some of you, but I hope I can make it better, to be proven that those pilots who have be tarnishing the reputation of this federation for some time don't represent ourselves. As the first act from a tentative of reconciliation I finally visited the [CENSORED] and learnt about our past, how our story started to help me to understand it now and how to improved it making part of it again.

Back to work

So CMDRs, I've been an while working in Crick City at the system 19 Phi-2 Ceti. I wanted to take a break to study and relax a little from my exploration but I think I got a little back early at action because the new technology, the new suits that allow you to walk freely at the planets surface. Do you know how exited it is? It's a dream coming true, you now can make a way more discovery with the new Genetic Sampler. But there one thing that confuses me, those kind of life seems to be everywhere, almost like the anomalies in space. I think them have some connection and maybe with the ancients aliens, the guardians, or even maybe with the Thargoids.

But talking again about be back at work it is a marvellous sensation to walk next to your ship landed in the surface of a incredible planet but other sad thing is the infinite battles in the settlements. Factions, pirates, governments, fighting each other. The space isn't the only dangerous place in the world, we have to watch over our should on ground too.

I'll write only a few things today. I didn't find anything so spectacular, found pretty things indeed but nothing to receive an article just for itself. So I'll post some registre in photos and maybe I'll write more thing about my Odyssey and maybe more thing about the life around the galaxy if I come by some evidences about it, try to find some explanation for the common life.

Sagittarius-Carina Arm

The Sagittarius-Carina arm is full of systems with Peduncle Trees, there was at least on in some of many system which I passed by. It's was the only anomaly that I saw in my exploration until now. I'm right now close to the bubble, less than 20 thousand of light-years.

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But let's talk about some interesting discoveries in this travel but the Peduncles Trees. I found some earth-like planets around the Sagittarius-Carina arm (like in any other arm in the galaxy, but still a great discovery anyway), one that called me some attention was the planet 5 in the system EICTACH GY-F D12-5 that was in the far out extremity of the Sagittarius-Carina arm near to beagle-point

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Another planet that I've found in this travel is the PRUE PRAO CX-S D4-7 6 that is located near to the mid point of the arm, that is a ringed ammonia world.

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I've found some interesting system that are the POI of my way back expedition.

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But the POI that called more my attention was Gaseous Roulette in Systipa ML-B c2-2

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Finally I'm passing from Sagittarius-Carina arm to the Orion-Cygnus arm and getting more and more near to my home. Unfortunately I'm lost both of my SRV and I'm not going so much in landable planets and my ship is also in an horrible condition, just with 30% of the hull because of a error in the calculations of landing in my onboard computer. So I'm rushing right now to the bubble fix urgently my ship.

A new journey begins

After pass some time resting at the beagle point's basecamp I'm leaving and getting back to the bubble. I'm now listed Long-er Route Home 3305 expedition where I'm going to explore the far right side of the galaxy and try to discover new beauties in some few explored sectors of the galaxy.

And not so much time exploring I found a beautiful ringed water planet in the CEECKIA ER-I B43-0 System

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I've written my history

I've made my way through the last 80 jumps to the Beagle point. This time I could travel without a rush and made some satisfactory discovery along my way, especially the ringed planet in the SYRIAE THAA XM-W D1-6, it's the 8th planet in this system and have a real interesting rings pattern, with great spaces between each rings and white coloured most of them.

Syriae Thaa XM-W d1-6 8

Syriae Thaa XM-W d1-6 8

Icy Body, Hot Thick Water Atmosphere

Atmospheric Composition: Water - 98,41% Ammonia - 0,53% Methane - 0,53% Planetary Composition: Ice - 62,69% Rock - 24,91% Metal - 12,36%

Mass: 9,85EM Radius: 14502,7km Distance from Arrival Point 4.753,7ls Surface Temp: 1.463K Gravity: 1,90g Surface Pressure: 2.484.526,35 Atmospheres Volcanism: Water Geysers Volcanism Orbital Period: 9.026,4 days Semi Major Axis: 9,52AU Orbital Eccentricity: 0,002 Orbital Inclination: 0,109° Arg Of Periapsis: 186,531° Axial tilt: 42,67° Rotation Period: 1,6 days

Ring Syriae Thaa XM-W d1-6 8 A Ring (Icy) Mass: 774.770.000,0000 MT Inner Radius: 21.907km Outer Radius: 74.623km Estimated value: 568 Already Discovered Scan Type: Detailed

After that I just discovered simple planets and sometimes a good looking water planet, but nothing so impressive, So I haven't made any log about them. And in the system Cheeckia WM-H d11-1 I was just on jump to Beagle Point, that was getting me so hyped and after I scan this system I made my last jump to the far point of our galaxy, I was where I've never dreamed to be, at least never dreamed about when I was younger, but now, now this is more than a dream come true, that's the living prof that humans are always passing through our limits and travelling far beyond where once was said to be impossible to reach.

Last Jump

So finally I'm in the Beagle Point, the mark of this journey, I'm really here,a little late but I'm here, getting ready to make my way back, another journey of 65,279Ly, I hope that I find a way more great discoveries, greats and small ones, any discovery is a discovery, can't deny that.

65,000 Ly club

Now I'm resting a little in the basecamp of this last waypoint of the Distant World 2, I'm alone at the moment, I'll probably be alone for a lot of time now, so try to be focussed and don't get mad about it, I did't get crazy my way to here so I won't get in my way back.

A little rest

See you all in the Bubble and fly safe CMDRs o7

Just 80 more jumps

I'm at probably my last day of exploration before I reach Beagle Point, I'm shooting off my engines for now for a little rest before get going to the far point of the Milk Way. I have to confess, I'm a little exited to it, first time going to the even knowing that it won't be the most beautiful or most amazing thing in this galaxy but it will proof once more that the humanity can make things that once was considered impossibles.

As I have said before, I'm a little rushed to there so my exploration data it's a little awful, just a few gas giants that I have found out there. But I'm swearing to myself that I'm going to do a great journey of exploration on my way to Colonia, so I'm not expecting to see another human out there, maybe I found another alien race to take away this loneliness that is surrounding me since I left Luna's Shadow. Let's cross the fingers to make this happen and this time find a race that will join us to make this Galaxy a better place.

Fly Safe CMDRs o7

That "so distant" star it's more near than ever

After a few weeks away from my ship I back again to the end of the journey. How I'm a little late for it I'm flying alone those days and a little rushed and because of that I'm not scanning all the system and probably loosing some important and valuables bodies. But today in my journey I found a Earth-like planet in the system Gria Gree YB-S d5-12, It's the 3th planet from the main star (Gria Gree YB-S d5-12 A).

Gria Gree YB-S d5-12 3A

I'm feeling a little sorry for be jumping all the POIs but I'll probably be visiting all those POIs in my journey back, no back, just my journey to Colonia, I'll be first at Beagle Point before visiting Colonia, that's funny, right?

Next to the end

I'm now at system Striechooe IY-Y d1-9, on my way to Hula Hoop (Striechooe HO-D c14-2). It's my first logbook as well my first great expedition and the first time I'll be at Beagle Point. I some times get a little later in the expedition but I'm on time going to the Shadow Moon, but those delays cost me some system without any exploration, just the orbital plan established.

I didn't find any thing so much interesting yet to contribute to Galactic Mapping but I'll try more harder this week before the release of the next waypoint. Probably later today I'm going to be writing another logbook... So until next stop.