CMDR dcode profiel > Logboek

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Lid sinds:
3 nov. 2018
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Final Destination

As I came upon my last few jumps closer to Beagle Point, I began to feel both the excitement of completing this journey, and a little sadness it will be ending. I made my last jump into the system and scanned for the planet Beagle 2, then found the coordinates for basecamp. There was radio chatter about potential hostiles waiting to ambush explorers, so I paid attention to my scanner in front of me. I found the coordinates for Legacy Crater, but found the area empty. So I landed and turned off my HUD and enjoyed the morning sunrise and my sense of accomplishment. I'll hang around a few days to meet others from the fleet before planning a trip to Colonia.

Final Desitnation - Beagle Point

Luna's Shadow, Waypoint 11

Yesterday, after the longest leg of the journey yet, I finally arrived. There weren't any neutrons along the way to shorten the amount of jumps. It was about 253 jumps this time. But I made it. I found the crater on Smootoae QY-S d3-202 3A, and almost ended my journey there when I got the boost while pointed down at the crater edge. I did quickly put full pips to systems and lowered my landing gear to absorb some of the impact. It knocked out my shields and damaged my Hull to 56%, but I survived.

I sent a message to the Hull Seals, and Cmdr Thorgal13 came out to perform the repairs I needed back to 100% hull. Thank you Hull Seals. Then a little while later, I met two other commanders I was able to chat with a while. Talked about some of our first computers and the early days of elite during that time. We friended each other and went on with our day.

Luna's shadow

New friends

Waypoint 10: nr. 'Mors Pit' (BioSite 1)

As I got closer to Waypoint 10 and the rest of the fleet, I did make a stop at a geological site of a planet I discovered, so I could take some more pictures of my trip. I didn't stay long because I was eager to say officially I'm with the rest of the fleet.

Discovered world

Discovered world 2

I made it to Waypoint 10 only a day before the fleet leaves for the next waypoint of the journey. As I arrived, I expected I would see a large number of people at basecamp, however there was no one there. I suppose they are all off doing things around the area, preparing for departure the next day.

'Mors Pit' (BioSite 1)

Waypoint 9, Tranquility Valley

Upon reaching the system Phroi Bluae QI-T e3-3454, I was instantly taken back by the color of the blue sky.

Phroi Bluae QI-T e3-3454: blue sky

I found my destination at Tranquility Valley next to a ringed gas giant. Only stopping here for a short time before continuing on. The fleet is just ahead and shouldn't be moving on for another few days.

WP9: Tranquility Valley

Arrived at Hades Edge, Waypoint 8

This was the longest distance of the journey so far, but I made it. There was no landmark to really know where the basecamp was, so I flew around using the Lat/Lng until I found it. After landing, I instantly recognized what I've seen in pictures from the others.

Being this close to it's sun, makes you feel good to rest in it's warm rays. I feel like I'm actually gaining some ground on the rest of the fleet. I should catch up by the weekend. For tonight, I'll just enjoy and relax in the sun.

Haydes Edge

Hades Edge: sunny weather

Center of our Galaxy

This afternoon, I visited Sagittarius A* and witnessed how incredible it was. I just stopped answering say there a while just having at it through my canopy.

Sagittarius A*

Upon planning my next route to the next waypoint, I almost forgot to visit the new station at Explorers Anchorage. It was good to see once I arrived. I'll be stationed here for the night.

Explorers Anchorage

Arrival at waypoint 7

I made it to Armstrong Landing in record time for me. I was careful of those neutron stars. Not sure I'll ever be comfortable using that for my FSD boost, but at least I have a procedure I follow to reduce my risk.

So I eagerly entered the Stuemeae KM-W C1-342 system and thought I would find Sagittarius A, but I must have somehow missed it, even though the basecamp is closest to it. I'll look for it when I leave for Waypoint 8.

Armstrong Landing

Waypoint 6 and on to 7

Made it to waypoint 6, Dryau Ausms KG-Y e3390 which was in a canyon under a bright sky full of stars. I stayed only long enough to gather some materials including Vanadium which I've been looking for everywhere in case I need to synthesize additional AMFU refills. I'd rather have it than not.

Since repairs at Polo Harbor, I've started using neutron stars again for reducing my time of arrival. I just have to be careful.

Dryau Ausms KG-Y e3390

Mineral mining

Arrived at Waypoint 5

As I approached my next waypoint, I could see the stars becoming more dense across the sky. Upon entering orbit, I was pleasantly surprised and thankful there is an operational station at Polo Harbor where I was able to not only get full repairs, but also restock my heat sinks and my AMFU.

Tonight I’ll rest up and will continue on my journey in the morning.

stars becoming more dense

Awesome view

DW2 Update - waypoints 3 and 4

Yesterday I made it to waypoint 3 of my journey at the Conflux Abandoned Settlement in the Pru Aescs NC-M D7-192 system. It's the first time since leaving the bubble that I saw some sign of civilization. The terrain was rocky, and I drove around looking for minerals to mine, but nothing of value for me. I realized I would need to find Phospherous and Sulfur to synth more SRV fuel and ammo. Good thing I'm thinking in advanced.

Conflux Abandoned Settlement

Today, I left to start my journey on waypoint 4. This was a little longer of a trip at just over 4000 LY, but I did stop a bit for some exploring. I found two moons and a ringed gas giant so close to each other, it made for some beautiful scenery. I did manage to find the Phosperous and Sulfur I needed, so I can relax that I won't get stranded in my SRV.

Two moons and a ringed gas giant

After reaching waypoint 4 at Shepard Shallows in Clooku EW-Y C3-197, this was also a stunning place to stop. I think I'll camp here for the night.

Shepard Shallows in Clooku EW-Y C3-197