CMDR Chaon Sarat profiel > Logboek

(Asp Explorer)

I think I just got my badge for these journals so now I don't have to bore myself silly writing them anymore, whooohoo...
I finally found an undiscovered Wolf Rayet (Leamue AA-A h411) and scanned it and had to rush to Polo Harbour to cash it in and get the badge. So it was a 3,500ly re-route, but I got it and now I no longer have to go searching for those silly stars. Oh and I hate the stupid "power plant capacity over exceeded" every time I make a jump. I mean I can just turn off my 2 AMFU's to get the ship to stop whining I guess. Oh and I hate the turn radius on Anaconda's, I want my AspX back, but it's sleeping in Colonia now along with my other 5 ships I have stored there collecting dust...
Heading back to the bubble via Dryman's Ridge and a few other zones I haven't been to yet. Got to Colonia, cashed in a tiny about of data, just 300 million which sucked and then visited all my ships around Colonia only to realize there's not much of anything to do there and got bored and I'm now off again for fun and profit in my Anaconda now. Got a SRV for it too now, but my cargo scoop won't work now because I've overloaded the engine, but it's not like I'd use it anyways and figured an SRV might be good to have...
I think I'm the clown for wasting my time detouring out here to see pretty much nothing. Oh well another pointless entry to get closer to the 25 post mark, yay. 7,000 more ly to go to complete this leg, though it'll have to wait until after Christmas...
And I'm back and yep looks familiar, like my neighbors cat lifted up its tail to show me it's anus, just with better graphics than it was the last time as I am comparing photos. That was thrilling for about 1 min. No one else from Mobius is here right now, figured there would be at least 1 or 2. Got the badge at least.
I still found undiscovered stars and planets as close as 100ly from Sag A* which is odd, figured everything was discovered 100's of ly around it by now.
Well that was it, now to hit the Western Neutron Fields and then back to Colonia to get my Anaconda for the next adventure. Damn still 5 more entries until I get the final badge of writing these dumb mumblings...
I didn't even think these regions existed until I looked closely thinking it was an area I had been before, only to realize it was another area, and not part of the others I've been to around here. At least not by my old bookmarks before it recorded your paths. Yep there's a ton of Neutron stars around here and back in the Perseus Stem I found one ultra violent Neutron with an M-Class star 4 ls away next to the long jet making it a very fun experience trying to ride the waves through the Neutron rapids trying not to get sot out into the M-Class star. The most extreme FSD boost I've had to date, that was fun...
Middle of the Perseus Stem and just crossed over another one of my previous paths I did close to a year ago, as I mentioned I think before, that it's not my first time in this region. Found a Neutron star a ways back at Dryaa Bli JU-D d13-2408 that just will not charge the FSD. It also is weird because it approaches so much faster than any of the tons of other Neutron stars I've seen. In fact it almost looks like both jets are not that long, which is strange. Tried over 10 times to get it charged and it wouldn't give me the final full charge. Couldn't jump further than 19ly either for the next jump. Totally odd, good thing is I found another Neutron star after 2 jumps and it worked as it should and got my 199ly jump.
I just want to kick that Neutron star in the nuts and call it a day...
It's hard enough getting to the good spots using mirror to shave the hair off inside the ear, but in zero G's it would be a nightmare because it would all be floating around your face as you shaved. No idea how the hell I started growing ear hair in only one of my ears, but age? Mutant syndrome? Who knows.
The galaxy is alive here with lots of little fuzzy B-Stars, Nebula's in the distance, a much brighter glow of the core, and I just realized I forgot to cross into Masefield's Ocean when I was up in that area. Crap, well guess that will have to be another expedition as I have no desire to go back up there after hitting Sag A* for the 2nd time (and first time to get it recorded on here). Again it's not like we get any badges for hitting all the regions anyways. Plus I wouldn't mind going back to the Bubble with my real ships as the ones I have in Colonia, despite being all engineered to the max, are just sitting there really not having much to do. I spent a crap load exporting the FAS, 2 Pythons, another AspX there, but want to play with my big ships in the Bubble and get my combat rank up there more with my Corvette and FDL.
The good news is Neutron stars aren't tiny invisible dots anymore, now they're fun to see and you can play with them and I'm starting to find more and more now. I'm also about to cross over one of my older expedition paths very soon that I did when I first got EDDiscovery. 10k more ly to go to Sag A*. Man it's a lot better exploring with engineers and with using actual "Fastest Route" rather than the "Economical" that I did my very first time exploring which I'm sure I've already babbled about in one of my earlier boring journal entries. Oh and I'm not yet back in the Perseus Stem yet either, that was a lie, still have a few more jumps left. Should I take a pee before going to play volleyball or not?
Starting to get those single B star glows a lot more now. Of course everyone one I looked at is already been discovered as usual. Seems everything worthwhile has been, Nebula's and any glowing start, despite there being a crap load. Still no luck on the stupid geyser hunt, but at least the galaxy is looking big and bright as I'm at least getting near the core again.
Into the Styx because it's like crossing the river of the dead for some reason. At least the galaxy is getting brighter now so that's a good thing. Though I'm still so far away it's going to take me quite some time to get back to Colonia I'm sure...