Shapsugabus [#9468120868281]

Q8G-G7H [#3704086272]
Fleet Carrier
Afstand tot aankomst:
31 ls

Fleet Carrier
Fleet Carrier

Contacts, Crew Lounge, Pioneer Supplies, Refuel, Repair, Restock, Universal Cartographics, Vista Genomics

Apa Vietii, Narcotics, Beer, Bootleg Liquor, Imperial Slaves, Liquor, Tobacco, Wine
Laatste update: 29-11-24 16:04

Core Internal

Reactor Bay Integrity Mass Power Price
2E Power Plant Consumes fuel to power all ship modules. 46 2,5 t ?? 1.980 cr
2D Power Plant Consumes fuel to power all ship modules. 41 1 t ?? 5.930 cr
3E Power Plant Consumes fuel to power all ship modules. 58 5 t ?? 6.270 cr
3D Power Plant Consumes fuel to power all ship modules. 51 2 t ?? 18.810 cr
4E Power Plant Consumes fuel to power all ship modules. 72 10 t ?? 19.880 cr
4D Power Plant Consumes fuel to power all ship modules. 64 4 t ?? 59.630 cr
5E Power Plant Consumes fuel to power all ship modules. 86 20 t ?? 63.010 cr
5D Power Plant Consumes fuel to power all ship modules. 77 8 t ?? 189.040 cr
6E Power Plant Consumes fuel to power all ship modules. 102 40 t ?? 199.750 cr
6D Power Plant Consumes fuel to power all ship modules. 90 16 t ?? 599.240 cr
7E Power Plant Consumes fuel to power all ship modules. 118 80 t ?? 633.200 cr
7D Power Plant Consumes fuel to power all ship modules. 105 32 t ?? 1.899.600 cr
8E Power Plant Consumes fuel to power all ship modules. 135 160 t ?? 2.007.240 cr
8D Power Plant Consumes fuel to power all ship modules. 120 64 t ?? 6.021.720 cr
Thruster Mounting Integrity Mass Power Price
2E Thrusters Normal-space propulsion system. 46 2,5 t 2 MW 1.980 cr
2D Thrusters Normal-space propulsion system. 41 1 t 2,25 MW 5.930 cr
3E Thrusters Normal-space propulsion system. 58 5 t 2,48 MW 6.270 cr
3D Thrusters Normal-space propulsion system. 51 2 t 2,79 MW 18.810 cr
4E Thrusters Normal-space propulsion system. 72 10 t 3,28 MW 19.880 cr
4D Thrusters Normal-space propulsion system. 64 4 t 3,69 MW 59.630 cr
5E Thrusters Normal-space propulsion system. 86 20 t 4,08 MW 63.010 cr
5D Thrusters Normal-space propulsion system. 77 8 t 4,59 MW 189.040 cr
6E Thrusters Normal-space propulsion system. 102 40 t 5,04 MW 199.750 cr
6D Thrusters Normal-space propulsion system. 90 16 t 5,67 MW 599.240 cr
7E Thrusters Normal-space propulsion system. 118 80 t 6,08 MW 633.200 cr
7D Thrusters Normal-space propulsion system. 105 32 t 6,84 MW 1.899.600 cr
8E Thrusters Normal-space propulsion system. 135 160 t 7,2 MW 2.007.240 cr
8D Thrusters Normal-space propulsion system. 120 64 t 8,1 MW 6.021.720 cr
FSD Housing Integrity Mass Power Price
2E Frame Shift Drive Device that allows supercruise travel and hyperspace jumps between star systems. 46 2,5 t 0,16 MW 1.980 cr
2D Frame Shift Drive Device that allows supercruise travel and hyperspace jumps between star systems. 41 1 t 0,18 MW 5.930 cr
2C Frame Shift Drive (SCO) ?? 57 2,5 t 0,25 MW ??
3E Frame Shift Drive Device that allows supercruise travel and hyperspace jumps between star systems. 58 5 t 0,24 MW 6.270 cr
3D Frame Shift Drive Device that allows supercruise travel and hyperspace jumps between star systems. 51 2 t 0,27 MW 18.810 cr
3D Frame Shift Drive (SCO) ?? 70 2 t ?? ??
3C Frame Shift Drive (SCO) ?? 70 5 t ?? ??
4E Frame Shift Drive Device that allows supercruise travel and hyperspace jumps between star systems. 72 10 t 0,24 MW 19.880 cr
4D Frame Shift Drive Device that allows supercruise travel and hyperspace jumps between star systems. 64 4 t 0,27 MW 59.630 cr
4D Frame Shift Drive (SCO) ?? 90 4 t ?? ??
4C Frame Shift Drive (SCO) ?? 90 10 t ?? ??
5E Frame Shift Drive Device that allows supercruise travel and hyperspace jumps between star systems. 86 20 t 0,32 MW 63.010 cr
5D Frame Shift Drive (SCO) ?? 110 20 t ?? ??
5D Frame Shift Drive Device that allows supercruise travel and hyperspace jumps between star systems. 77 8 t 0,36 MW 189.040 cr
5C Frame Shift Drive (SCO) ?? 110 20 t 0,5 MW ??
5B Frame Shift Drive (SCO) ?? 110 20 t ?? ??
6E Frame Shift Drive Device that allows supercruise travel and hyperspace jumps between star systems. 102 40 t 0,4 MW 199.750 cr
6D Frame Shift Drive Device that allows supercruise travel and hyperspace jumps between star systems. 90 16 t 0,45 MW 599.240 cr
6D Frame Shift Drive (SCO) ?? 130 16 t ?? ??
6C Frame Shift Drive (SCO) ?? 130 40 t ?? ??
6B Frame Shift Drive (SCO) ?? 130 40 t ?? ??
7E Frame Shift Drive Device that allows supercruise travel and hyperspace jumps between star systems. 118 80 t 0,48 MW 633.200 cr
7D Frame Shift Drive Device that allows supercruise travel and hyperspace jumps between star systems. 105 32 t 0,54 MW 1.899.600 cr
7D Frame Shift Drive (SCO) ?? 150 32 t ?? ??
7C Frame Shift Drive (SCO) ?? 150 80 t ?? ??
Power Coupling Integrity Mass Power Price
1E Power Distributor Distribution system for ENG, SYS and WEP capacitors. 36 1,3 t 0,32 MW 520 cr
1D Power Distributor Distribution system for ENG, SYS and WEP capacitors. 32 0,5 t 0,36 MW 1.290 cr
2E Power Distributor Distribution system for ENG, SYS and WEP capacitors. 46 2,5 t 0,36 MW 1.450 cr
2D Power Distributor Distribution system for ENG, SYS and WEP capacitors. 41 1 t 0,41 MW 3.620 cr
3E Power Distributor Distribution system for ENG, SYS and WEP capacitors. 58 5 t 0,4 MW 4.050 cr
3D Power Distributor Distribution system for ENG, SYS and WEP capacitors. 51 2 t 0,45 MW 10.130 cr
4E Power Distributor Distribution system for ENG, SYS and WEP capacitors. 72 10 t 0,45 MW 11.350 cr
4D Power Distributor Distribution system for ENG, SYS and WEP capacitors. 64 4 t 0,5 MW 28.370 cr
5E Power Distributor Distribution system for ENG, SYS and WEP capacitors. 86 20 t 0,5 MW 31.780 cr
5D Power Distributor Distribution system for ENG, SYS and WEP capacitors. 77 8 t 0,56 MW 79.440 cr
6E Power Distributor Distribution system for ENG, SYS and WEP capacitors. 102 40 t 0,54 MW 88.980 cr
6D Power Distributor Distribution system for ENG, SYS and WEP capacitors. 90 16 t 0,61 MW 222.440 cr
7E Power Distributor Distribution system for ENG, SYS and WEP capacitors. 118 80 t 0,59 MW 249.140 cr
8E Power Distributor Distribution system for ENG, SYS and WEP capacitors. 135 160 t 0,64 MW 697.580 cr