CMDR Domaq のプロフィール > 航海日誌

Xalvador [cr-go5]
(Imperial Cutter)


  1. Name: Domaq I’Tah [Doe-mak Eee-tah] (originally Frances Shilling)
  2. Height: 1.8m
  3. Weight: 82 kg
  4. Born: 3218
  5. Died: 3300
  6. Family: Mother/Father (both deceased). No siblings.
  7. Family background: Wealthy merchant family based in the Cemiess system.


3234 - Learning: Imperial Naval Academy graduate (Top 10%). Awarded degrees in Strategic Analysis and Thermodynamics

3240 - Excelling: Pilot training graduate – fighter track

3240-3265 - In the Navy: Unexciting non-fleet command naval fighter pilot career. Performance reports include comments like “exceptional piloting skills”, “very little ambition”, “inquisitive, intelligent officer”, ”follows most orders without question”

3265-3267: Records sealed by order of [redacted].

3267 - FramedCourt marshaled for the loss of the Imperial Cutter “Night Sky” during a covert mission in the Exbeur system.

3268 - Released: Early discharge after plea bargain to testify against Duke Oliver Trudeau, a minor lord from the Gebel system involved in illegal trade of agricultural goods to nearby Federation systems.

3268-3275 - The Apple Fell Pretty Far: Attempts to reinvigorate the family business fail due to conflicting political interests and a lack of natural business acumen.

3275 - A New Life: Application to Pilot’s Federation accepted.

3275 - The Night’s Sky: Approached by Federal Agents regarding the whereabouts of the “Night Sky.” Agrees to work with the Federation on the caveat that no records will be kept of the involvement. Promoted to Ensign in Federal Navy.

3300 - All Good Things: Recorded death of Frances Shilling. Cause of death listed as asphyxiation coupled with massive pulmonary embolism.

3300 - Resurrection: Facial and epidermal reconstruction surgery complete. Name changed to current. Applies to Pilot’s Federation with new name.

3301 - Blackmail: Learns that the Pilot’s Federation has kept records linking Frances Shilling to Domaq I’Tah. Also learns that the information is being kept as blackmail should any information regarding the Dark Wheel/Pilot’s Federation dealings be released.

3301 - Renewed Connectivity: Renews ties to organizations from previous life including Dark Wheel, Lei-Yong-Rui, Eurybia, Cemiess Imperial Society, and Alioth Independents

3301 - Operation Neospike: Results in meeting with Sirius Corp to discuss improving interstellar logistics.

3301 - A Meeting: First meeting with Marco Quent with the desire to access Professor Palin’s newest efficient thruster technology. Reception does not go well.

3301 - Rescue at the Roof: Results in Dark Wheel representative asking about potential modifications to an Imperial Clipper in order to increase FSD fuel efficiency and very long range communications

3301 - The Children: Approached by a representative of the Children of Raxxla. Agreed to assist as a third-party. Even though Lady Kahina Loren’s history is known, her motives are still unclear and there is still too much distrust of Imperial schemes.

3302 - Discovery: Acted as guide and scout for Distant Worlds Expedition in the Faulcon deLacy Anaconda “Gullinbursti”. Founding member of the Rock Rats. Discovered multiple undecipherable messages while returning to the “Bubble.” Starts working with “Rifters” and “The Canonn” as a scout to gather more information.

3302 - Recovery: Recovers “The Night’s Sky” from the Dark Wheel where it has been kept for 27 years. Ship registered as “Skidbladnir.”

3302 - Preparation: Dealings with previous contacts lead to a boom of ship modifications. Heavily involved in the development of thruster/FSD improvements and communications arrays. Designs and tests first ship with enough speed to outrun a plasma burst. Modifications deemed too dangerous to bring to market.

3303 - The Truth: 35 years of lies and cover-ups will culminate in the messages revealed. Revenge will finally come. What a long, strange road it has been.