CMDR Noibla のプロフィール > 航海日誌

Hakutaku [NO-23F]
(Federal Corvette)
There and back to the fleet

My last entry in the logbook dated from december 3302. I had been scouting for the Shepard mission for basecamps at two locations. It was time to seek the comforts of a good hotel at Jacques Station and give the trusty snake a good maintenance job.

With a fresh paintjob and a new Explorer rank, I set out to visit one of the outposts on the neutron highway 1. Followed by a call from the fleet to join for the galactic climb to the ceiling.

I couldn't make it in time to join the galactic climb, instead I rejoined the fleet at the Rose Nebula for a SRV race in the crater near the basecamp. enter image description here

Watching over the Rose Nebula with the biggest ships in Elite Dangerous. enter image description here

It was a short but friendly stop before moving on the waypoints DRYUAE CHRUIA OI-S E4-8192, all the way up, and JUENAE WJ-R E4-898, all the way down, depending how you see the galaxy.


Wow, after months of solitude and lonely exploration I returned to Beagle Point after exploring for basecamp 7 of the S.H.E.P.A.R.D mission. After touchdown CMDR DavidBowman was just some 15 jumps away so I popped the lights on on Shachihoko, my trusted red pharaoh Asp and the Scarab. Soon after that, CMDR Dr. Ftor arrived as well and we parked our Asps on a nice line for a photoshoot. DavidBowman had brought the Lavian Brandy and that went quite well with the Colonian Whisky that was left in my cargo hold when I left Jacques Station. We're here waiting for the others to arrive...

Parked at Darwin's Legacy

Waching the Star on Beagle Point