Balante [#5068463875457]

QNL-3TF [#3700188672]
Fleet Carrier
0 ls

Fleet Carrier
Fleet Carrier

Black Market, Contacts, Crew Lounge, Fleet carrier administration, Refuel, Repair, Restock, Universal Cartographics

最終更新 2021/09/01 17:57

Weapon Hardpoint

Mining Tools Integrity Mass Power Price
1D Mining Laser (Turret) Used on asteroids to cut chunks of resources from it (requires refinery). Only functions as a turret when there is an active Gunner role onboard. ?? 2 t 0.5 MW 9,400 cr
1D Abrasion Blaster (Fixed) Breaks off surface deposits from asteroids (requires refinery). 40 2 t 0.34 MW ??
1D Abrasion Blaster (Turret) Breaks off surface deposits from asteroids (requires refinery).
Only functions as a turret when there is an active Gunner role aboard.
?? 2 t 0.47 MW ??
2D Mining Laser (Fixed) Used on asteroids to cut chunks of resources from it (requires refinery). ?? 2 t 0.75 MW 22,580 cr
2D Mining Laser (Turret) Used on asteroids to cut chunks of resources from it (requires refinery). Only functions as a turret when there is an active Gunner role onboard. ?? 2 t 0.75 MW 32,590 cr
2B Seismic Charge (Fixed) Warhead designed to break apart certain asteroids, allowing recovery of deep core deposits (requires refinery). ?? 4 t 1.2 MW ??
2B Seismic Charge (Turret) Warhead designed to break apart certain asteroids, allowing recovery of deep core deposits (requires refinery).
Only functions as a turret when there is an active Gunner role aboard.
?? 4 t 1.2 MW ??
2B Sub-Surface Displacement Missile (Fixed) Allows recovery of sub-surface deposits from asteroids (requires refinery).
Hold trigger to delay detonation of ordnance.
?? 2 t 1.01 MW ??
2B Sub-Surface Displacement Missile (Turret) Allows recovery of sub-surface deposits from asteroids (requires refinery).
Hold trigger to delay detonation of ordnance.
?? 4 t 0.93 MW ??