Profil du CMDR Tea Man > Journal de bord

Nom du commandant :
Vaisseau actuel :
Big Cat Person [wlbf03]
Membre depuis le :
25 mars 2016
Distances envoyées :
Systèmes visités :
17 681
Systèmes découverts en premier :
4 594
Solde :
14 347 783 721 Cr
Mining mega bucks

I've recently starting using the new mining tools.

I'm concentrating on Void Opals for the mega bucks. I'm aiming to get 4,000,000,000cr because I want the EDSM badge (of honor).

The ships I've used thus far are:

  1. Cobra MkIII. I used this to get used to the new tools. It was an experimental build. Even though the cargo was small, I still earned over 50,000,000cr per mining ecpedition.
  2. Imperial Clipper. I used this in earnest. I was able to carry 140 units in cargo and a further 10 units in the refinery. It was with this build I realized that the refinery can be used as an extension to the cargo capacity when mining. This ship was engineered. It's a great relatively inexpensive ship for mining. However, It's a large sized ship, which means it cannot land at outputs. As a result, you may not be able to sell your mined cargo for the best current price available, as an output sometimes have the highest current sell price for your cargo type. Also, this ship is quite wide with nacelle on both sides. For mining, one needs to get into the fragments of cracked asteroids, and they can be confined spaces. This makes it sometimes difficult for the Imperial Clipper with is size and width, as collisions can often occur.
  3. Python. My current ship. I cold the clipper in favor of this. It carries 224 units cargo plus a further 8 in the refinery. A Big increase over the Clipper. Also, it is a medium sized ship, even though it carries more cargo. So none of the cons of the Clipper there. It is compact making it much easier to maneuveur around inside cracked asteroids. All round, a vast improvment over the Clipper. The one downside though is that it is more expensive to purchase and outfit. However, this is mitigated but the increased profits that can be made. The overheads are way more than made up for on the first mining expedition in this ship.

In all, work your way up to a Python. It's medium sized and can lande at all orbital and land outpost with a market, so all market are available, and it carries a monster load of cargo.


I'm in the Heart nebula and I've found a system where most of the landable bodies has biological signal sources. Fan' flippin' tastic!!! Scan, scan, and scan some more. Might even be able to add to The Codex.

For reference, the system is Heart Sector XJ-A D46.

I have the Formidine Rift logs, now it's Heart and Soul

I now have all the logs from the Formidine Rift abandoned settlements. A thing to note about the Formidine Rift Delta site is gravity. The Delta site is on a planet with surface gravity at 1.34G. Some very careful flying and landing is needed, especially for ships with light engines, and therefore weaker engines, which is often typical for explorer vessels.

In one of the logs at the Delta site, mention is made of twin nebulae called Heart and Soul. I'm heading there now.

After that I'm heading back to the bubble for repairs and to sell data. My sip is a 30% hull armour, so I need to put in for repairs before I head out to the Conflux and Hawkins Gap.

I still intend to visit the crash site of CMDR John Jameson Crashed Cobra MkIII. That however is in the bubble, so that will be just after repairs.

Stay safe, fly safe, and o7.

A slight change of plan

I made it to my first point of interest to me. I has biological site. One of the biological site seems to be in a very deep valley, and I got careless. I took quite a bit of damage to my hull, leaving me at 30% hull armour. My personal lore is that the hull has reactive ablative armour based on nanites that redistribute themselves on impact, leaving a percentage of them left on the hull.

Also, while in The Formidine Rift, that the Formidine Rift Mission abandoned settlements are not in The Formidine Rift. They're in The Elysian Shore. I'm heading there now.

Then, assuming my ship hasn't taken any more damage I'll be heading to CMDR John Jameson Crashed Cobra MkIII site.

After that, it's back to Shinrarta Dezhra. Hopefully, then I plan a personal edpedition to the Cunflux sites, Hawkins Gap sites, and The Zurara.

TTFN for now, and fly safe!

Almost forgot...

Then I'll take a look around for sites in general. Finally head back via The Poseidal Wall. The journey is the challenge.

Fly safe, o7, and TTFN.

In The Formidine Rift

I've entered The Formidine Rift. I'm currently on my way to sites of interest I found on The Codex. Then I'll search out the abandoned surface sites, Alpha, Beta, Gamma, and Delta sites, and scan for the site logs. An interesting story and mysters. Who knows, I may even find something new, pull on the thread of a mystery perhaps.

Let's see what's out there. "These are the voyages".

TTFN, and o7.

Journey to, through, and back from, The Formidine Rift

I'm using The Codex to check out sites in The Formidine Rift. I crossed the border from Elysian Shore sector. Once I've checked out sites on The Codex, I'm going to try and find the logs for the abandoned settlements hidden in The Formidine Rift.

Also, according to the wiki entry for The Formidine Rift, in the eastern parts there's an area called The Posidal Wall, a sub region in The Formidine Rift rather devoid of stars. This makes it difficult to cross, but not impossible. Naturally, I'm going to attempt that on the return journey.


I've found a cash cow - credits DO grow on trees

I've found a great route, with exactly zero hiwake jumps. It's all in the same system. The system in question is Chimiri, at least for now. Look around and you'll find the in system trade route.

Returning from The Great Annihilator

I am currently on the return journey for a passenger mission to 'Great Annihilator'. I'm not taking a direct route as I wanted to visit Sagittarius A*. Currently I'm heading to Colonia as I've never really explored that region. I'm intending to visit the famous stations and ships, including Jaques Station, The Dove Enigma, Dunker's Rest in Dubbuennel, etc...

On the journey I've been doing exploration and made some discoveries. Ammonia worlds, Earth likes, water worlds, etc...

I've also been using neutron boosting. Works wonders, but must make sure to have enough materials for the AFMU to repair the FSD. I have neeeded to land once and gather materials for that.

After the Colonia region I'll be taking the 'Colonia Connection Highway'. Maybe even discover the 'dark secret' (probably not but who knows).

Have fun and fly safe!


I'm now getting more into the new engineering. I find Coriolis is a good place to start for prototyping my engineering requirements. A thing to note though, Coriolis cannot yet fully handle the new Engineering system. It is a good place to start however.

I'm currently working on my Asp Explorer for long range passenger exploration.