Profil du CMDR Amxshawnathan > Journal de bord

Nom du commandant :
Vaisseau actuel :
future endeavours [DF-162]
Membre depuis le :
17 nov. 2017
Distances envoyées :
Systèmes visités :
6 048
Systèmes découverts en premier :
1 089
Solde :
14 535 635 253 Cr
Back at home, and back on the saddle

well now, the expedition has concluded and I was finally able to rest on my very comfortable bed at home on Algorab instead of my mostly comfortable bed on my ship. As much as I enjoy all the ships I fly, I cant help but put away the Mandalay away for a while. Put a white covering over it until its needed so again, or something like that. However, now I have traded in one arduous task for another. The Brewer Corporation has introduce the ability for Pilots like myself to own our very own stations, and for a modest price of twenty five million credits. Initially, that sounded easy, but that is way too far from the truth. Like building a house from nothing planet side, Brewer is requiring me to bring my own building material. I knew it wouldn't be something as simple as pay 25 mil. and I get my own station, but, its quite a task of getting my material, dropping it off at my carrier, jumping my carrier, than dropping off the material at the construction ship over, and over, and over again.

I've met the some of the crew from time to time and they all seem nice but they have a job to do and essentially, they are waiting on their building material. Thankfully I'm not alone on getting things. SWS personnel are being tasked with helping out all of us within the squadron complete our respective stations so we don't have to all take the burden of completing each one alone. And, while we are have a priority list, I'm not super high on it despite my position. However, I helped set the standards to how that list and I'm not special because of my position.

Speaking of my position, i got a promotion! Executive Commander, high ranking officer of the Sidewinder Syndicate! Im truly honored to have this position and will continue to make the Syndicate a place for anyone and everyone regardless of their respective passion. though with my position, not everyone take a liking to me and my special kind of leadership. one of the commanders under me has issues with me due to a recent situation. and while in hindsight is not a big deal, the situation was, it was blown out of proportion. They somehow felt "unwelcomed in the squadron" due to this situation and went to others about the kafuffle about wanting to leave the squadron all together. While the other leadership will try to appease them about it, we all know its simply a cry for attention and reaffirmation. the others have talked to me about the matter and I standby my decisions and refuse to back down and conform to the CMDR feelings. No one gets special treatment and everyone is Equal in my eyes. so until then, the situation is temporarily fixed with a simple cease of communication to that specific CMDR which is fine from my point of view, but its still just bottling up the situation instead of actually solving it. but oh well, not everyone will like each other and no one should be forced to.

But anyway, once the station is said and finished, I think ill name it after one of the places mentioned in my old family history books. yes, yes I know it may sound goofy but its a nice way of honoring them. so once its finished, my station will be called "Anor Londo"! I think tonight I will read that story to my daughter once I'm back at home for a few days.

Until then,

CMDR Alice (AMXshawnathan) Xavi

Lost and Kinda Empty again

Man oh man, I havent felt this weird feeling of truly being lost in an expedition, well, since the last time i did a personal expedition. I'm currently apart of the of my squadron's expedition, "the Ringed quest of the legend". at first it sounded pretty fun and exciting! And Believe me, it is fun being an explorer! Seeing the Galaxy, amazing sites, unknown life outside of my fellow humans and infamous Thargoids still roaming around, breathtaking views, and being alone in this endeavor is personally blissful. However with that last part, Being Alone can be draining. The last time, my daughter had snuck onboard unchecked and that's what truly made the trip more worth it to me. Unfortunately, that isnt the case here since shes actually back at home; and the further away i go from the bubble and towards the center, the more i miss them and want to go back into hiatus to enjoy my friends and family once again. and as much as i dont want to abandon my squadron, especially once the event has concluded, there will need to be a lot of catching up and keeping up our spaces. and as their operations officer, i know they will definitely need me. Maybe ill take some additional time away for a little bit once we are all said and done. Maybe ill take some time to tell little Abbi about our lineage and the stories thats been passed down for thousands of years. Oh! Maybe ill tell her about the story that takes place in what my ancestry call "the lands between". maybe ill elaborate on that another time though or just keep it within my family line.


Alice (AMXshawanthan) Xavi

Titan are gone (for now) and the new journey begins

Well, its finally finished. the War is over... Finally over. a long time coming in fact. Yes, I've been away from flying for a long time and my family was since threatened by the Thargoid menace. But at last, it is over. My daughter is safe, my husband is safe, humanity can finally start rebuilding from this threat. thanks to the commanders within the Sidewinder Syndicate and being second in command for AX operations within the squadron. we can finally rest for a while. However, a new adventure begins. A community expedition as my leaders have mentioned many times is now officially underway and I am participating, along with my little girl who begged me for days to come along. Why not, she has the same fire in her eyes as I did when I first got my pilots certification and hell, I was the youngest in my class to get it. I may have to start giving her flight lessons while we're on this trip. We cant break any rules or violate any laws if we're in uncharted, lawless lands.

Surely nothing can go wrong while we are away.

o7 CMDRs,

CMDR Alice (AMXshawnathan) Xavi

"pilot controls online, thermal systems functional."

well CMDR's, I'm back. 7 years I've been away from the black and 7 years later, i return to the black. a lot has changed in the galaxy that has got me scared, yet excited! There is a Thargoid war for one! i remember before i stepped away i guess we were in the early stages of war, pushing them back when they struck. However, now they are pushing us back. which for me means high credit opportunities! Granted i am no where near being poor. Five billion credits is a lot to blow on random things. But, man oh man, there are new things to look at!!

WHAT THE HELL IS SUPERCRUISE OVERCHARGE!?!?!? I threw it on a few of my explorer vessels and what a luxury it is! im excited to retrofit that system on all of my ships, however im somewhat lazy and dont feel like doing it right away, especially since they all need to be engineered. Which means my good friend Ms. Farseer is gonna see me once again every few days or so, love you like a mother though.

THERE ARE NEW SHIPS TO LOOK INTO!?!?!?!? DeLacy and Lakon have new toys to play with. Both of them are marketed as multipurpose, however i still rather use My two pride and joys until i find a proper use for them, the Past Temptations and the Boston Bar Fight! oh and sure the Future Endeavours can be included even though its basically a ship i only use to hull parts from one engineer to another. i still need to treat that old girl with love and respect since its the first pride and joy i ever bought and the main reason why i havent scrapped it fully for parts. That Anaconda and i have way too much history and getting rid of it will mean that i perished somewhat, someway. maybe CMDR Harry Potter can try but i dont know if hes still around. havent checked and probably wont if im honest with myself.

Thargoid Titan is the one i heard from a loose GalNet article years ago... or was it that Ant guy in his weekly news letter, no matter. once only a mere rumour is now an actual thing and is a scary threat to all of us... well except the guys at Colonia, but thats besides that point. as i already said, thats easy credits to be made, but first i gotta finish gathering materials since that will once again be my main priority for the foreseeable future. of course nothing i cant handle. i thought about buying a few more ships to goof around and take up bounty hunting, so i can finally be recognised as an Elite combat pilot, however the Pilots Federations is requiring me to do a lot of killing (bugs) for which i can do fairly easy. plus i hear there are more tiers to the Elite rank in every rank, so i guess i got a lot more to handle while taking on that ridiculous task of Elite in combat.

well CMDRs I'll have to get started soon on that. if you see me around, give me a "Hey" or an "o7" and ill give one back. but if you do any of that weird stuff from over a millennia ago, i will not respond.


  • signed CMDR ALexis "AMXshawnathan" Xavi
finishing what i started.

well now, its been a while since i stepped into my ship's cockpit. i almost forgot how uncomfortable those seats are. im back from exploring the emptiness of space to doing common jobs for materials to once again, take to people who have no business on or around my ships. but its what i have to pay to be the best. i didnt graduate from the Pilots Federation just to become a merc... well maybe a little, if i didnt, i wouldnt of met Sam. and i wouldnt have my beautiful daughter. Anyway, i have a long list of materials i need to die. and, once again, people need to die in order for me to get those materials. ive killed before and i won't let my nerves get the better of me..... this time


CMDR Alexis "AMXshawnathan" Xavi

a Wolf Rayet? Undiscovered?

Man, oh man, boy i lost track of how far i was going. anyway i guess i should catch up on whats happened so far. well, since my last entry, this has been a very alone trip. my stowaway of a daughter surprisingly did not show on this trip. even though i was very upset with her, i feel even more alone without her. she made that last trip special. now that she isnt here with me on the second round it's, well, lonely. My husband called the other day while i was on some random moon i traveled to so i could stretch the legs. these magnet boots, though very useful, arent the most confortable. anyway, i made it to colonia a few days ago. it was nice being there once again. though i got into some trouble. i went to visit the colonian engineers i heard about and they were quite nice and helpful, i even got some of their blueprints to work once im back home. Mr. Mel Brandon was kinda weird, not going to lie, but he was nice regardless. about the trouble... well, there was this guy who was stuck in the middle of space. i thought he had what i needed and so i tried to open his cargo hold.... he didn't like that at all long story short, i just hope he didnt have a family to go back to, because little jimmy isnt gonna see his dad if thats the case. i bought a couple ships out there. one is gonna stay there, the python i bought (maybe ill sell it since i dont have a specific use for it, but i havent decided yet.) i also got a good picture of the galactic plain, a site i wish i saw when i first started the trip but i was afraid of my ship's damaged hull not making it, so i skipped it. i havent ran into any serious trouble. no hull damage so far and a couple damaged modules, but nothing the AFMU cant handle. i made it to my next two sites that i wanted to revisit, the great annihilator black hole and Sagittarius A*, the super massive black hole in the center of the galaxy. i did, yet didnt expect fleet carriers to be there but it was nice to get a minor repair on my paint job for a good picture with the hole itself. anyway i made it to my 35% point of the trip. The rare to find Wolf Rayet star. Oh, but not just any wolf rayet, An undiscovered wolf rayet! i cant believe it!! a WCO star with no ones name on it. this is pretty great! i bookmarked it on my galaxy panel to make sure i can prove that i charted out that system so no one can steal that find from me. but im not done yet. i still got the last portion of my trip, and in fact, my half way point. my trip to beagle point. im 32k LY away from it and i think i can make it there within the next two days. this journey has been long and exciting but i think i might go enjoy my family for a few more months after this trip is all said and done. kinda like the last time.... but well see.


CMDR Alexis (AMXshawnathan) Xavi

An old journey. revisited.

well, it has surely been a while since i've flown. i started back about a month ago and golly things have changed. fleet carriers, new ships avaiable to purchase, and much more! it was a bit overwelming but i maintain. theres also this codex thing that i remember was rumoured during the update to COVAS, which is pretty cool and pretty useful. and with that, the pilot's federation has somehow, someway lost a lot of my previous exploration data, which is a surefire disappointment, but, a new opportunity. so the last time i started my trip around the bubble. i had about four main locations i wanted to visit. and surely they were pretty great however, that entire trip was under-planned and it almost cost me my life. so with that. i am once again making a trip to beagle point, again. Now with new check points! this will take, once again a few months. but i have a better plan, and im doing it in a new ship which is pretty cool! so last time i did it in my anaconda, the future endeavours has served me well, and i surely do love that ship. however its a very large ship and slow to roll, it did have all the things i needed plus a lot more. however i wanted to be in a more enjoyable ship. so i went out and bought Delacy's newest ship: the Krait Phantom. with a class 5 FSD, weighing almost half the weight of the conda, i thought it would be delightful and it is! with a jump range of over 67 light years unladen, it gets me to where i want fast! well i started this trip in a few minutes. ill continue to write as my journey goes forth. though, there is one thing i feel is missing. my daughter, she typically stows away during these dangerous trips but i dont think she did, or shes just that good at hiding. if so, these is going to be a really long trip.

signed CMDR Alexis "AMXshawnathan" Xavi