Profil du CMDR Ishmair > Journal de bord

Nom du commandant :
Vaisseau actuel :
Fat Horse [CST 01]
(Asp Explorer)
Membre depuis le :
3 oct. 2016
Distances envoyées :
Systèmes visités :
10 278
Systèmes découverts en premier :
5 007
New Alien Site

New alien site discovered in HIP 19026 B 1 C, co-ordinates -17, -152

Returns to the bubble

Returns to the bubble to get ready for the Salome Event.

The Zurara Mega Ship

Ended up turning back around after i got to the bubble and bucky balled it to Syreadiae JX-F c0.


had to do a little detour to get there the heart of the void was taxing beyond 80ly jumps didn't have any polonium left.


Video of The Zurara

Made the return to the bubble.

I made the return to the bubble on request to prep for the Salome event for 29th. I should of spent one day longer out in EAFOTS. After the mega ship was solved I would of been closer to reach the system Syreadiae JX-F c0.

Asteroid Bases In Heart and Soul Nebula

Base Camp Farsight Expedition Base

Nuetron Run from EAFOTS to Farsight Expedition Base.

Location Heart Sector IR-V b2-0 Asteroid Base Farsight Expedition Base

Farsight Expedition Base

Farsight Expedition Base

Look around of the Base youtube

Scenic View of Mail Slot youtube

Trying to get to the top of EAFOTS Sec.

I tried a run to go above the settlements in EAFOTS as far as I can. It seems EAFOTS don't end until there is no stars left. Got as high as I can before I was risking myself to be stuck run low on T3 Jump Injections and had to turn around.

EAFOTS System need the R-R Line

Cdr Macklin Fox calculated the Eafots systems closest to the R-R line.

Eafots JO-Z d13-41 Eafots OG-V b57-3 Eafots EU-Y b55-0 Eafots EU-Y b55-3 Eafots UH-C b54-2 Eafots KB-B c27-11 Eafots UH-C b54-3 Eafots TH-C b54-1 Eafots TH-C b54-2 Eafots OB-E b53-2

The time I took a look at these systems. 8 ships already passed through in the last 7 day.

At my Target system in EAFOTS

I made it to my target system. Took about 215 jumps. Oddly my FSD refuses to work below 78% had to stop two time to use the AMFU to repair it.

Part of the flight:

heading back out to EAFOTS

Heading back out EAFOTS Sector to the nearest EAFOTS that I know system to the R-R line.

Flight log:

Nuetron Lane:

MY FSD broke down at Outopps MI-K d8-10. still head 79% health but refuse to work. Had to run the AFMU on it the repair.