Profil du CMDR Hunter_TTC > Journal de bord

Nom du commandant :
Vaisseau actuel :
(Krait Mk II)
Membre depuis le :
29 nov. 2020
Distances envoyées :
Systèmes visités :
14 390
Systèmes découverts en premier :
4 340
Solde :
1 952 577 803 Cr
Researching Pods for Community Goal

Researching a small pod of Rubicundum Collared Pods gathered in the nebula. I'm surprised by how little they move while being poked and bumped around.

Was definitely an interesting trip. Hopped on a carrier to get out here in my fresh T9. Just loaded with cargo racks and research limpet controllers. Glad I didn't have to fly myself in this beast all the way here. Spent the last few hours observing these critters and wanted to get a nice shot for the album.

Missed my connecting flight to Colonia. Found another ship that gives me more time to research here and still make it just in time for the delivery goal.

736 tons of samples later, I wish I would have brought more research limpet controllers. I also didn't bring nearly enough movies to numb the boredom of collecting this many samples. Probably won't be coming back for awhile. Took a few more pictures to add to my screensaver. Docked and ready for 0900utc departure to Colonia. Thank you Fleet Carrier [AXI] REPAIR DOCK.


Rubicundum Collard Pods