LTT 4599 [#2072078469483]

Phillips Gateway [#3229358848]
Type :
Spatioport Orbis
Distance à atteindre :
631 c

Allégeance :
Gouvernement :
Économie :

Installations :
Chantier naval
Apex Interstellar Transport, Black Market, Contacts, Crew Lounge, Frontline Solutions, Missions, Pioneer Supplies, Refuel, Repair, Restock, Search and Rescue, Tuning, Universal Cartographics, Vista Genomics

Statut de la faction :

Narcotics, Tobacco, Personal Weapons, Battle Weapons, Slaves, Combat Stabilisers, Imperial Slaves, Nerve Agents, Bootleg Liquor, Landmines, Onionhead Gamma Strain
Dernière mise à jour : 26/06/2024 19:58


Buy price Stock Sell price Demand
Agronomic Treatment -- -- 3 799 cr 2 145 t
Hydrogen Fuel -- -- 150 cr 425 107 t
Water -- -- 677 cr 26 696 t

Consumer Items

Buy price Stock Sell price Demand
Clothing -- -- 871 cr 750 402 t
Consumer Technology -- -- 7 631 cr 102 462 t
Domestic Appliances -- -- 1 114 cr 246 454 t


Buy price Stock Sell price Demand
Animal Meat -- -- 1 967 cr 292 228 t
Coffee -- -- 1 967 cr 97 285 t
Fish -- -- 972 cr 563 595 t
Food Cartridges -- -- 300 cr 1 327 t
Fruit and Vegetables -- -- 871 cr 308 952 t
Grain -- -- 749 cr 626 049 t
Synthetic Meat -- -- 757 cr 25 018 t
Tea -- -- 2 158 cr 266 822 t

Legal Drugs

Buy price Stock Sell price Demand
Beer -- -- 715 cr 1 217 562 t
Liquor -- -- 1 225 cr 159 207 t
Wine -- -- 799 cr 688 476 t


Buy price Stock Sell price Demand
Power Generators -- -- 3 062 cr 10 176 t
Water Purifiers -- -- 854 cr 31 376 t


Buy price Stock Sell price Demand
Advanced Medicines -- -- 1 800 cr 229 363 t
Basic Medicines -- -- 871 cr 79 021 t
Progenitor Cells -- -- 7 631 cr 53 253 t


Buy price Stock Sell price Demand
Gold -- -- 51 111 cr 24 269 t
Palladium -- -- 53 917 cr 130 241 t
Platinum -- -- 58 857 cr 101 119 t
Silver -- -- 40 939 cr 281 514 t


Buy price Stock Sell price Demand
Alexandrite -- -- 239 451 cr 1 390 t
Benitoite -- -- 168 285 cr 1 390 t
Grandidierite -- -- 220 684 cr 1 390 t
Jadeite -- -- 42 094 cr 101 119 t
Low Temperature Diamonds -- -- 114 303 cr 2 895 t
Moissanite -- -- 24 566 cr 207 090 t
Monazite -- -- 216 863 cr 1 390 t
Musgravite -- -- 221 400 cr 1 390 t
Painite -- -- 56 822 cr 4 284 t
Rhodplumsite -- -- 189 846 cr 1 390 t
Serendibite -- -- 193 258 cr 1 390 t
Taaffeite -- -- 51 779 cr 101 119 t
Void Opals -- -- 156 077 cr 1 390 t


Buy price Stock Sell price Demand
Black Box -- -- 31 457 cr 2 179 t
Damaged Escape Pod -- -- 16 802 cr 219 t
Hostage -- -- 34 979 cr 1 090 t
Occupied Escape Pod -- -- 30 701 cr 2 179 t
Personal Effects -- -- 9 750 cr 2 179 t
Thargoid Glaive Tissue Sample -- -- 72 126 cr 2 145 t
Titan Deep Tissue Sample -- -- 499 794 cr 2 145 t
Titan Partial Tissue Sample -- -- 140 148 cr 2 145 t
Titan Tissue Sample -- -- 273 359 cr 2 145 t
Unoccupied Escape Pod -- -- 4 247 cr 2 145 t
Wreckage Components -- -- 8 880 cr 219 t
Xenobiological Prison Pod -- -- 149 810 cr 2 145 t


Buy price Stock Sell price Demand
Biowaste 44 cr 15 486 t 26 cr 1 t


Buy price Stock Sell price Demand
Non-Lethal Weapons -- -- 2 496 cr 28 503 t
Reactive Armour -- -- 2 760 cr 51 684 t