CMDR Rudi Raumkraut profile
(Cobra Mk IV)
Federation: Admiral
Empire: King
Balance |
Current assets | 21 312 540 581 cr |
Credits spent on ships | 2 962 838 058 cr |
Credits spent on outfitting | 18 008 464 652 cr |
Credits spent on repairs | 118 210 269 cr |
Credits spent on fuel | 1 832 858 cr |
Credits spent on munitions | 5 890 225 cr |
Insurance claims | 100 |
Total claim costs | 830 727 892 cr |
Combat |
Bounties claimed | 9 459 |
Profit from bounties | 905 379 560 cr |
Combat bonds | 2 731 |
Profit from combat bonds | 1 128 784 049 cr |
Assassinations | 173 |
Profit from assassinations | 136 131 956 cr |
Highest single reward | 2 118 258 cr |
Skimmers killed | 36 |
Crime |
Fines issued | 768 |
Lifetime fines value | 24 573 411 cr |
Bounties received/earned | 1 204 |
Lifetime bounty value | 2 332 250 cr |
Highest bounty issued | 515 200 cr |
Smuggling |
Black market network | 22 |
Black market profit | −1 163 751 798 cr |
Commodities smuggled | 29 118 |
Average profit | −8 620 384 cr |
Highest single transaction | 6 725 888 cr |
Trading |
Market network | 942 |
Trading profit | 20 104 388 772 cr |
Commodities traded | 671 404 |
Average profit | 6 184 063 cr |
Highest single transaction | 808 689 664 cr |
Mining |
Profits from mining | 12 203 047 114 cr |
Minerals refined | 18 500 |
Materials collected | 40 199 |
Exploration |
Systems visited | 25 404 |
Profits from exploration | 1 511 283 175 cr |
Level 2 detailed scans | 45 813 |
Level 3 detailed scans | 97 742 |
Highest payout | 20 669 772 cr |
Total hyperspace distance | 1 317 785 ly |
Total hyperspace jumps | 32 883 |
Max distance from start | 65 222,47 ly |
Max distance from Sol | 65 279,35 ly |
Max distance from Colonia | 50 088,39 ly |
Approximate time played | 68W 2D 22H 20M |
Passengers |
Total bulk passengers delivered | 9 117 |
Total VIPs delivered | 687 |
Total delivered | 9 804 |
Total ejected | 22 |
Search and Rescue |
Total items rescued | 835 |
Total rescue transactions | 64 |
Crafting |
Number of engineers used | 24 |
Number of upgrades generated | 5 340 |
Grade 1 upgrades generated | 1 459 |
Grade 2 upgrades generated | 700 |
Grade 3 upgrades generated | 1 059 |
Grade 4 upgrades generated | 1 145 |
Grade 5 upgrades generated | 977 |
Crew |
Crew credits earned | 5 688 691 663 cr |
Crew hired | 569 |
Crew fired | 560 |
Crew lost | 16 |
Multi-Crew |
Total time in multi-crew | 1H 54M 25S |
Time in fighter con role | 8M 58S |
Total credits accrued | 14 775 cr |
Total fines accrued | 14 775 cr |