CMDR Zulph Limifor profile
Federation: Vice Admiral
Empire: Baron
Balance |
Current assets | 15 491 322 504 cr |
Credits spent on ships | 727 023 979 cr |
Credits spent on outfitting | 1 241 176 896 cr |
Credits spent on repairs | 43 237 179 cr |
Credits spent on fuel | 629 263 cr |
Credits spent on munitions | 10 036 494 cr |
Insurance claims | 35 |
Total claim costs | 391 223 087 cr |
Combat |
Bounties claimed | 6 504 |
Profit from bounties | 1 639 324 387 cr |
Combat bonds | 3 091 |
Profit from combat bonds | 2 559 920 709 cr |
Assassinations | 295 |
Profit from assassinations | 905 053 069 cr |
Highest single reward | 1 000 000 cr |
Skimmers killed | 0 |
Crime |
Fines issued | 38 |
Lifetime fines value | 256 694 cr |
Bounties received/earned | 33 |
Lifetime bounty value | 36 100 cr |
Highest bounty issued | 5 000 cr |
Smuggling |
Black market network | 10 |
Black market profit | 1 205 523 cr |
Commodities smuggled | 433 |
Average profit | 28 035 cr |
Highest single transaction | 145 665 cr |
Trading |
Market network | 118 |
Trading profit | 3 945 726 212 cr |
Commodities traded | 45 613 |
Average profit | 5 710 168 cr |
Highest single transaction | 128 852 988 cr |
Mining |
Profits from mining | 2 741 658 978 cr |
Minerals refined | 5 815 |
Materials collected | 18 570 |
Exploration |
Systems visited | 14 391 |
Profits from exploration | 4 006 033 749 cr |
Level 2 detailed scans | 114 089 |
Level 3 detailed scans | 114 088 |
Highest payout | 14 459 525 cr |
Total hyperspace distance | 1 367 531 ly |
Total hyperspace jumps | 18 449 |
Max distance from start | 65 248,48 ly |
Max distance from Sol | 65 279,35 ly |
Max distance from Colonia | 46 241,11 ly |
Approximate time played | 12W 6D 17H 58M |
Passengers |
Total bulk passengers delivered | 7 084 |
Total VIPs delivered | 419 |
Total delivered | 7 503 |
Total ejected | 0 |
Search and Rescue |
Total items rescued | 449 |
Total profit | 12 039 968 cr |
Total rescue transactions | 109 |
Crafting |
Number of engineers used | 17 |
Number of upgrades generated | 2 113 |
Grade 1 upgrades generated | 303 |
Grade 2 upgrades generated | 395 |
Grade 3 upgrades generated | 479 |
Grade 4 upgrades generated | 535 |
Grade 5 upgrades generated | 401 |
Multi-Crew |
Total time in multi-crew | 53M 13S |