CMDR Steven Bingham profile > Flight Log

Commander name:
Current ship:
Mcrn Odysseus [MEC-22]
Member since:
Distances submitted:
Systems visited:
25 934
Systems discovered first:
19 943
2 307 993 039 Cr
25 934 systems visited.
  • 15. kesäkuuta 2020
  • 61,47 ly

    Nuekuae NG-F b1-24

    15.6.2020 3.39.58

    Ship: MCRN Erebus (Krait Phantom)
    Jump distance: 61,47 ly

    Distance to Sol: 14 525,00 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 7 476,11 ly

    Estimated value: 3 613 cr

  • 62,51 ly

    Clooku RG-B d14-239

    15.6.2020 3.38.08

    Ship: MCRN Erebus (Krait Phantom)
    Jump distance: 62,51 ly

    Distance to Sol: 14 463,63 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 7 537,53 ly

    Estimated value: 124 002 cr

  • 62,45 ly

    Clooku QK-F b56-14

    15.6.2020 3.31.09

    Ship: MCRN Erebus (Krait Phantom)
    Jump distance: 62,45 ly

    Distance to Sol: 14 401,42 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 7 599,83 ly

    Estimated value: 3 612 cr

  • 62,22 ly

    Clooku FS-K b53-31

    15.6.2020 3.29.46

    Ship: MCRN Erebus (Krait Phantom)
    Jump distance: 62,22 ly

    Distance to Sol: 14 339,06 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 7 662,13 ly

    Estimated value: 1 206 cr

  • 61,86 ly

    Clooku KU-E d12-754

    15.6.2020 3.28.08

    Ship: MCRN Erebus (Krait Phantom)
    Jump distance: 61,86 ly

    Distance to Sol: 14 277,23 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 7 723,84 ly

    Estimated value: 33 198 cr

  • 61,98 ly

    Clooku QN-L c23-319

    15.6.2020 3.26.52

    Ship: MCRN Erebus (Krait Phantom)
    Jump distance: 61,98 ly

    Distance to Sol: 14 215,44 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 7 785,63 ly

    Estimated value: 1 212 cr

  • 62,26 ly

    Clooku DV-Y b45-24

    15.6.2020 3.25.46

    Ship: MCRN Erebus (Krait Phantom)
    Jump distance: 62,26 ly

    Distance to Sol: 14 153,72 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 7 847,38 ly

    Estimated value: 1 204 cr

  • 62,42 ly

    Clooku TC-E b43-18

    15.6.2020 3.24.29

    Ship: MCRN Erebus (Krait Phantom)
    Jump distance: 62,42 ly

    Distance to Sol: 14 091,58 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 7 909,54 ly

    Estimated value: 2 412 cr

  • 61,27 ly

    Clooku IK-J b40-6

    15.6.2020 3.23.25

    Ship: MCRN Erebus (Krait Phantom)
    Jump distance: 61,27 ly

    Distance to Sol: 14 029,21 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 7 971,94 ly

    Estimated value: 3 608 cr

  • 62,14 ly

    Clooku YI-U c18-36

    15.6.2020 3.22.02

    Ship: MCRN Erebus (Krait Phantom)
    Jump distance: 62,14 ly

    Distance to Sol: 13 968,97 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 8 032,35 ly

    Estimated value: 20 326 cr

  • 62,37 ly

    Clooku RW-X c16-131

    15.6.2020 3.20.00

    Ship: MCRN Erebus (Krait Phantom)
    Jump distance: 62,37 ly

    Distance to Sol: 13 907,12 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 8 094,25 ly

    Estimated value: 1 210 cr

  • 62,37 ly

    Clooku OQ-Z c15-147

    15.6.2020 3.18.36

    Ship: MCRN Erebus (Krait Phantom)
    Jump distance: 62,37 ly

    Distance to Sol: 13 844,86 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 8 156,49 ly

    Estimated value: 2 417 cr

  • 62,51 ly

    Clooku TZ-C b30-19

    15.6.2020 3.15.24

    Ship: MCRN Erebus (Krait Phantom)
    Jump distance: 62,51 ly

    Distance to Sol: 13 782,55 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 8 218,82 ly

    Estimated value: 44 046 cr

  • 62,45 ly

    Clooku GM-I b27-1

    15.6.2020 3.13.16

    Ship: MCRN Erebus (Krait Phantom)
    Jump distance: 62,45 ly

    Distance to Sol: 13 721,14 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 8 280,45 ly

    Estimated value: 1 206 cr

  • 250,10 ly

    Clooku XW-G c12-115

    15.6.2020 3.12.07

    Ship: MCRN Erebus (Krait Phantom)
    Jump distance: 250,10 ly

    Distance to Sol: 13 659,49 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 8 342,27 ly

    Estimated value: 3 615 cr

  • 242,36 ly

    Clooku XE-Z e90

    15.6.2020 3.10.57

    Ship: MCRN Erebus (Krait Phantom)
    Jump distance: 242,36 ly

    Distance to Sol: 13 410,42 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 8 591,79 ly

    Estimated value: 30 648 cr

  • 58,16 ly

    Clooku UY-A e2156

    15.6.2020 3.09.19

    Ship: MCRN Erebus (Krait Phantom)
    Jump distance: 58,16 ly

    Distance to Sol: 13 174,42 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 8 826,75 ly

    Estimated value: 294 636 cr

  • 61,92 ly

    Clooku QS-B d467

    15.6.2020 3.07.32

    Ship: MCRN Erebus (Krait Phantom)
    Jump distance: 61,92 ly

    Distance to Sol: 13 119,73 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 8 881,47 ly

    Estimated value: 2 456 cr

  • 62,24 ly

    Prua Phoe AZ-A c29-32

    15.6.2020 3.06.30

    Ship: MCRN Erebus (Krait Phantom)
    Jump distance: 62,24 ly

    Distance to Sol: 13 058,85 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 8 942,53 ly

    Estimated value: 1 209 cr

  • 62,25 ly

    Prua Phoe RQ-F b56-23

    15.6.2020 3.04.13

    Ship: MCRN Erebus (Krait Phantom)
    Jump distance: 62,25 ly

    Distance to Sol: 12 996,97 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 9 004,50 ly

    Estimated value: 10 964 cr

  • 62,19 ly

    Prua Phoe NL-G c26-99

    15.6.2020 3.03.11

    Ship: MCRN Erebus (Krait Phantom)
    Jump distance: 62,19 ly

    Distance to Sol: 12 934,82 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 9 066,71 ly

    Estimated value: 3 617 cr

  • 62,10 ly

    Prua Phoe TK-Q b50-23

    15.6.2020 3.02.11

    Ship: MCRN Erebus (Krait Phantom)
    Jump distance: 62,10 ly

    Distance to Sol: 12 873,90 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 9 127,85 ly

    Estimated value: 1 207 cr

  • 62,02 ly

    Prua Phoe CT-L c23-33

    15.6.2020 3.01.01

    Ship: MCRN Erebus (Krait Phantom)
    Jump distance: 62,02 ly

    Distance to Sol: 12 812,46 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 9 189,43 ly

    Estimated value: 4 833 cr

  • 249,52 ly

    Prua Phoe TJ-Q e5-1

    15.6.2020 2.58.14

    Ship: MCRN Erebus (Krait Phantom)
    Jump distance: 249,52 ly

    Distance to Sol: 12 753,36 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 9 248,98 ly

    Estimated value: 1 297 cr

  • 246,75 ly

    Prua Phoe BB-M d8-201

    15.6.2020 2.56.44

    Ship: MCRN Erebus (Krait Phantom)
    Jump distance: 246,75 ly

    Distance to Sol: 12 508,58 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 9 495,03 ly

    Estimated value: 88 818 cr

  • 46,32 ly

    Prua Phoe VO-P d6-100

    15.6.2020 2.55.31

    Ship: MCRN Erebus (Krait Phantom)
    Jump distance: 46,32 ly

    Distance to Sol: 12 286,91 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 9 714,07 ly

    Estimated value: 472 773 cr

  • 62,04 ly

    Prua Phoe FB-M b25-12

    15.6.2020 2.53.58

    Ship: MCRN Erebus (Krait Phantom)
    Jump distance: 62,04 ly

    Distance to Sol: 12 246,27 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 9 754,47 ly

    Estimated value: 1 207 cr

  • 62,56 ly

    Prua Phoe KR-I c11-18

    15.6.2020 2.52.52

    Ship: MCRN Erebus (Krait Phantom)
    Jump distance: 62,56 ly

    Distance to Sol: 12 184,32 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 9 816,45 ly

    Estimated value: 2 417 cr

  • 62,52 ly

    Prua Phoe KQ-W b19-7

    15.6.2020 2.51.38

    Ship: MCRN Erebus (Krait Phantom)
    Jump distance: 62,52 ly

    Distance to Sol: 12 122,26 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 9 878,51 ly

    Estimated value: 27 523 cr

  • 62,13 ly

    Prua Phoe DE-A b18-4

    15.6.2020 2.50.42

    Ship: MCRN Erebus (Krait Phantom)
    Jump distance: 62,13 ly

    Distance to Sol: 12 061,30 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 9 939,46 ly

    Estimated value: 3 609 cr

  • 61,87 ly

    Prua Phoe LW-U d3-243

    15.6.2020 2.49.19

    Ship: MCRN Erebus (Krait Phantom)
    Jump distance: 61,87 ly

    Distance to Sol: 11 999,85 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 10 000,90 ly

    Estimated value: 1 231 cr

  • 62,11 ly

    Prua Phoe HQ-W d2-228

    15.6.2020 2.48.00

    Ship: MCRN Erebus (Krait Phantom)
    Jump distance: 62,11 ly

    Distance to Sol: 11 939,32 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 10 061,54 ly

    Estimated value: 1 229 cr

  • 61,93 ly

    Prua Phoe LA-V c4-73

    15.6.2020 2.45.47

    Ship: MCRN Erebus (Krait Phantom)
    Jump distance: 61,93 ly

    Distance to Sol: 11 878,36 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 10 122,64 ly

    Estimated value: 1 211 cr

  • 62,50 ly

    Preia Phoe CR-T b7-5

    15.6.2020 2.44.38

    Ship: MCRN Erebus (Krait Phantom)
    Jump distance: 62,50 ly

    Distance to Sol: 11 818,43 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 10 182,39 ly

    Estimated value: 1 207 cr

  • 61,01 ly

    Preia Phoe SY-Y b4-2

    15.6.2020 2.43.28

    Ship: MCRN Erebus (Krait Phantom)
    Jump distance: 61,01 ly

    Distance to Sol: 11 756,36 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 10 244,38 ly

    Estimated value: 27 679 cr

  • 61,65 ly

    Preia Phoe HG-E b2-6

    15.6.2020 2.41.44

    Ship: MCRN Erebus (Krait Phantom)
    Jump distance: 61,65 ly

    Distance to Sol: 11 696,23 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 10 304,43 ly

    Estimated value: 7 204 cr

  • 61,78 ly

    Preia Phoe BU-H b1

    15.6.2020 2.40.38

    Ship: MCRN Erebus (Krait Phantom)
    Jump distance: 61,78 ly

    Distance to Sol: 11 634,79 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 10 365,85 ly

    Estimated value: 1 207 cr

  • 61,25 ly

    Skaude MF-E b57-0

    15.6.2020 2.39.41

    Ship: MCRN Erebus (Krait Phantom)
    Jump distance: 61,25 ly

    Distance to Sol: 11 573,46 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 10 427,18 ly

    Estimated value: 1 208 cr

  • 61,90 ly

    Skaude AS-J b54-4

    15.6.2020 2.37.22

    Ship: MCRN Erebus (Krait Phantom)
    Jump distance: 61,90 ly

    Distance to Sol: 11 513,07 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 10 487,58 ly

    Estimated value: 1 208 cr

  • 58,97 ly

    Skaude RU-O b51-1

    15.6.2020 2.35.23

    Ship: MCRN Erebus (Krait Phantom)
    Jump distance: 58,97 ly

    Distance to Sol: 11 452,40 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 10 548,27 ly

    Estimated value: 5 407 cr

  • 61,19 ly

    Skaude IN-S b49-0

    15.6.2020 2.34.11

    Ship: MCRN Erebus (Krait Phantom)
    Jump distance: 61,19 ly

    Distance to Sol: 11 393,67 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 10 607,03 ly

    Estimated value: 2 410 cr

  • 61,81 ly

    Skaude WU-X b46-3

    15.6.2020 2.30.11

    Ship: MCRN Erebus (Krait Phantom)
    Jump distance: 61,81 ly

    Distance to Sol: 11 335,88 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 10 665,03 ly

    Estimated value: 1 206 cr

  • 61,38 ly

    Skaude LC-D b44-2

    15.6.2020 2.28.43

    Ship: MCRN Erebus (Krait Phantom)
    Jump distance: 61,38 ly

    Distance to Sol: 11 274,52 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 10 726,48 ly

    Estimated value: 3 609 cr

  • 62,09 ly

    Skaude AF-R c20-13

    15.6.2020 2.24.34

    Ship: MCRN Erebus (Krait Phantom)
    Jump distance: 62,09 ly

    Distance to Sol: 11 213,45 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 10 787,52 ly

    Estimated value: 16 421 cr

  • 61,50 ly

    Skaude PR-N b38-4

    15.6.2020 2.21.50

    Ship: MCRN Erebus (Krait Phantom)
    Jump distance: 61,50 ly

    Distance to Sol: 11 153,91 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 10 847,21 ly

    Estimated value: 2 407 cr

  • 62,16 ly

    Skaude DE-T b35-8

    15.6.2020 2.20.18

    Ship: MCRN Erebus (Krait Phantom)
    Jump distance: 62,16 ly

    Distance to Sol: 11 092,80 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 10 908,23 ly

    Estimated value: 1 207 cr

  • 60,71 ly

    Skaude WR-W b33-2

    15.6.2020 2.19.08

    Ship: MCRN Erebus (Krait Phantom)
    Jump distance: 60,71 ly

    Distance to Sol: 11 030,66 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 10 970,38 ly

    Estimated value: 1 205 cr

  • 61,35 ly

    Skaude LZ-B b31-7

    15.6.2020 2.17.49

    Ship: MCRN Erebus (Krait Phantom)
    Jump distance: 61,35 ly

    Distance to Sol: 10 970,44 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 11 030,69 ly

    Estimated value: 1 207 cr

  • 61,28 ly

    Skaude KT-P d6-154

    15.6.2020 2.15.09

    Ship: MCRN Erebus (Krait Phantom)
    Jump distance: 61,28 ly

    Distance to Sol: 10 909,91 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 11 091,27 ly

    Estimated value: 4 850 cr

  • 61,71 ly

    Skaude SG-H c12-49

    15.6.2020 2.13.27

    Ship: MCRN Erebus (Krait Phantom)
    Jump distance: 61,71 ly

    Distance to Sol: 10 848,77 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 11 152,48 ly

    Estimated value: 2 419 cr

  • 61,20 ly

    Skaude HH-Q b23-1

    15.6.2020 2.12.03

    Ship: MCRN Erebus (Krait Phantom)
    Jump distance: 61,20 ly

    Distance to Sol: 10 787,10 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 11 214,11 ly

    Estimated value: 11 405 cr

  • 249,40 ly

    Skaude YJ-V b20-2

    15.6.2020 2.10.47

    Ship: MCRN Erebus (Krait Phantom)
    Jump distance: 249,40 ly

    Distance to Sol: 10 727,96 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 11 273,23 ly

    Estimated value: 3 608 cr

  • 44,64 ly

    Skaude SO-Y d1-70

    15.6.2020 2.09.30

    Ship: MCRN Erebus (Krait Phantom)
    Jump distance: 44,64 ly

    Distance to Sol: 10 479,01 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 11 522,36 ly

    Estimated value: 123 662 cr

  • 250,21 ly

    Skaude PF-N b11-5

    15.6.2020 2.08.12

    Ship: MCRN Erebus (Krait Phantom)
    Jump distance: 250,21 ly

    Distance to Sol: 10 493,50 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 11 507,27 ly

    Estimated value: 3 613 cr

  • 29,62 ly

    Skaude MC-C d235

    15.6.2020 2.06.54

    Ship: MCRN Erebus (Krait Phantom)
    Jump distance: 29,62 ly

    Distance to Sol: 10 245,22 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 11 755,92 ly

    Estimated value: 49 183 cr

  • 62,35 ly

    Flyiedge UQ-B d14-84

    15.6.2020 2.05.56

    Ship: MCRN Erebus (Krait Phantom)
    Jump distance: 62,35 ly

    Distance to Sol: 10 217,05 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 11 783,96 ly

    Estimated value: 4 850 cr

  • 59,91 ly

    Flyiedge DU-G b56-4

    15.6.2020 2.04.47

    Ship: MCRN Erebus (Krait Phantom)
    Jump distance: 59,91 ly

    Distance to Sol: 10 154,79 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 11 846,23 ly

    Estimated value: 4 815 cr

  • 62,42 ly

    Flyiedge XH-K b54-1

    15.6.2020 2.03.43

    Ship: MCRN Erebus (Krait Phantom)
    Jump distance: 62,42 ly

    Distance to Sol: 10 095,46 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 11 905,51 ly

    Estimated value: 1 204 cr

  • 60,08 ly

    Flyiedge MP-P b51-3

    15.6.2020 2.02.38

    Ship: MCRN Erebus (Krait Phantom)
    Jump distance: 60,08 ly

    Distance to Sol: 10 033,45 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 11 967,53 ly

    Estimated value: 1 207 cr

  • 62,41 ly

    Flyiedge CJ-K c24-6

    15.6.2020 2.01.30

    Ship: MCRN Erebus (Krait Phantom)
    Jump distance: 62,41 ly

    Distance to Sol: 9 973,80 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 12 027,08 ly

    Estimated value: 2 426 cr

  • 62,20 ly

    Flyiedge YC-M c23-17

    15.6.2020 2.00.11

    Ship: MCRN Erebus (Krait Phantom)
    Jump distance: 62,20 ly

    Distance to Sol: 9 911,44 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 12 089,42 ly

    Estimated value: 1 213 cr

  • 62,34 ly

    Flyiedge LS-D b44-1

    15.6.2020 1.59.10

    Ship: MCRN Erebus (Krait Phantom)
    Jump distance: 62,34 ly

    Distance to Sol: 9 851,44 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 12 149,33 ly

    Estimated value: 1 206 cr

  • 62,33 ly

    Flyiedge HS-I d10-48

    15.6.2020 1.58.07

    Ship: MCRN Erebus (Krait Phantom)
    Jump distance: 62,33 ly

    Distance to Sol: 9 789,35 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 12 211,46 ly

    Estimated value: 229 993 cr

  • 62,30 ly

    Flyiedge PH-O b38-8

    15.6.2020 1.56.56

    Ship: MCRN Erebus (Krait Phantom)
    Jump distance: 62,30 ly

    Distance to Sol: 9 729,12 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 12 271,82 ly

    Estimated value: 2 405 cr

  • 62,50 ly

    Flyiedge DS-W c17-15

    15.6.2020 1.55.38

    Ship: MCRN Erebus (Krait Phantom)
    Jump distance: 62,50 ly

    Distance to Sol: 9 667,46 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 12 333,38 ly

    Estimated value: 1 212 cr

  • 62,50 ly

    Flyiedge AM-Y c16-25

    15.6.2020 1.53.39

    Ship: MCRN Erebus (Krait Phantom)
    Jump distance: 62,50 ly

    Distance to Sol: 9 605,13 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 12 395,66 ly

    Estimated value: 1 212 cr

  • 35,02 ly

    Flyiedge MP-C b31-6

    15.6.2020 1.52.47

    Ship: MCRN Erebus (Krait Phantom)
    Jump distance: 35,02 ly

    Distance to Sol: 9 544,77 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 12 455,97 ly

    Estimated value: 3 611 cr

  • 59,14 ly

    Flyiedge RE-C c15-19

    15.6.2020 1.49.57

    Ship: MCRN Erebus (Krait Phantom)
    Jump distance: 59,14 ly

    Distance to Sol: 9 509,80 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 12 490,93 ly

    Estimated value: 3 621 cr

  • 61,12 ly

    Flyiedge YQ-J b27-4

    15.6.2020 1.48.51

    Ship: MCRN Erebus (Krait Phantom)
    Jump distance: 61,12 ly

    Distance to Sol: 9 451,41 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 12 549,35 ly

    Estimated value: 2 406 cr

  • 62,06 ly

    Flyiedge NY-O b24-4

    15.6.2020 1.47.30

    Ship: MCRN Erebus (Krait Phantom)
    Jump distance: 62,06 ly

    Distance to Sol: 9 391,62 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 12 609,13 ly

    Estimated value: 2 410 cr

  • 62,22 ly

    Flyiedge HM-S b22-3

    15.6.2020 1.46.17

    Ship: MCRN Erebus (Krait Phantom)
    Jump distance: 62,22 ly

    Distance to Sol: 9 330,21 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 12 670,46 ly

    Estimated value: 1 205 cr

  • 62,21 ly

    Flyiedge UY-X b19-3

    15.6.2020 1.45.22

    Ship: MCRN Erebus (Krait Phantom)
    Jump distance: 62,21 ly

    Distance to Sol: 9 269,01 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 12 731,76 ly

    Estimated value: 1 206 cr

  • 60,89 ly

    Flyiedge LB-D b17-2

    15.6.2020 1.44.09

    Ship: MCRN Erebus (Krait Phantom)
    Jump distance: 60,89 ly

    Distance to Sol: 9 207,87 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 12 792,81 ly

    Estimated value: 12 158 cr

  • 62,04 ly

    Flyiedge YN-I b14-3

    15.6.2020 1.42.59

    Ship: MCRN Erebus (Krait Phantom)
    Jump distance: 62,04 ly

    Distance to Sol: 9 147,82 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 12 852,95 ly

    Estimated value: 1 204 cr

  • 60,45 ly

    Flyiedge SB-M b12-5

    15.6.2020 1.41.19

    Ship: MCRN Erebus (Krait Phantom)
    Jump distance: 60,45 ly

    Distance to Sol: 9 085,87 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 12 914,88 ly

    Estimated value: 1 206 cr

  • 62,54 ly

    Flyiedge EP-V c4-28

    15.6.2020 1.39.58

    Ship: MCRN Erebus (Krait Phantom)
    Jump distance: 62,54 ly

    Distance to Sol: 9 026,56 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 12 974,24 ly

    Estimated value: 2 421 cr

  • 62,24 ly

    Flyiedge TV-W b6-6

    15.6.2020 1.38.38

    Ship: MCRN Erebus (Krait Phantom)
    Jump distance: 62,24 ly

    Distance to Sol: 8 966,40 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 13 034,59 ly

    Estimated value: 1 206 cr

  • 62,15 ly

    Flyiedge RB-B c2-21

    15.6.2020 1.36.52

    Ship: MCRN Erebus (Krait Phantom)
    Jump distance: 62,15 ly

    Distance to Sol: 8 904,85 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 13 096,16 ly

    Estimated value: 52 788 cr

  • 59,45 ly

    Flyiedgiae IU-C c1-31

    15.6.2020 1.31.52

    Ship: MCRN Erebus (Krait Phantom)
    Jump distance: 59,45 ly

    Distance to Sol: 8 843,56 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 13 157,36 ly

    Estimated value: 2 416 cr

  • 60,78 ly

    Nyeajaae KV-B d14-31

    15.6.2020 1.29.22

    Ship: MCRN Erebus (Krait Phantom)
    Jump distance: 60,78 ly

    Distance to Sol: 8 784,18 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 13 216,73 ly

    Estimated value: 112 351 cr

  • 62,13 ly

    Nyeajaae RH-H b56-6

    15.6.2020 1.27.35

    Ship: MCRN Erebus (Krait Phantom)
    Jump distance: 62,13 ly

    Distance to Sol: 8 723,49 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 13 277,40 ly

    Estimated value: 39 626 cr

  • 59,98 ly

    Nyeajaae LV-K b54-0

    15.6.2020 1.25.51

    Ship: MCRN Erebus (Krait Phantom)
    Jump distance: 59,98 ly

    Distance to Sol: 8 662,17 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 13 338,61 ly

    Estimated value: 140 167 cr

  • 61,26 ly

    Nyeajaae LY-I c25-15

    15.6.2020 1.24.43

    Ship: MCRN Erebus (Krait Phantom)
    Jump distance: 61,26 ly

    Distance to Sol: 8 602,23 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 13 398,54 ly

    Estimated value: 2 417 cr

  • 14. kesäkuuta 2020
  • 61,80 ly

    Nyeajaae PK-V b48-5

    14.6.2020 7.14.33

    Ship: MCRN Erebus (Krait Phantom)
    Jump distance: 61,80 ly

    Distance to Sol: 8 541,54 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 13 459,29 ly

    Estimated value: 227 183 cr

  • 250,24 ly

    Nyeajaae FS-A b46-3

    14.6.2020 7.13.11

    Ship: MCRN Erebus (Krait Phantom)
    Jump distance: 250,24 ly

    Distance to Sol: 8 479,96 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 13 520,81 ly

    Estimated value: 6 235 cr

  • 27,10 ly

    Nyeajaae PK-M d8-114

    14.6.2020 7.11.59

    Ship: MCRN Erebus (Krait Phantom)
    Jump distance: 27,10 ly

    Distance to Sol: 8 230,19 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 13 770,66 ly

    Estimated value: 24 094 cr

  • 62,00 ly

    Nyeajaae LB-W b34-3

    14.6.2020 7.11.07

    Ship: MCRN Erebus (Krait Phantom)
    Jump distance: 62,00 ly

    Distance to Sol: 8 218,85 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 13 782,26 ly

    Estimated value: 1 208 cr

  • 61,79 ly

    Nyeajaae BJ-B b32-6

    14.6.2020 7.09.47

    Ship: MCRN Erebus (Krait Phantom)
    Jump distance: 61,79 ly

    Distance to Sol: 8 156,85 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 13 844,25 ly

    Estimated value: 1 208 cr

  • 61,57 ly

    Nyeajaae UW-E b30-7

    14.6.2020 7.08.58

    Ship: MCRN Erebus (Krait Phantom)
    Jump distance: 61,57 ly

    Distance to Sol: 8 095,21 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 13 905,88 ly

    Estimated value: 2 409 cr

  • 62,35 ly

    Nyeajaae JE-K b27-6

    14.6.2020 7.07.51

    Ship: MCRN Erebus (Krait Phantom)
    Jump distance: 62,35 ly

    Distance to Sol: 8 034,34 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 13 966,71 ly

    Estimated value: 1 206 cr

  • 61,15 ly

    Nyeajaae XQ-P b24-9

    14.6.2020 7.06.41

    Ship: MCRN Erebus (Krait Phantom)
    Jump distance: 61,15 ly

    Distance to Sol: 7 974,41 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 14 026,67 ly

    Estimated value: 28 382 cr

  • 62,23 ly

    Nyeajaae OJ-T b22-4

    14.6.2020 7.05.47

    Ship: MCRN Erebus (Krait Phantom)
    Jump distance: 62,23 ly

    Distance to Sol: 7 915,06 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 14 086,18 ly

    Estimated value: 2 406 cr

  • 62,02 ly

    Nyeajaae ER-Y b19-10

    14.6.2020 7.04.46

    Ship: MCRN Erebus (Krait Phantom)
    Jump distance: 62,02 ly

    Distance to Sol: 7 855,72 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 14 145,39 ly

    Estimated value: 2 411 cr

  • 61,42 ly

    Nyeajaae VB-P c8-3

    14.6.2020 7.03.22

    Ship: MCRN Erebus (Krait Phantom)
    Jump distance: 61,42 ly

    Distance to Sol: 7 794,09 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 14 207,12 ly

    Estimated value: 2 431 cr

  • 62,26 ly

    Nyeajaae LR-H b15-6

    14.6.2020 7.01.34

    Ship: MCRN Erebus (Krait Phantom)
    Jump distance: 62,26 ly

    Distance to Sol: 7 732,90 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 14 268,21 ly

    Estimated value: 1 206 cr

  • 60,80 ly

    Nyeajaae AZ-M b12-4

    14.6.2020 7.00.33

    Ship: MCRN Erebus (Krait Phantom)
    Jump distance: 60,80 ly

    Distance to Sol: 7 672,73 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 14 328,60 ly

    Estimated value: 2 405 cr

  • 62,40 ly

    Nyeajaae OY-Y d1-123

    14.6.2020 6.59.30

    Ship: MCRN Erebus (Krait Phantom)
    Jump distance: 62,40 ly

    Distance to Sol: 7 612,02 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 14 389,34 ly

    Estimated value: 4 843 cr

  • 248,31 ly

    Nyeajaae EO-X b6-9

    14.6.2020 6.58.25

    Ship: MCRN Erebus (Krait Phantom)
    Jump distance: 248,31 ly

    Distance to Sol: 7 550,50 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 14 450,74 ly

    Estimated value: 2 412 cr

  • 61,67 ly

    Pyraleau QA-C d14-43

    14.6.2020 6.57.14

    Ship: MCRN Erebus (Krait Phantom)
    Jump distance: 61,67 ly

    Distance to Sol: 7 303,00 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 14 698,34 ly

    Estimated value: 63 542 cr

  • 60,51 ly

    Pyraleau UU-O e6-5

    14.6.2020 6.56.04

    Ship: MCRN Erebus (Krait Phantom)
    Jump distance: 60,51 ly

    Distance to Sol: 7 281,24 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 14 720,00 ly

    Estimated value: 3 798 cr