CMDR Steven Bingham profile > Logbook

Commander name:
Current ship:
Mcrn Odysseus [MEC-22]
Member since:
Distances submitted:
Systems visited:
25 934
Systems discovered first:
19 943
2 307 993 039 Cr
Day 2 of Pueliae Shakedown

Still nothing to report on the Pueliae Nebula Shakedown. Using plotting based off of "non-visited" systems, I've covered every system within 120ly of the center of the nebula. A total of 241 systems covered...and nothing... I can't help but wonder if the switch out here hasn't been I just not looking far enough out? Salome mentioned that Hawkins Gap should be explored...well, for the most outstanding galactic landmark, smack dab in the middle of the Gap, there is surprisingly little here to find. I got an ELW...but I found 2 of them, undiscovered, before reaching Morgan's Rock! I know CMDRs S100py and McNicholl will be joining me out here shortly, but I must say, I'm feeling less and less hopeful.

Day 1 of Pueliae Shakedown

So far, nothing to report on the Pueliae Nebula shakedown. Covered a decent amount of systems so far, and decided to make camp on an untagged moon around an untagged gas giant just outside of the nebula. The sights alone might make this trip worth it, but still have fingers crossed for finding something!