We are currently experiencing some heavy load on our server (4 274,08%).
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CMDR klcolombo profile > Fleet

Distances submitted:
Systems visited:
5 323
Systems discovered first:
2 284 755 077 Cr
Imperial Cutter [#40]

Sidewinder [#0]

Viper Mk III [#2]

Cobra Mk III [#3]

Type-6 Transporter [#4]

Asp Explorer [#5]

Type-7 Transporter [#6]

Dolphin [#7]

Alliance Chieftain [#9]

Type-6 Transporter [#9]

Type-9 Heavy [#10]

Federal Corvette [#20]

Type-10 Defender [#22]

Python [#26]

Diamondback Explorer [#27]

Anaconda [#28]

Asp Explorer [#33]

Vulture [#36]

Fer-de-Lance [#44]

Krait Phantom [#47]

Krait Mk II [#48]

Imperial Cutter [#49]