CMDR Zootron profile > Logbook

Commander name:
Current ship:
(Asp Explorer)
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Systems visited:
2 129
Systems discovered first:
41 864 186 Cr
The Return, Part 3

Had a close call, ran out of fuel in a neutron star system. Had enough left to get into a close by system, but it was a bit nerve-wracking.

Almost home now. Just a thousand or so light years left.

Last leg, no neutron star jumps left. Going to a station just beside Shinrarta Dezhra, going to sell my exploration data, and hopefully I get Elite.

Well, I got to civilized space. Won't relax until I sell my data, though.

Finally arrived. Selling my data. Paintwork is at 51%.

I didn't make Elite. I'm at 71% progress, so I'm short by 96 million credits, give or take. Need to figure out some routes that give me enough credits, or I just drop this whole thing, and try out something new, like combat. It would be nice to have access to Founder's World, especially for outfitting, but 96 million is a bit much to gather; it's another week's worth of exploration.

The Return, Part 2

Second leg, covered somewhere around 100 neutron stars. Got 120 left to go. Pretty boring. Jump in, honk, supercharge, and jump out. Only had one close call with a regular star; got a bit too close, and couldn't slow down fast enough. Other than that, not much damage done that can't be repaired.

Setting down on a planet for the night. Just as an experiment, I turned off everything but life support. Got down to 7% heat, and saw a whole lot of ice on the windows. Normal heat load is somewhere in the 15% range, so it's still cold enough in here to get condensation on the windows.

Going to try to complete the remaining leg of the trip tomorrow.

The Return, Part 1

I'm starting my long climb back to civilization; probably going to be a five or four part trip. Next target isn't really set, but I'd like to set down on a planet to camp, instead of hanging out in deep space.

Got through the first fifty of my 250 or so waypoints. Might get another twenty-five or so before finding a place to land and rest.

At sixty-five out of 250. Planning on finding a place to rest.

Whoa, boy. Forgot to turn on my shields on landing, didn't matter too much, just took the landing slowly. I'm parked somewhere out there, and going to bed for the night.

I Made It!

I got to Sgr A*! Currently at Explorer's Anchorage, and getting ready for the long run home. Netted myself a cool forty million or so credits from exploring. I'm planning on jumping into a combat ship back home and going bounty hunting.


I made it! Got to Colonia! Made Pioneer, too. Swapped out my fuel scoop for a 4A scoop. Next leg of the journey is going to be a long haul to Explorer's Anchorage, maybe via Sgr A*. Then again, might just tool around the Colonia cluster for a bit before doing that.

Got into a little crash leaving Jacques - both ships totaled. Thankfully I didn't lose too much, just the Colonia survey data. I'm going to stay planetside until my next leg.

Neutrons to Kashyapa

Well, I'm in Kashyapa, at Vihara Gate. Went there anyways. Took a fairly fast neutron star highway route. Galaxy map routing didn't work, so I had to navigate using a checklist. Next leg is Kashyapa to Colonia. I turned off shields and sensors for the run in, alongside the power distributor and some other small modules. Did pretty good things for my thermals, and I hope it'd help if I ever have to jump out of a neutron star. Ship's paint is at 61% - neutron star jets don't seem to be terribly corrosive in supercruise.

Sale of exploration data from all the neutron stars was not terribly lucrative, but at this point, I just want to get there. Almost at Pioneer rank, though. Next leg, maybe tomorrow, is for Colonia. I'm planning on taking neutron star jumps for these as well. Hopefully I'll get enough by the time I return to be Elite.

Gagarin Gate

Well, third longest leg done, at Gagarin Gate. Got a lot more credits for all the data, usual shtick. Quite a few first discovery bonuses. Paintwork got beat up to 70%. Thinking that after this whole trip is done, I stop by Hutton orbital and get myself a type-7, or something huge, get a load of mugs, and see how much I can get for them. Next leg is to Caravanserai, them maybe to Polo Harbour. Going to try for a neutron boost along the route to Caravanserai. Might go horribly wrong, but we'll see.

Well, first neutron jump went okay. Bit hair raising, flying into the jets like that. Don't like being thrown around like that. Probably cut about four other jumps from the route, though. I've got one or two more of those to go.

Made it to Caravanserai safely - neutron jumps are a bit nerve-wracking but fun. Next leg is to Polo Harbour, many many neutron jumps. Planning on trying for it today.

In the middle of a triple neutron jump. This is going to be fun - as long as I'm careful.

Finally got to Polo Harbour. Setting down, more than ready for a good night. Decided to skip Kashyapa, head straight for Colonia. It's going to be long, but not too bad. Leg after that is going to be to Sgr A*. Will have to split that up into several chunks, but I'll see if the neutron stars make it any easier.

Long Leg

Gosh, that took so long! A hundred thirty jumps! Only one mishap (emergency drop near a sun), and everything else was okay. My paintwork has taken a beating, but I think I'll leave it unrepaired, as a badge of honour, slowly worn down by space dust. Anyways, 130 jumps is a lot of data to sell. Nets out to around 9 million credits. When I get to a place with a good outfitter, that's being spent on my FSD. Next leg is still long, at 114 jumps. The trip out to Sgr A* from Colonia is going to be bad. Anyways, going to tool around on the surface in the SRV for a bit before heading to bed.

Still Prospecting

Well, that was a bust. No signs of materials anywhere near here. Planning on decamping to a different planet.

Got to another rock in the Eagle Sector, and boy, are there a lot of minerals here to mine. Getting to work now, want a few solid AFM refills.

Finished mining. Am now headed to Eudaemon Anchorage. Long, twenty or so jump trip.

Reached Eudaemon Anchorage. Visited the outpost, then the station. Upgraded my AFMs to A-class. Next leg of my trip is going to be the second-longest, running out to Sacaqawea Space Port.


Well, got to Eagle's Landing. The prison station was alright, dropped of my data there. Discovered my first (first discovery) ammonia world. Got to Eagle's Landing, after a few mishaps. Restocked and repaired, but decided I needed to stock up on AFM repair materials. Took my ship a short ways away from Eagle's Landing, hopped into my SRV, and started cruising around. Got stuck in a canyon, ship couldn't land where I got to. Had to drive down to the bottom and call it in. Planning on going to a metal-rich planet and trying there. Will write more later.

Update: found myself a good planet to stock up on AFM materials; planning on staying the night surface-side, then going out driving in the morning.