CMDR StarPilotPirx profile > Logbook

Commander name:
Current ship:
(Asp Explorer)
Member since:
Distances submitted:
Systems visited:
1 068
Systems discovered first:
Back online

Hi. Commander Pirx speaking. Back online after being busy.

oops. i crashed :(

i crashed... asteroids... damn :( but now i've got a lot of datafrom scanning ships traces

i think i want to visit O-class star)

i think i want to visit O-class star)

Got back to people

Well, yesterday i've reached populated area. I was missing some missions in my little exploration flight. I flew about 1000 ly from a populated area and then back.

Going back

Passed through 13 systems. Found several water worlds. All already explored. Now I am about 550 ly from destination.

First entry

Well, I've travelled and explored a bit and now I am returning to the living bubble. I plan to update a bit, experience a bit of fighting and landing on planets but then... I want to travel around the Galaxy. I think, I can do it.