CMDR Joseph Wood profile > Logbook

(Krait Phantom)

Pilot's log: June 7, 3306 Location: Junior Pilot's quarters, Headquarters
I can't believe it's only been seven days, just seven days since I joined up with these magnificent warriors of humanity. The things I've seen and things that I've accomplished, I could only had imagined.
Right now I'm soooo freaking tired. I just pulled an insane combat rotation, trying to crush my learning curve. Repetition, repetition, repetition is what my mom's used to say.
At roll call it seems that the Pilot's Federation has taken notice of some of my accomplishments and have awarded me the rank of elite in the combat discipline and with that I've been also awarded Triple Elite status. For me it's a dream come true at long last, but to my wing mates, it's just drop in the ocean; all these guys are hardened and highly decorated. With my 1010 thargoid scout kills and 1, scratch that, now 2 Cyclops kills, I've been awarded the Thargoid Hunter level 1 badge. It's now official, I'm a thargoid hunter now. I have a long, long ways too go. I have to always remember, it's not about the glory nor the fame. It's about keeping humanity safe from this ever present menace.
Wow, this was only the first week, what will next week bring?
CMDR J. Wood, signing off.
Went through two betas for the upcoming personal carriers. This should be interesting. I have more than enough credits for one, but I may wait until see how to incorporate it into my game style.
Decided to try a little bug hunting. I believe it's the one thing I haven't tried at all in elite. Been rather intimidated, and so after watching a bunch of youtube streams (gluttony fang is my fav) I decided to give it a try. And to help overcome my intimidation, I decided to try out for the Anti-Xeno Initiative squadron. They've accepted me as a recruit so far, but I earned my first rank by soloing a cyclops kill. I haven't felt such exhilaration in this game since I earned enough credits to buy a python (way back in the day), when it was the ship to get-before they savagely nerfed the heck out of it.
Anyway, I about to enter day 5 as a recruit and so far I've killed 641 thargoid scouts, 1 cyclops interceptor, completed over 125 faction missions (did all them in two days), and this still apart of my introductory process. Can't wait to see where I'll be by the end of the year.
The year began on a sorrow note, NBA commissioner D. Sterns passed and shortly afterwards K. Bryant was killed in a horrific accident along with his daughter and 7 other people. I pondered on why that death seemed to hit harder than most. For me, I was so used to the persona of the black mamba on the bball court, but now watching how he began to navigate retirement, winning an oscar, welcoming another daughter, I was truly in awe of K. Bryant the father. I enjoyed all the moments he shared of himself and Gigi. I watched her from a baby bump to becoming a beast on the court, just like her old man. Gone too soon.
Next, after 3 years of being apart of the Privateer's Alliance, I called a quits. Decided to go in a different direction. First needed to spend some time figuring out what I want out the game and then align those goals with like minded individuals.
Then real life hits again, as we all watched in disbelief as reports of some kind of virus has been unleashed in china. Not in my wildest dreams did I imagine the extent of death to come as I watched as cruise ship after cruise ship seemed to be decimated by the virus. My heart hurts from all the death and loss some people have endured. My head hurts from listening to big fat idiot in a job that is WAY above his head. Tears.
It's been a while since I logged anything in here. I'll try to keep it brief and concise.
I believe my last entry was last October, well needless to say at that time I was deep into mining painite and low temperature diamonds. My goal was to get to catch MP_Astro in credits. I believe I was at around 8 billion and he was at 10 to 12 billion. He was unaware, it was my own personal goal. Anyway, when December came around I shifted my goal to get to 20 billion before the new year, goal achieved. I ended the year with 21.5 billion credits.
Talk about close I literally submitted my previous log, I entered into witchspace heading towards another system, when bam, I get knocked out of witchspace, all my indicators go crazy, and then that creepy verberation hits my ship. Next thing I know, I get hit by some crazy energy blast and all my ships power is out. I switch to outside mode, low and behold, two count them two thargoids are right on my six. Thanks goodness I didn't have anything in my hold. Boy, I can't wait until the Sulaco is ready to go. I doing some alien hunting this winter.
CMDR J. Wood Signing off.
A week or so ago, I decided to take a trek along an old expedition route that I have yet to complete. This route will take you along some strange and exhilarating thargoid ruins. I always wanted to enter one of these ruins but I needed some sort of key. Long story short, I needed an artifact or probe, found one, but while I was on my way back, I decided to stop off at an old abandoned research facility. This facility is covered in a dome of green gas, at night it's really eerie, but in the day time it makes for one hell of a picture. While I was in my srv reviewing some logs and getting ready to take some snap shots, a flipping thargoid showed up right above the facility. It's screech was so loud it shook my srv. Next I knew it blew up my ship. My ship was unarmed and not doing anything hostile. I just dawned on me why it attacked. In my ship's cargo hold, I had a dang probe in it. Lesson learned, and only cost me my favorite ship, all my exploration data, and about 3 million credits worth of combat bonds, meh!! One day I'll finish that trek and see what's inside one of those ruins.
CMDR J. Wood Signing Off.
Wow, can't believe it's been a month since my last log. I earned my 4 Billion credit badge on the 13th and wanted to make it to 6 billion on the 17th of September. Well, that didn't happen, rather it didn't happen in that particular time frame. Other crap had to take precedence. Anyway, as of right now I'm sitting at 9.7 billion and now working on collecting all materials so I can engineer my latest ship, which is an Anaconda. After 4 years, I finally bought an Anaconda, I named her Sulaco after the ship in Aliens. She's going to be my alien hunter. I thought I'd give thargoid hunting a go. After I get my personal fleet carrier, the only other ship I plan on buying, at least according to rumor, is the supposed new mining ship that supposed to be freaking huge!!!! Makes the type 9 look like a python, supposedly. We'll see. See you guys in the black.
Finally got the Scrooge badge!!!!! Now trying to get to 6 billion by Tuesday.
Still haven't received the more credits than scrooge badge as yet, but I did get the acolyte of wagnar badge. So still have 52 badges.
I just crossed the 4 billion credits milestone, should be getting the More money than Scrooge badge, bringing my total to 52 badges.