CMDR Scholten profile > Logbook

(Type-8 Transporter)

Signing in Cmdr Scholten,
After my run in with the law I decided to go on another exploration trip. Far away from the bubble, far away from any problems I might get myself into.
I plotted a route to Kepler's Crest and than turn, go through Achilles Altar, and turn again through Hawkings'Gap and into The Norma Expanse and finally return to the bubble.
I have visited some interesting places on the way sofar. Stopped by at the Commune of a New Dawn and refueled and restocked at Station X, a far away asteroid base. Found a lot of biological species, great views and even some Earthlike worlds.
Travelling about 20.000 ly, I noticed something odd, the powerplant in my Anaconda is deteriorating. Still a 94 percent output, but a worrying thought there might be something wrong with it so far out. A few jumps further it suddenly dropped to 89 percent. This is not good, I had to find out what is going on. I landed the anaconda on the nearest landable body and went deep down inside to find the powerplant and what is going wrong with it. As I entered the service room of the powerplant I smelled burned materials. Oh this is bad. Opening the inspection hatches I found the culprits. A service hatch with some fried capacitors behind it. I don't know how, but it happened. Nothing I could fix here.
I checked the galaxy map and found a DSSA carrier not too faraway. The 'DSSA Nereus Deep' in the 'Engopr YH-L b14-2' system.
Still 2.000 ly though. Calculations were made, a good 40 jumps and I should be able to reach it and have my powerplant repaired. Switching off everything not immediately needed I headed off to the DSSA carrier.
Every jump the plant lost about a percent of output, but I made it to the carrier. An automated voice welcomed me and gave me permission to land and go in the hangar.
Once inside I noticed there was nobody there. Just me and my Anaconda in an empty hangar. The comms system with the carrier seemed to work allright and before anything else I asked the shipyard contact to repair the powerplant and try to find what went wrong.
I disembarked and went to the elevator to go to the concourse. As I arrived at the concourse, I found myself alone again. I mean it is far out, and not many cmdrs visiting at the same time, but where is the crew? My answer came quick as I entered the shipyard office to talk about the repairs. A holo projection awaited me and said the powerplant was being taken out for diagnosis and repairs. If there was anything else. No thanks.
I went to the pilots bar, sure there must be someone there. But again, I am alone and nobody but a holo projection of a bartender to keep me company. He poured me a good drink, and I could ask this 'bartender' a few questions. And he explained that DSSA who runs these far out carriers has no actual people onboard of them except the visitors. And it made kind of sense, no human would survive the endless waiting for visitor's on a carrier 20kLy away.
A message came in from the shipyard. The powerplant was being fixed, a few polymere capacitors had blown resulting into the output fails. A rare defect but not completely unknown to happen. Most times it is discovered and replaced at routine maintenance. Just my luck it happening during an exploration trip. Expectations were it to be tested and ready in about 10 hours. Time for me to get some rest after this hastily stretch to the carrier.
I went back into my quarters in the anaconda and just before going to sleep I got this feeling to close the ship up for the night. I know, nobody there but holograms, but a gut feeling has never led me wrong. So just before closing my eyes I locked the ship from my console.
Signing off Cmdr Scholten.
Signing in Cmdr Scholten.
It's early when the lights of my cell come on and the door opens. Two guards tell me to get up. They escort me to an office, where some officer tells me my time on the prison colony is done. I need to fill out some forms on the console and I am once again a free man.
I leave the prison office to leave to the apex counter. My ship has been transferred to my carrier, just not with me in it.
Something went wrong, very wrong.
As I noted in my last log, I was going to a new years eve party, organised by my former co-pilot Cmdr. Amanda Green. And eventhough I decided to go alone in the end, the party was great. She knows how to throw a party. Seeing her again was good, she really got her business running and her party ship is a lot better than the old 'Party Crasher' ever was.
On the party I met this somewhat exotic woman who got my interest. She introduced herself as Cmdr. Levanka, we danced, drunk and enjoyed the party. Levanka told me she is a freelancer and trader in rare goods. Just at some point, Amanda called me over and told me to choose my fellow party members with care. Looking straight at Cmdr. Levanka. She wouldn't tell me what was going on. Just to take care. I brushed it of thinking she might not be pleased seeing me with this new friend.
After the party I went along with Cmdr. Levanka to her ship to take a look at some of the rare items she is trading in. This was a cutter half filled with things like rare artworks, antiquities, ancient relics and so on. She could let me in on her trading missions as her contact is looking for more traders. The profits were good, just don't ask too many questions as to where the goods are coming from. And as my rep. suggested I might be interested.
I told her I'd think about it, not exactly planning on breaking the law again, but the adventure was luring. She proposed to me to go along on her trip to get a better view on the whole deal. That sounds like a plan, the next morning we left. The first few sales went allright. She was handy with the cutter to avoid interdictions and scans when entering stations and hassled on the black market to get the best prices. We started to enjoy each others company more and more and I believe she got distracted and lost a bit of her concentration on staying out of the arms of the law. We entered a system that gave a wanted warning. She laughed it off saying she came here all the time.
Whilst supercruising to another market we got interdicted by local security, not once, but many a times by different ships untill we came to a halt. We got arrested for transporting illicit cargo and trading stolen goods. This system had a big warrant out for the arrest of Cmdr Levanka.
In court we got sentenced to spend some time in a prison colony. Cmdr. Levanka got will be locked up for several years and I as an new accomplice got four months. I don't think I am going to join in in her adventures anytime soon anymore.
Signing off Cmdr. Scholten.
Signing in Cmdr Scholten.
Going through the new list of messages that seem to be part of commanding a fleetcarrier there was one that stood out.
A personal message from a certain cmdr. A Green. I know that one, just haven't heard from her in a while, and nor has she from me.
I opened the message, and besides the how are you's and I am fine it gave a short description of how she has begun to make a name for herself organising parties.
There is an attachment to the message. As I check it, it is an invitation to celebrate the new years evening in a big wild style at her partyship. As I read on, she has made all reservations and gave me two special free vip tickets as I am to bring my partner to the party. As by now I certainly would have one, she types on. Well, to be honest, no. I haven't. Made it passed the breakup with her and been very busy with a lot, but not exactly finding me a partner again.
Wow, like two days to go to the party, I don't know. Could ofcourse hire a professional escort for a day or two. I'll see.
For now I'll confirm the invitation and think of a form of company to go with me.
Signing off Cmdr Scholten.
Signing in Cmdr Scholten.
Becoming part of Ace Exploration Squadron sure has been giving me some more possibilities. A wide variety of missions to be undertaken with our without a wing. And the fun of being part of a bigger group with a more 'common' cause than being out almost alone as a fully independent cmdr.
I setup a first homebase at McKay Gateway, but quickly moved on to the headquarters. Wallace city, a Coriolis starport in the LHS 3097 system. With all the vibrant energy of such a big port. Always something going on and something to do.
I extended my fleet with a new fighter, An Alliance Challenger called 'Justified Anger' A well engineered fighter ship to aid in the battles we face.
But there has been an even bigger ship added to my fleet, well actually, I can park my whole fleet there.
I am owner and cmdr. of the Fleetcarrier called 'Keep A Fist Raised Up.' As our tasks spread out more and more the limited range of the fighter ships became more and more of an issue. And so does the sometimes unavailability of refueling, restocking and repair. Near the combat zones.
With plenty of credits at this point in my career, I decided to move on up and have my own carrier build.
I can tell, the first time your drop from supercruise to meet your carrier is a special moment. All kind of emotions flying through you as you are greeted by your flightcontrol tower welcoming you to the carrier and giving you clearance to land on pad o7. A symbolic salute in the docking lights.
Than ofcourse meeting all the staff and getting acquinted with all facilities and the ship layout. And finally going through the red doors up to the command deck. Where a liaison of the brewer company officially hands over the carrier and it's command to you. The proud new owner.
That night after a nice reception I went up to the command tower. Up to the commanddeck and enjoyed the view over the carrier deck where ships are now coming and going to refuel and maybe some repairs. As those are the first services made available by me. I went into the cmdrs quarters. Took one more look at the management console. All was good. See you all tomorrow.
Signing off cmdr Scholten.
Signing in Cmdr Scholten.
Here's a special log on the new chapter in the life of my, well used to be co-pilot Amanda Green. For years she has been my co-pilot, trusted friend, party organiser and hell, maybe even partner on these long exploration trips. Charting the galaxy, sampling plants and bacteria in the most harsh conditions.
Ofcourse there was a big change after the event with the maelstrom and the ill effect on her health. And that got her thinking about her life as an explorer and exobiologist. Whilst interesting, it doesn't have much to do with any other human interaction. Something she really likes.
Just after we got back I remember her running into my quarters and shoving her tablet under my face. There was a small Galnet article about the 'Party crasher' An old type 10 defender wich had been modified to hold illustrous parties on small moons for those lucky enough to get a ticket. (See We'll have our own party log entry). Apparantly some Omnipol agents raided a party arrested a lot of wanted partygoers and confiscated the ship. And the ship was now for sale. And you guessed it, Amanda wanted to buy it as a start for her business. I told her, it probably needed more than it's worth in repairs to get it properly flying and working again. But it was the well known 'Party crasher', not just any defender... I decided to accompany her to the auction and try to prevent her from getting in trouble.
At the auction, I briefly got the idea this was another honeytrap by omnipol to get more wanted cmdrs together. Man what a group of pirates and other criminals this ship pulled towards itself. Together we checked the auction description of the lot and bam, there it was. The pilots federation had withdrawn the registration for this particular ship in await of total repairs and check by one of their agents. With all the mods been made, and repairs needed it would never pass again.
Amanda was very dissapointed at this stage, she had a dream of flying and partying and making a living out of it. Well, not with this one. And eventhough this legend wasn't going to be hers, onboard I asked her what she wanted now.
And than she cried out, the first ship I have ever flown in, a f*cking defender. Yes, that's right, you 'saving' me in the docking bay as I got expelled from my station. That is my kind of flight. Big strong and feeling of being safe. That was my first ever flight you know. I even passed my exam around the carrier in yours as I recovered and you were away. I was baffled, I never knew. I mean I was flying sidewinders as a teenager and she had never flown before that incident.
As she calmed down, I got this idea. I asked how much were you thinking of spending on that ship? She looked at me confused and uncertain. She didn't have an idea. I mean she made 100's of millions on the trips and the carrier. And a legend can be worth more than any other vessel. But no idea.
I asked her is she had time to go shopping for her own vessel, ofcourse she had. So cutting to the end here, I shared a big part in a brand new bare type 10 Defender. At the nearest dealer we could find. No, I am not being scroogy here, as she specifically asked for the bare minimum so she could build her own party ship. Lot of emotions went through me as I watched her take off with her new ship from the lounge, a place where I met her and said goodbey to her. I am sure one day I'll receive a ticket for the grand opening of the party ship.
signing off Cmdr Scholten.
Signing in Cmdr Scholten
We returned home, well for as long as it will last. We finished the research into the Dynasty project, got the ranking of Exobiologist up to elite with the last 16 kly trip.
And what to do now. Things on the carrier are quiet, struggling to keep the upkeep for an ever getting smaller squadron. And frankly it no longer brings me what it used to. So even as a veteran and at my age, I am going to change my career once more. I have been reading into a big squadron and all the good and bad it could bring. Sure I'll have to get used to being in ranks again. And a structural hierarchy. But I'll manage, so I applied and got a new position and a new career as part of something bigger.
And my co-pilot Amanda? Well she has decided to go on for herself as well. During the time she was working on the carrier she gave her options a good thinking over and she has decided to become an independent pilot herself. The next log will be about that btw.
For now, I have taken up residency in the McKay station, have some of my fleet transported there and sold some off as I didn't fly them anymore.
I have taken care of any loose ends here on the carier, whished my old comrades goodluck and so did they wish me.
So off for a new start.
Sighning off Cmdr Scholten.
Signing in Cmdr Scholten.
We did it, we visited all abandoned bases of the Dynasty Project.
This time we went to the Conflux region. We found the abandoned bases, read the logs and downloaded the data and files on the old but functional datapoints.
Alpha site,
The crew is unloading beacons between the bubble and the conflux region. Soon enough they find out that the beacons are unloaded in the vicinity of Earth Like Worlds. After the last one has been placed they head back home. Mission has been succesful, not known wether they actually make it back.
Beta site,
On the way to their location, this crew tells about getting hyperdicted. They can't understand the how and why, but it happened. After the hyperdicted event they write about lights chasing their ship and color and shapeshifting clouds. They don't seem to be sure wether it is all real, or that they are slowly loosing their minds.
Gamma site,
A bit of the same story as the Alpha site, drop beacons at certain locations and head back home after they are done. Unknown wether they make it back.
Delta site,
Found a log of the navigator. Apparantly the ship is pushed beyond it's limits. The FSD fails and they are stranded in space. They try to fix the ship, but it dropped too close to a neutron star. The ship and crew are being pulled into the star and no one has survived the ordeal.
Note: in the Delta site system we discovered a Stellar Phenomena, not just the usual metallic crystals but also a P-type phenomena. A small group of green plasma like balls following our ship. Disturbing the systems as we got too close to them. They didn't seem aggresive, but the disturbance of our systems could damage them. So we left them behind quickly.
Signing off Cmdr Scholten.
Signing in Cmdr Scholten,
As of today we are on another exploration trip.
In the past we visited the abandoned sites and bases of the Dynasty project. In both the Formidine rift and Hawking's Gap. But there was another discovery trip set out at the time. In the direction of the Scutum Sagitarri Conflux region. And that's where we are heading this time.
Got the Anaconda refitted at Jameson Memorial for another long exploration trip and with Amanda back in the cockpit all things are looking good for another adventure.
And ofcourse on the way we shall be exploring, scanning and sampling bio signals to add to the general knowledge of the galaxy.
Signing off Cmdr Scholten.
Signing in Cmdr Scholten.
The original plan was to visit the abandoned bases in Hawkings Gap and travel on to explore the region further out away from the bubble. Than return through Norma's Expanse back to the bubble.
Yet last night we received a message from the carrier. Since we left it seems a lot of cmdrs have left on explorationtrips. Too many at the same time wich means too little revenue coming in to keep the account balanced the right way.
And since we are not just cmdrs using this carrier but also active members of the squadron based on it we are to come back and help out so the carrier stays our base.
Glad we got to explore the sites we initially wanted, now the nose of the Anaconda is facing the bubble again. Only 173 jumps to go as I type this log.
Hold on guys, help is on the way.
Signing off Cmdr Scholten
Signing in Cmdr Scholten.
We have arrived and explored the four abandoned settlements in the Hawkin's Gap region.
Not as much mystery as the ones in the Formidine rift, but still impressive to visit and scan the old comm logs and data points.
The Alpha site, The logs speak of boredom and lack of clear purpose as to why they are there. Rumours about the expedition to the Formidine Rift and people killing themselves on those missions have reached this settlement. Though left behind long ago, the site still had some nice engineering materials lying around.
The Beta site, The logs show a mission with of a lot of secrecy as to why they are there and what the cargo is they took with them. The crews fullfill their duties and head back to the bubble. No way of telling wether they actually made it back. The datapoint is still active and we managed to download the software from the old base. Good credits and interesting for historical research.
The Gamma site, The logs are about the crew not knowing what cargo they are dropping off in space. The cargo looks like a kind of satelites. The guards hired by the unknown company giving the orders are hostile towards anyone asking questions. One crew who accidently saw one 'satelite' being switched on is having an accident in an airlock later that day, killing them all. The datapoint is also still active and we downloaded what was stored on it. We have found in the past that the empire uses old datapoints to store software and files. Funny thing about this one, there are files for each main power in the galaxy stored. Emperial, Federal and Alliance files all stored on the same datapoint...
The Delta site, The logs are much the same, an unknown organisation having crews taking 'satelites' as far out as Hawkin's Gap. Not knowing what they are for or why they are so far out. No active datapoint here but quite a lot of engineering materials.
Signing out Cmdr. Scholten.