Gendalla [#4717761530219]

TBJ-31H [#3704509696]
Fleet Carrier
Distance to arrival:
194 ls

Fleet Carrier
Fleet Carrier

Black Market, Contacts, Crew Lounge, Pioneer Supplies, Refuel, Repair, Restock, Universal Cartographics, Vista Genomics

Apa Vietii, Narcotics, Beer, Bootleg Liquor, Imperial Slaves, Liquor, Tobacco, Wine
Last update: 11.12.2024 8.28

Core Internal

Thruster Mounting Integrity Mass Power Price
2A Thrusters Normal-space propulsion system. 56 2,5 t 3 MW 160 220 cr
3A Thrusters Normal-space propulsion system. 70 5 t 3,72 MW 507 910 cr
4A Thrusters Normal-space propulsion system. 88 10 t 4,92 MW 1 610 080 cr
5A Thrusters Normal-space propulsion system. 106 20 t 6,12 MW 5 103 950 cr
6A Thrusters Normal-space propulsion system. 124 40 t 7,56 MW 16 179 530 cr
7A Thrusters Normal-space propulsion system. 144 80 t 9,12 MW 51 289 110 cr
8A Thrusters Normal-space propulsion system. 165 160 t 10,8 MW 162 586 490 cr
FSD Housing Integrity Mass Power Price
2A Frame Shift Drive Device that allows supercruise travel and hyperspace jumps between star systems. 64 2,5 t 0,3 MW 160 220 cr
3A Frame Shift Drive Device that allows supercruise travel and hyperspace jumps between star systems. 80 5 t 0,45 MW 507 910 cr
4A Frame Shift Drive Device that allows supercruise travel and hyperspace jumps between star systems. 100 10 t 0,45 MW 1 610 080 cr
5A Frame Shift Drive Device that allows supercruise travel and hyperspace jumps between star systems. 120 20 t 0,6 MW 5 103 950 cr
6A Frame Shift Drive Device that allows supercruise travel and hyperspace jumps between star systems. 141 40 t 0,75 MW 16 179 530 cr
7A Frame Shift Drive Device that allows supercruise travel and hyperspace jumps between star systems. 164 80 t 0,9 MW 51 289 110 cr
Fuel Store Integrity Mass Power Price
1C Fuel Tank Storage container for fuel used by ship's power plant. ?? 0 t 0 MW 1 000 cr
2C Fuel Tank Storage container for fuel used by ship's power plant. ?? 0 t 0 MW 3 750 cr
3C Fuel Tank Storage container for fuel used by ship's power plant. ?? 0 t 0 MW 7 060 cr

Optional Internal

AFM Units Integrity Mass Power Price
1B Auto Field-Maintenance Unit Allows in-flight repair of internal ship modules. Can restore broken modules. Requires ammunition. 56 0 t 1,04 MW 270 000 cr
1A Auto Field-Maintenance Unit Allows in-flight repair of internal ship modules. Can restore broken modules. Requires ammunition. 46 0 t 1,26 MW 810 000 cr
2B Auto Field-Maintenance Unit Allows in-flight repair of internal ship modules. Can restore broken modules. Requires ammunition. 71 0 t 1,29 MW 486 000 cr
2A Auto Field-Maintenance Unit Allows in-flight repair of internal ship modules. Can restore broken modules. Requires ammunition. 59 0 t 1,58 MW 1 458 000 cr
3B Auto Field-Maintenance Unit Allows in-flight repair of internal ship modules. Can restore broken modules. Requires ammunition. 90 0 t 1,55 MW 874 800 cr
3A Auto Field-Maintenance Unit Allows in-flight repair of internal ship modules. Can restore broken modules. Requires ammunition. 74 0 t 1,89 MW 2 624 400 cr
4B Auto Field-Maintenance Unit Allows in-flight repair of internal ship modules. Can restore broken modules. Requires ammunition. 112 0 t 1,9 MW 1 574 640 cr
4A Auto Field-Maintenance Unit Allows in-flight repair of internal ship modules. Can restore broken modules. Requires ammunition. 92 0 t 2,31 MW 4 723 920 cr
5B Auto Field-Maintenance Unit Allows in-flight repair of internal ship modules. Can restore broken modules. Requires ammunition. 134 0 t 2,24 MW 2 834 350 cr
5A Auto Field-Maintenance Unit Allows in-flight repair of internal ship modules. Can restore broken modules. Requires ammunition. 110 0 t 2,73 MW 8 503 060 cr
6B Auto Field-Maintenance Unit Allows in-flight repair of internal ship modules. Can restore broken modules. Requires ammunition. 158 0 t 2,67 MW 5 101 830 cr
6A Auto Field-Maintenance Unit Allows in-flight repair of internal ship modules. Can restore broken modules. Requires ammunition. 130 0 t 3,26 MW 15 305 500 cr
7B Auto Field-Maintenance Unit Allows in-flight repair of internal ship modules. Can restore broken modules. Requires ammunition. 183 0 t 3,02 MW 9 183 300 cr
7A Auto Field-Maintenance Unit Allows in-flight repair of internal ship modules. Can restore broken modules. Requires ammunition. 151 0 t 3,68 MW 27 549 900 cr
8B Auto Field-Maintenance Unit Allows in-flight repair of internal ship modules. Can restore broken modules. Requires ammunition. 210 0 t 3,45 MW 16 529 940 cr
8A Auto Field-Maintenance Unit Allows in-flight repair of internal ship modules. Can restore broken modules. Requires ammunition. 173 0 t 4,2 MW 49 589 820 cr
Cargo Racks Integrity Mass Power Price
4E Cargo Rack Standardised storage rack for use in automated cargo transfer system. ?? 0 t 0 MW 34 330 cr
5E Cargo Rack Standardised storage rack for use in automated cargo transfer system. ?? 0 t 0 MW 111 570 cr
6E Cargo Rack Standardised storage rack for use in automated cargo transfer system. ?? 0 t 0 MW 362 590 cr
Collection Limpets Integrity Mass Power Price
1E Collector Limpet Controller Controls limpets to collect canisters and asteroid chunks automatically. 24 0,5 t 0,14 MW 600 cr
1D Collector Limpet Controller Controls limpets to collect canisters and asteroid chunks automatically. 32 0,5 t 0,18 MW 1 200 cr
1C Collector Limpet Controller Controls limpets to collect canisters and asteroid chunks automatically. 40 1,3 t 0,23 MW 2 400 cr
1B Collector Limpet Controller Controls limpets to collect canisters and asteroid chunks automatically. 48 2 t 0,28 MW 4 800 cr
1A Collector Limpet Controller Controls limpets to collect canisters and asteroid chunks automatically. 56 2 t 0,32 MW 9 600 cr
3E Collector Limpet Controller Controls limpets to collect canisters and asteroid chunks automatically. 38 2 t 0,2 MW 5 400 cr
3D Collector Limpet Controller Controls limpets to collect canisters and asteroid chunks automatically. 51 2 t 0,27 MW 10 800 cr
3C Collector Limpet Controller Controls limpets to collect canisters and asteroid chunks automatically. 64 5 t 0,34 MW 21 600 cr
3B Collector Limpet Controller Controls limpets to collect canisters and asteroid chunks automatically. 77 8 t 0,41 MW 43 200 cr
5E Collector Limpet Controller Controls limpets to collect canisters and asteroid chunks automatically. 58 8 t 0,3 MW 48 600 cr
Decontamination Limpets Integrity Mass Power Price
1E Decontamination Limpet Controller Controls a limpet that removes caustic chemicals affecting a ship's hull, as well as applying a small amount of hull repair. ?? 1,3 t 0,18 MW ??
3E Decontamination Limpet Controller Controls a limpet that removes caustic chemicals affecting a ship's hull, as well as applying a small amount of hull repair. ?? 2 t 0,2 MW ??
5E Decontamination Limpet Controller Controls a limpet that removes caustic chemicals affecting a ship's hull, as well as applying a small amount of hull repair. ?? 20 t 0,5 MW ??
Docking Computers Integrity Mass Power Price
1E Standard Docking Computer Allows automated docking sequence at all starports and outposts. ?? 0 t 0,39 MW 4 500 cr
1E Advanced Docking Computer ?? ?? 0 t 0,45 MW ??
1E Supercruise Assist ?? 10 0 t 0,3 MW ??
Fuel Scoops Integrity Mass Power Price
1E Fuel Scoop Device that uses pre-charged cells to rapidly repair active shields. No effect on collapsed shields. 32 0 t 0,14 MW 310 cr
1D Fuel Scoop Device that uses pre-charged cells to rapidly repair active shields. No effect on collapsed shields. 24 0 t 0,18 MW 1 290 cr
2E Fuel Scoop Device that uses pre-charged cells to rapidly repair active shields. No effect on collapsed shields. 41 0 t 0,17 MW 1 070 cr
2D Fuel Scoop Device that uses pre-charged cells to rapidly repair active shields. No effect on collapsed shields. 31 0 t 0,22 MW 4 450 cr
3E Fuel Scoop Device that uses pre-charged cells to rapidly repair active shields. No effect on collapsed shields. 51 0 t 0,2 MW 3 390 cr
3D Fuel Scoop Device that uses pre-charged cells to rapidly repair active shields. No effect on collapsed shields. 38 0 t 0,27 MW 14 110 cr
4E Fuel Scoop Device that uses pre-charged cells to rapidly repair active shields. No effect on collapsed shields. 64 0 t 0,25 MW 10 730 cr
4D Fuel Scoop Device that uses pre-charged cells to rapidly repair active shields. No effect on collapsed shields. 48 0 t 0,33 MW 44 720 cr
5E Fuel Scoop Device that uses pre-charged cells to rapidly repair active shields. No effect on collapsed shields. 77 0 t 0,3 MW 34 030 cr
5D Fuel Scoop Device that uses pre-charged cells to rapidly repair active shields. No effect on collapsed shields. 58 0 t 0,4 MW 141 780 cr
6E Fuel Scoop Device that uses pre-charged cells to rapidly repair active shields. No effect on collapsed shields. 90 0 t 0,35 MW 107 860 cr
6D Fuel Scoop Device that uses pre-charged cells to rapidly repair active shields. No effect on collapsed shields. 68 0 t 0,47 MW 449 430 cr
7E Fuel Scoop Device that uses pre-charged cells to rapidly repair active shields. No effect on collapsed shields. ?? 0 t 0,41 MW 341 930 cr
7D Fuel Scoop Device that uses pre-charged cells to rapidly repair active shields. No effect on collapsed shields. 79 0 t 0,55 MW 1 424 700 cr
8E Fuel Scoop Device that uses pre-charged cells to rapidly repair active shields. No effect on collapsed shields. ?? 0 t 0,48 MW 1 083 910 cr
8D Fuel Scoop Device that uses pre-charged cells to rapidly repair active shields. No effect on collapsed shields. 90 0 t 0,64 MW 4 516 290 cr
Fuel Transfer Limpets Integrity Mass Power Price
1E Fuel Transfer Limpet Controller Controls a limpet to transfer 1 ton of fuel to a targeted ship. 24 1,3 t 0,18 MW 600 cr
1D Fuel Transfer Limpet Controller Controls a limpet to transfer 1 ton of fuel to a targeted ship. 32 0,5 t 0,14 MW 1 200 cr
1C Fuel Transfer Limpet Controller Controls a limpet to transfer 1 ton of fuel to a targeted ship. 40 1,3 t 0,23 MW 2 400 cr
1B Fuel Transfer Limpet Controller Controls a limpet to transfer 1 ton of fuel to a targeted ship. 48 2 t 0,32 MW 4 800 cr
1A Fuel Transfer Limpet Controller Controls a limpet to transfer 1 ton of fuel to a targeted ship. 56 1,3 t 0,28 MW 9 600 cr
3E Fuel Transfer Limpet Controller Controls a limpet to transfer 1 ton of fuel to a targeted ship. 38 5 t 0,27 MW 5 400 cr
3D Fuel Transfer Limpet Controller Controls a limpet to transfer 1 ton of fuel to a targeted ship. 51 2 t 0,2 MW 10 800 cr
3C Fuel Transfer Limpet Controller Controls a limpet to transfer 1 ton of fuel to a targeted ship. 64 5 t 0,34 MW 21 600 cr
3B Fuel Transfer Limpet Controller Controls a limpet to transfer 1 ton of fuel to a targeted ship. 77 8 t 0,48 MW 43 200 cr
3A Fuel Transfer Limpet Controller Controls a limpet to transfer 1 ton of fuel to a targeted ship. 90 5 t 0,41 MW 86 400 cr
5E Fuel Transfer Limpet Controller Controls a limpet to transfer 1 ton of fuel to a targeted ship. ?? 20 t 0,4 MW 48 600 cr
5D Fuel Transfer Limpet Controller Controls a limpet to transfer 1 ton of fuel to a targeted ship. 77 8 t 0,3 MW 97 200 cr
Hatch Breaker Limpets Integrity Mass Power Price
1E Hatch Breaker Limpet Controller Control unit that can program a blank limpet to hack a target's hold, causing cargo ejection. 32 1,3 t 0,12 MW 600 cr
1D Hatch Breaker Limpet Controller Control unit that can program a blank limpet to hack a target's hold, causing cargo ejection. 24 0,5 t 0,16 MW 1 200 cr
1C Hatch Breaker Limpet Controller Control unit that can program a blank limpet to hack a target's hold, causing cargo ejection. 40 1,3 t 0,2 MW 2 400 cr
1B Hatch Breaker Limpet Controller Control unit that can program a blank limpet to hack a target's hold, causing cargo ejection. 56 2 t 0,24 MW 4 800 cr
1A Hatch Breaker Limpet Controller Control unit that can program a blank limpet to hack a target's hold, causing cargo ejection. 48 1,3 t 0,28 MW 9 600 cr
3E Hatch Breaker Limpet Controller Control unit that can program a blank limpet to hack a target's hold, causing cargo ejection. ?? 5 t 0,18 MW 5 400 cr
3D Hatch Breaker Limpet Controller Control unit that can program a blank limpet to hack a target's hold, causing cargo ejection. 38 2 t 0,24 MW 10 800 cr
3C Hatch Breaker Limpet Controller Control unit that can program a blank limpet to hack a target's hold, causing cargo ejection. 64 5 t 0,3 MW 21 600 cr
3B Hatch Breaker Limpet Controller Control unit that can program a blank limpet to hack a target's hold, causing cargo ejection. 90 8 t 0,36 MW 43 200 cr
3A Hatch Breaker Limpet Controller Control unit that can program a blank limpet to hack a target's hold, causing cargo ejection. 77 5 t 0,42 MW 86 400 cr
5E Hatch Breaker Limpet Controller Control unit that can program a blank limpet to hack a target's hold, causing cargo ejection. ?? 20 t 0,3 MW 48 600 cr
5D Hatch Breaker Limpet Controller Control unit that can program a blank limpet to hack a target's hold, causing cargo ejection. 58 8 t 0,4 MW 97 200 cr
Passenger Cabins Integrity Mass Power Price
4C First Class Passenger Cabin First Class Passenger Cabin. ?? 10 t 0 MW 170 600 cr
5C First Class Passenger Cabin First Class Passenger Cabin. ?? 20 t 0 MW 340 540 cr
5B Luxury Passenger Cabin Luxury Class Passenger Cabin. ?? 20 t 0 MW 1 658 100 cr
6C First Class Passenger Cabin First Class Passenger Cabin. ?? 40 t 0 MW 552 700 cr
6B Luxury Passenger Cabin Luxury Class Passenger Cabin. ?? 40 t 0 MW 4 974 300 cr
Prospector Limpets Integrity Mass Power Price
1B Prospector Limpet Controller Controls a limpet to prospect an asteroid to discover its composition. 48 2 t 0,32 MW 4 800 cr
1A Prospector Limpet Controller Controls a limpet to prospect an asteroid to discover its composition. 56 1,3 t 0,28 MW 9 600 cr
3D Prospector Limpet Controller Controls a limpet to prospect an asteroid to discover its composition. 51 2 t 0,2 MW 10 800 cr
3C Prospector Limpet Controller Controls a limpet to prospect an asteroid to discover its composition. 64 5 t 0,34 MW 21 600 cr
3B Prospector Limpet Controller Controls a limpet to prospect an asteroid to discover its composition. 77 8 t 0,48 MW 43 200 cr
3A Prospector Limpet Controller Controls a limpet to prospect an asteroid to discover its composition. 90 5 t 0,41 MW 86 400 cr
5E Prospector Limpet Controller Controls a limpet to prospect an asteroid to discover its composition. ?? 20 t 0,4 MW 48 600 cr
5D Prospector Limpet Controller Controls a limpet to prospect an asteroid to discover its composition. 77 8 t 0,3 MW 97 200 cr
5C Prospector Limpet Controller Controls a limpet to prospect an asteroid to discover its composition. 96 20 t 0,5 MW 194 400 cr
5B Prospector Limpet Controller Controls a limpet to prospect an asteroid to discover its composition. 115 32 t 0,72 MW 388 800 cr
5A Prospector Limpet Controller Controls a limpet to prospect an asteroid to discover its composition. 134 20 t 0,6 MW 777 600 cr
7E Prospector Limpet Controller Controls a limpet to prospect an asteroid to discover its composition. ?? 80 t 0,55 MW 437 400 cr
7D Prospector Limpet Controller Controls a limpet to prospect an asteroid to discover its composition. ?? 32 t 0,41 MW 874 800 cr
7C Prospector Limpet Controller Controls a limpet to prospect an asteroid to discover its composition. ?? 80 t 0,69 MW 1 749 600 cr
7B Prospector Limpet Controller Controls a limpet to prospect an asteroid to discover its composition. 157 128 t 0,97 MW 3 499 200 cr
7A Prospector Limpet Controller Controls a limpet to prospect an asteroid to discover its composition. 183 80 t 0,83 MW 6 998 400 cr
Recon Limpets Integrity Mass Power Price
1E Recon Limpet Controller Controls a limpet that can hack into data points. ?? 1,3 t 0,18 MW ??
3E Recon Limpet Controller Controls a limpet that can hack into data points. ?? 2 t 0,2 MW ??
5E Recon Limpet Controller Controls a limpet that can hack into data points. ?? 20 t 0,5 MW ??
Refineries Integrity Mass Power Price
1C Refinery Converts scooped fragments into usable resources (requires mining laser). 40 0 t 0,23 MW 54 000 cr
1B Refinery Converts scooped fragments into usable resources (requires mining laser). 56 0 t 0,28 MW 162 000 cr
1A Refinery Converts scooped fragments into usable resources (requires mining laser). 48 0 t 0,32 MW 486 000 cr
2C Refinery Converts scooped fragments into usable resources (requires mining laser). 51 0 t 0,28 MW 113 400 cr
2B Refinery Converts scooped fragments into usable resources (requires mining laser). 71 0 t 0,34 MW 340 200 cr
2A Refinery Converts scooped fragments into usable resources (requires mining laser). 61 0 t 0,39 MW 1 020 600 cr
3C Refinery Converts scooped fragments into usable resources (requires mining laser). 64 0 t 0,34 MW 238 140 cr
3B Refinery Converts scooped fragments into usable resources (requires mining laser). 90 0 t 0,41 MW 714 420 cr
3A Refinery Converts scooped fragments into usable resources (requires mining laser). 77 0 t 0,48 MW 2 143 260 cr
4C Refinery Converts scooped fragments into usable resources (requires mining laser). 80 0 t 0,41 MW 500 090 cr
4B Refinery Converts scooped fragments into usable resources (requires mining laser). 112 0 t 0,49 MW 1 500 280 cr
4A Refinery Converts scooped fragments into usable resources (requires mining laser). 96 0 t 0,57 MW 4 500 850 cr
Repair Limpets Integrity Mass Power Price
1E Repair Limpet Controller Controls a limpet that repairs an amount of damage to the hull of a targeted ship. ?? 1,3 t 0,18 MW ??
1D Repair Limpet Controller Controls a limpet that repairs an amount of damage to the hull of a targeted ship. ?? 0,5 t 0,14 MW ??
1C Repair Limpet Controller Controls a limpet that repairs an amount of damage to the hull of a targeted ship. ?? 1,3 t 0,23 MW ??
1B Repair Limpet Controller Controls a limpet that repairs an amount of damage to the hull of a targeted ship. ?? 2 t 0,32 MW ??
3E Repair Limpet Controller Controls a limpet that repairs an amount of damage to the hull of a targeted ship. ?? 5 t 0,27 MW ??
3D Repair Limpet Controller Controls a limpet that repairs an amount of damage to the hull of a targeted ship. ?? 2 t 0,2 MW ??
3C Repair Limpet Controller Controls a limpet that repairs an amount of damage to the hull of a targeted ship. ?? 5 t 0,34 MW ??
5E Repair Limpet Controller Controls a limpet that repairs an amount of damage to the hull of a targeted ship. ?? 20 t 0,4 MW ??
5D Repair Limpet Controller Controls a limpet that repairs an amount of damage to the hull of a targeted ship. ?? 8 t 0,3 MW ??
7E Repair Limpet Controller Controls a limpet that repairs an amount of damage to the hull of a targeted ship. ?? 80 t 0,55 MW ??
Research Limpets Integrity Mass Power Price
1E Research Limpet Controller Controls a limpet that scrapes samples and bio-matter from the surface of an alien vessel. ?? 1,3 t 0,4 MW 1 437 374 cr
Shield Cell Banks Integrity Mass Power Price
1E Shield Cell Bank Device that uses pre-charged cells to rapidly repair active shields. No effect on collapsed shields. 32 1,3 t 0,41 MW 517 cr
1D Shield Cell Bank Device that uses pre-charged cells to rapidly repair active shields. No effect on collapsed shields. 24 0,5 t 0,55 MW 1 293 cr
2E Shield Cell Bank Device that uses pre-charged cells to rapidly repair active shields. No effect on collapsed shields. 41 2,5 t 0,5 MW 1 448 cr
2D Shield Cell Bank Device that uses pre-charged cells to rapidly repair active shields. No effect on collapsed shields. 31 1 t 0,67 MW 3 619 cr
3E Shield Cell Bank Device that uses pre-charged cells to rapidly repair active shields. No effect on collapsed shields. 51 5 t 0,61 MW 4 053 cr
3D Shield Cell Bank Device that uses pre-charged cells to rapidly repair active shields. No effect on collapsed shields. 38 2 t 0,82 MW 10 133 cr
4E Shield Cell Bank Device that uses pre-charged cells to rapidly repair active shields. No effect on collapsed shields. 64 10 t 0,74 MW 11 349 cr
4D Shield Cell Bank Device that uses pre-charged cells to rapidly repair active shields. No effect on collapsed shields. 48 4 t 0,98 MW 28 373 cr
5E Shield Cell Bank Device that uses pre-charged cells to rapidly repair active shields. No effect on collapsed shields. 77 20 t 0,9 MW 31 778 cr
5D Shield Cell Bank Device that uses pre-charged cells to rapidly repair active shields. No effect on collapsed shields. 58 8 t 1,2 MW 79 444 cr
6E Shield Cell Bank Device that uses pre-charged cells to rapidly repair active shields. No effect on collapsed shields. 90 40 t 1,06 MW 88 987 cr
6D Shield Cell Bank Device that uses pre-charged cells to rapidly repair active shields. No effect on collapsed shields. 68 16 t 1,42 MW 222 444 cr
7E Shield Cell Bank Device that uses pre-charged cells to rapidly repair active shields. No effect on collapsed shields. 105 80 t 1,24 MW 249 137 cr
7D Shield Cell Bank Device that uses pre-charged cells to rapidly repair active shields. No effect on collapsed shields. 79 32 t 1,66 MW 622 843 cr
8E Shield Cell Bank Device that uses pre-charged cells to rapidly repair active shields. No effect on collapsed shields. 120 160 t 1,44 MW 697 584 cr
8D Shield Cell Bank Device that uses pre-charged cells to rapidly repair active shields. No effect on collapsed shields. ?? 64 t 1,92 MW 1 743 961 cr
Surface Scanners Integrity Mass Power Price
1C Detailed Surface Scanner Advanced stellar body scanner used during exploration. 20 0 t 0 MW 250 000 cr

Utility Mount

Chaff Launchers Integrity Mass Power Price
0I Chaff Launcher Signature tracking defence. When deployed, causes gimbal and turret-mounted devices to lose lock. Requires ammunition. 20 1,3 t 0,2 MW 8 500 cr
ECMs Integrity Mass Power Price
0F Electronic Countermeasure Missile and torpedo defence. When deployed, causes affected ordnance to lose lock. 20 1,3 t 0,2 MW 12 500 cr
Heatsink Launchers Integrity Mass Power Price
0I Heat Sink Launcher Purges ship's heat into a disposable sink block, which is then ejected. Requires ammunition. 45 1,3 t 0,2 MW 3 500 cr
Point Defence Integrity Mass Power Price
0I Point Defence Missile defence. Automatically tracks and fires upon missiles and torpedoes in range when powered. 30 0,5 t 0,2 MW 18 550 cr
Pulse Wave Analyser Integrity Mass Power Price
0C Pulse Wave Analyser Pulse wave analysers are used to detect anomalous readings within solid objects, more specifically within asteroid fields. ?? 1,3 t 0,8 MW ??
0B Pulse Wave Analyser Pulse wave analysers are used to detect anomalous readings within solid objects, more specifically within asteroid fields. ?? 1,3 t 1,6 MW ??
0A Pulse Wave Analyser Pulse wave analysers are used to detect anomalous readings within solid objects, more specifically within asteroid fields. ?? 1,3 t 3,2 MW ??

Weapon Hardpoint

Mining Tools Integrity Mass Power Price
1D Mining Laser (Fixed) Used on asteroids to cut chunks of resources from it (requires refinery). 40 2 t 0,5 MW 6 800 cr
1D Mining Laser (Turret) Used on asteroids to cut chunks of resources from it (requires refinery). Only functions as a turret when there is an active Gunner role onboard. ?? 2 t 0,5 MW 9 400 cr
1D Abrasion Blaster (Fixed) Breaks off surface deposits from asteroids (requires refinery). 40 2 t 0,34 MW ??
1D Abrasion Blaster (Turret) Breaks off surface deposits from asteroids (requires refinery).
Only functions as a turret when there is an active Gunner role aboard.
?? 2 t 0,47 MW ??
1B Sub-Surface Displacement Missile (Turret) Allows recovery of sub-surface deposits from asteroids (requires refinery).
Hold trigger to delay detonation of ordnance. Only functions as a turret when there is an active Gunner role aboard.
?? 4 t 0,53 MW ??
2D Mining Laser (Fixed) Used on asteroids to cut chunks of resources from it (requires refinery). ?? 2 t 0,75 MW 22 580 cr
2B Seismic Charge (Fixed) Warhead designed to break apart certain asteroids, allowing recovery of deep core deposits (requires refinery). ?? 4 t 1,2 MW ??
2B Seismic Charge (Turret) Warhead designed to break apart certain asteroids, allowing recovery of deep core deposits (requires refinery).
Only functions as a turret when there is an active Gunner role aboard.
?? 4 t 1,2 MW ??
2B Sub-Surface Displacement Missile (Fixed) Allows recovery of sub-surface deposits from asteroids (requires refinery).
Hold trigger to delay detonation of ordnance.
?? 2 t 1,01 MW ??