Formod [#2870514689505]

TBV-NTJ [#3705050880]
Fleet Carrier
Distance to arrival:
302 ls

Fleet Carrier
Fleet Carrier

Black Market, Contacts, Crew Lounge, Pioneer Supplies, Refuel, Repair, Restock, Universal Cartographics, Vista Genomics

Last update: 24.6.2024 20.28


Buy price Stock Sell price Demand
Hydrogen Fuel 138 cr 136 t 0 cr 0 t
Liquid Oxygen 4 423 cr 153 t 0 cr 0 t
Nerve Agents 20 399 cr 5 t 0 cr 0 t
Synthetic Reagents 8 037 cr 107 t 0 cr 0 t

Consumer Items

Buy price Stock Sell price Demand
Clothing 821 cr 139 t 0 cr 0 t
Consumer Technology 10 057 cr 417 t 0 cr 0 t
Domestic Appliances 1 111 cr 352 t 0 cr 0 t
Survival Equipment 822 cr 133 t 0 cr 0 t


Buy price Stock Sell price Demand
Algae 356 cr 58 t 0 cr 0 t
Animal Meat 1 539 cr 126 t 0 cr 0 t
Fruit and Vegetables 509 cr 71 t 0 cr 0 t
Tea 2 047 cr 75 t 0 cr 0 t

Industrial Materials

Buy price Stock Sell price Demand
CMM Composite 7 226 cr 100 t 0 cr 0 t
Insulating Membrane 12 971 cr 302 t 0 cr 0 t
Micro-weave Cooling Hoses 4 206 cr 46 t 0 cr 0 t
Neofabric Insulation 11 758 cr 41 t 0 cr 0 t
Polymers 566 cr 112 t 0 cr 0 t

Legal Drugs

Buy price Stock Sell price Demand
Beer 645 cr 126 t 0 cr 0 t
Liquor 1 495 cr 203 t 0 cr 0 t
Narcotics 15 274 cr 445 t 0 cr 0 t
Tobacco 6 437 cr 145 t 0 cr 0 t


Buy price Stock Sell price Demand
Atmospheric Processors 571 cr 47 t 0 cr 0 t
HN Shock Mount 1 923 cr 100 t 0 cr 0 t
Water Purifiers 729 cr 71 t 0 cr 0 t


Buy price Stock Sell price Demand
Advanced Medicines 1 485 cr 98 t 0 cr 0 t
Basic Medicines 743 cr 767 t 0 cr 0 t
Combat Stabilisers 5 488 cr 114 t 0 cr 0 t
Performance Enhancers 10 207 cr 504 t 0 cr 0 t
Progenitor Cells 10 168 cr 130 t 0 cr 0 t


Buy price Stock Sell price Demand
Cobalt 7 535 cr 54 t 0 cr 0 t
Gallium 10 454 cr 264 t 0 cr 0 t
Gold 56 989 cr 255 t 0 cr 0 t
Palladium 97 396 cr 513 t 0 cr 0 t
Platinum 180 174 cr 1 642 t 0 cr 0 t
Praseodymium 51 787 cr 114 t 0 cr 0 t
Tantalum 8 123 cr 94 t 0 cr 0 t
Titanium 1 208 cr 126 t 0 cr 0 t


Buy price Stock Sell price Demand
Alexandrite 284 277 cr 61 t 0 cr 0 t
Benitoite 227 805 cr 14 t 0 cr 0 t
Bertrandite 29 517 cr 126 t 0 cr 0 t
Bromellite 103 506 cr 144 t 0 cr 0 t
Coltan 9 283 cr 332 t 0 cr 0 t
Cryolite 32 673 cr 1 t 0 cr 0 t
Gallite 11 782 cr 293 t 0 cr 0 t
Indite 17 181 cr 16 t 0 cr 0 t
Jadeite 63 773 cr 1 t 0 cr 0 t
Lithium Hydroxide 28 393 cr 55 t 0 cr 0 t
Low Temperature Diamonds 160 208 cr 172 t 0 cr 0 t
Methane Clathrate 8 250 cr 27 t 0 cr 0 t
Methanol Monohydrate Crystals 12 398 cr 64 t 0 cr 0 t
Monazite 256 975 cr 116 t 0 cr 0 t
Painite 96 852 cr 360 t 0 cr 0 t
Serendibite 259 800 cr 65 t 0 cr 0 t
Taaffeite 63 189 cr 1 t 0 cr 0 t


Buy price Stock Sell price Demand
Encrypted Correspondence 8 226 cr 1 t 0 cr 0 t
Military Intelligence 63 970 cr 1 t 0 cr 0 t
Tactical Data 15 622 cr 2 t 0 cr 0 t


Buy price Stock Sell price Demand
Aquaponic Systems 629 cr 121 t 0 cr 0 t
Computer Components 1 167 cr 101 t 0 cr 0 t
H.E. Suits 685 cr 105 t 0 cr 0 t
Hardware Diagnostic Sensor 8 134 cr 150 t 0 cr 0 t
Micro Controllers 8 505 cr 296 t 0 cr 0 t
Muon Imager 7 636 cr 201 t 0 cr 0 t
Nanobreakers 8 027 cr 155 t 0 cr 0 t


Buy price Stock Sell price Demand
Military Grade Fabrics 1 183 cr 395 t 0 cr 0 t


Buy price Stock Sell price Demand
Biowaste 358 cr 32 t 0 cr 0 t


Buy price Stock Sell price Demand
Battle Weapons 15 991 cr 108 t 0 cr 0 t
Landmines 10 366 cr 26 t 0 cr 0 t
Non-Lethal Weapons 1 943 cr 676 t 0 cr 0 t
Personal Weapons 7 129 cr 973 t 0 cr 0 t