Perfil de Ryltarr > Diario

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363.625.057 Cr
Homecoming, an ending and a beginning...


After a long trip out into the black, first to Colonia then to Sagittarius A*, I returned back to the homefront. With a ship I patched together along the way in the loosely bound set of settled systems around Colonia, the Intrepid (registry NX-07) had served me well.

An ending

She had brought me over twenty thousand lightyears, taken me to the places where dreams are born, and had some close calls along the way. But this Intrepid was plagued with issues, she was underpowered and underequipped for anything but deep space travel. She wouldn't survive an encounter with a pirate, or a chance run-in with a high-G planetary landing. So, after weeks of travel, countless beautiful sights, and the trip of a lifetime... the Intrepid NX-07 was retired.

Stripped to her bulkheads before selling the hull outright, engineered modules were salvaged and stored while her pilot planned for a new day...

A beginning

A strategic target of opportunity was chosen, a system under the control of the Sirius Corporation was to be the point of sale for all the exploration data I had accrued over those thousands of parsecs. This trip would bring more than one prize. A permit opportunity, the chance to visit the core of the Sirius Corporation and be a party to all the work they do there was in my sights.

With over one hundred million credits worth of interstellar cartographic data accumulated, the Sirius Corporation was more than happy to consider me an ally and offer me the opportunity to earn a permit to their home system... when I'm ready.

But the real prize, the primary goal of this adventure (besides the adventure itself, that is) was to finally reach the rank of Elite. With almost two thousand distinct star systems visited, and over three hundred million credits worth of exploration data gathered and sold... I'd done it!

CMDR Ryltarr joins the ranks of the Elite!

As a bit of a poetic ending to the journey, that started when a certain mad captain (unsatisfied with the title of commander) showed me the stars and opened my heart... I opted to buy a Hauler, because it's not every day you get to visit Shinrarta Dehzra for the first time.

In my new Hauler, I set course for the most coveted permit locked system; with a plan to bring it all together.

From the ashes...

The Hauler really is a quite capable little ship... I'd forgotten how well she flew and how roomy she was. After a brief tour around the Shinrarta Dehzra system, to a few tourist beacons and such; I touched down at Jameson Memorial.

This was it, thousands of systems, hundreds of millions of credits, and I was finally here. I brought it all back together in the ship that started it all. But now, was the time to honor the ship that brought me home. Jameson has everything, and it's honestly a bit overwhelming at first. But I had a mission: build a new Intrepid to honor the legacy of the ship that kept me safe from the ravages of deep space for weeks.

So, I patched together a new Intrepid... kitted her out with all the toys I could think of, some SLFs, the best fuel scoop money could buy, and all the power she could need. And I christened her the NX-07A.

The galaxy is my oyster, there's so much left to see and do... but for now, I think I'll see what good I can do for the folks here at home for a while.