Perfil de Feher Szin > Diario

Nombre de Comandante:
Nave actual:
Thorium Eagle [npjn04]
(Krait Mk II)
Miembro desde:
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Sistemas visitados:
Descubrimiento(s) de sistemas:
1.008.542.625 Cr
Ah did eet!

Made it to Sag A* and back. Back in my python. So comfy.

Been there. Done that. Bought the T-Shirt.

... it's no hutton mug, but the t-shirt fits. I think Nolan stopped at a nearby base out of pity. I was leagues ahead, and then he caught up to '-1'. But at least in my own challenge, i finally made it here.

And while the temptation of seeing how far down i can go does call to me (according to the map, things drastically thin out after -1500LY) i think i'm homesick.

Post T-Shirt shopping

... in for a pound.

Well... wow! What can i say?

I may actually beat CMDR Nolan Zoga to Sag A[star] this time!

Assuming i don't pull some stupid 17th century turtle and mammal thing and fall asleep? However that old poem went.

Certainly some amazing and even unbelievable systems on this route. I found a Neutron star (first!) with 3 high metal worlds, and a terraformable water world within 1800 LS of it! All first discoveries!

With this luck, i'm going to find the only hidden Thargoid base where they're making some super destroyer thing, and you'll never hear from me again...

Computer - make a note - log something here when i hit Sag A[star] just so that mom doesn't worry.

In for a penny...

So i've started the long haul towards Sag A* finally.

In my Iron Mosquito.

That's a Cobra Mk3.

Set off as far 'south' of the galactic plane as i could , after about 2000ly from Brestla.

I've hit -931 z, and started for the core. Today i found an earthlike that no one else here has! Mapped it o'course.

Then i found a metallic world, just shy of the goldilocks zone. Landable, and non-zero chance of finding Antimony and Selenium!

About an hour of racing this awesome .25g world, mostly flat (like doing 20-25m/s when there was nothing on radar, with only the momentary 'float' of jumping off an bit of uneven terrain) i have maxed out my Phosphorus, Zinc, Sulphur and nearly iron again. And well over the discomfort zone for a bunch of the other metals.

And i found an imperial probe! Wanted slightly less for the data than the Fed probe i found last week... but they pay me $1k/week so i guess i'm still making out better.


Back into the ship!


Got my Formadine Rifter badge. Some nice sites along the way.


I'll be back

So,Darnim beat me to Sag A and even back to Colonia. As a result, i gave up on trying to race to Sag A in this little imperial ship, and am heading back to the bubble. I plan to trade this ship back for my Python, as well as all the exploration data to the Empire, and then maybe after some heavy modifications to the Python, i'll try for Sag A* again.

Here's hoping.

still going...

So, some time within the first 5 days, i broke my personal distance record. Passed what took me to the Elephant Nebula.

Egads it's a long way to the core. Like 8000ly and it feels like 1/3 the distance. Thought i might be able to do it in a week. Well, not without a longer jump range. Actually, it's the juicy unscanned star systems that are slowing me down. An unscanned Type 2 Gas Giant? Is that an unscanned water world? sigh On the bright side, i'll have a small fortune when i meet my next habitation...

Speaking of... the ship's cat is getting rather lonely.

on the road again...

So, cobra and python are in storage; effectively mothballed. I'm taking the Courier out to the core.

Yes, that core.

Sagittarius A+, the "Great Devourer", the centre of the Milky Way. But unlike my pal Nolan Zoga, i'm not stopping to scan every little single planet and system on the way. He's at 65 jumps to get there (started from Colonia, well, from the 'bubble' about 6-8 months ago) and i'm at 600. Give or take a dozen at my end. And i'm going to see if i get there first. Ha.

Anywho... started about a week (two?) ago, we'll see who wins. Wish me luck!

They work... slowly

So, turns out the guns fire.. they're just exceptionally slow in the 'wind-up' department. Like almost 1.5s before they fire after i've hit the trigger. Odd.

That said, i'm back to 2.9M$ in reserves, and en-route to VY Canis Majoris. Some good exploring, or non-picky passengers, and i should be flush with cash again.

Home again

Made it to Brestla! Couldn't afford the Python yet at iSola prospect, so purchased and upgraded an Eagle. The Imperial eagle was an option, but seemed to be lesser in some regard (jump range? paint jobs?) so i went with the normal Eagle. Ran to Roed Odegarrd space port, and found a discounted Python for 53M$ !!
Done. Upgraded a few things.. owe 2M$ on insurance if it crashes... and have 300k$ left. lol! whee... now to figure out why my main guns won't fire, but the missiles will...