Deciat [#6681123623626]

G1L-98F [#3709943296]
Fleet Carrier
Distancia restante de llegada:
37 a.l.

Fleet Carrier
Fleet Carrier

Contacts, Crew Lounge, Refuel, Repair, Restock, Universal Cartographics, Vista Genomics

Apa Vietii, Narcotics, Beer, Bootleg Liquor, Liquor, Tobacco, Wine
Última actualización 5/9/24 4:38

Optional Internal

Prospector Limpets Integrity Mass Power Price
1E Prospector Limpet Controller Controls a limpet to prospect an asteroid to discover its composition. 24 1,3 t 0,18 MW 600 cr
1D Prospector Limpet Controller Controls a limpet to prospect an asteroid to discover its composition. 32 0,5 t 0,14 MW 1.200 cr
1C Prospector Limpet Controller Controls a limpet to prospect an asteroid to discover its composition. 40 1,3 t 0,23 MW 2.400 cr
1B Prospector Limpet Controller Controls a limpet to prospect an asteroid to discover its composition. 48 2 t 0,32 MW 4.800 cr
1A Prospector Limpet Controller Controls a limpet to prospect an asteroid to discover its composition. 56 1,3 t 0,28 MW 9.600 cr
3E Prospector Limpet Controller Controls a limpet to prospect an asteroid to discover its composition. 38 5 t 0,27 MW 5.400 cr
3D Prospector Limpet Controller Controls a limpet to prospect an asteroid to discover its composition. 51 2 t 0,2 MW 10.800 cr
3C Prospector Limpet Controller Controls a limpet to prospect an asteroid to discover its composition. 64 5 t 0,34 MW 21.600 cr
3B Prospector Limpet Controller Controls a limpet to prospect an asteroid to discover its composition. 77 8 t 0,48 MW 43.200 cr
3A Prospector Limpet Controller Controls a limpet to prospect an asteroid to discover its composition. 90 5 t 0,41 MW 86.400 cr
5E Prospector Limpet Controller Controls a limpet to prospect an asteroid to discover its composition. ?? 20 t 0,4 MW 48.600 cr
5D Prospector Limpet Controller Controls a limpet to prospect an asteroid to discover its composition. 77 8 t 0,3 MW 97.200 cr
Refineries Integrity Mass Power Price
1E Refinery Converts scooped fragments into usable resources (requires mining laser). 32 0 t 0,14 MW 6.000 cr
1D Refinery Converts scooped fragments into usable resources (requires mining laser). ?? 0 t 0,18 MW 18.000 cr
1C Refinery Converts scooped fragments into usable resources (requires mining laser). 40 0 t 0,23 MW 54.000 cr
1B Refinery Converts scooped fragments into usable resources (requires mining laser). 56 0 t 0,28 MW 162.000 cr
2E Refinery Converts scooped fragments into usable resources (requires mining laser). ?? 0 t 0,17 MW 12.600 cr
2D Refinery Converts scooped fragments into usable resources (requires mining laser). 31 0 t 0,22 MW 37.800 cr
2C Refinery Converts scooped fragments into usable resources (requires mining laser). 51 0 t 0,28 MW 113.400 cr
2B Refinery Converts scooped fragments into usable resources (requires mining laser). 71 0 t 0,34 MW 340.200 cr
3E Refinery Converts scooped fragments into usable resources (requires mining laser). 51 0 t 0,2 MW 26.460 cr
3D Refinery Converts scooped fragments into usable resources (requires mining laser). 38 0 t 0,27 MW 79.380 cr
3C Refinery Converts scooped fragments into usable resources (requires mining laser). 64 0 t 0,34 MW 238.140 cr
3B Refinery Converts scooped fragments into usable resources (requires mining laser). 90 0 t 0,41 MW 714.420 cr
4E Refinery Converts scooped fragments into usable resources (requires mining laser). 64 0 t 0,25 MW 55.570 cr
4D Refinery Converts scooped fragments into usable resources (requires mining laser). 48 0 t 0,33 MW 166.700 cr
4C Refinery Converts scooped fragments into usable resources (requires mining laser). 80 0 t 0,41 MW 500.090 cr
Surface Scanners Integrity Mass Power Price
1C Detailed Surface Scanner Advanced stellar body scanner used during exploration. 20 0 t 0 MW 250.000 cr

Utility Mount

Pulse Wave Analyser Integrity Mass Power Price
0E Pulse Wave Analyser Pulse wave analysers are used to detect anomalous readings within solid objects, more specifically within asteroid fields. ?? 1,3 t 0,2 MW ??
0D Pulse Wave Analyser Pulse wave analysers are used to detect anomalous readings within solid objects, more specifically within asteroid fields. ?? 1,3 t 0,4 MW ??
0C Pulse Wave Analyser Pulse wave analysers are used to detect anomalous readings within solid objects, more specifically within asteroid fields. ?? 1,3 t 0,8 MW ??