CMDR Miriel Byrde profile > Logbook

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17 Mar 2019
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1,004,106,522 Cr
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The White Dwarf Survey Ends

At long last, 4 years 3 months 11 days (1564 days) after I started on 6-Aug-2020, the White Dwarf survey is complete. The final system, Dryeia Prou YJ-R e4-1 was surveyed today, 16-Nov-2024.

Dryeia Prou YJ-R e4-1

The next stage for this commander is to head to Colonia, buy a fleet carrier (having acquired over 30BCr of exobiology data) and perhaps do some other exploration. Maybe visit the OG Glowing Green Gas Giant.

Nearing the end

The White Dwarf Survey is nearing its end. Only a couple more to go.

Phreia Flyou PD-W c4-34 8 b

This is Phreia Flyou PD-W c4-34 8 b. It's the type of planet I like to land on - rocky, not icy - with lots of flat area to let the SRV stretch its legs.

After I landed I noticed its parent gas giant on the horizon, and with the blue atmosphere I thought it made a nice photo.

Exploration Break

The White Dwarf Survey continues.

While surveying two White Dwarf stars I found a landable ringed terraformable world - Dryio Bluae VA-F d11-2791 5.

The class A star was still bright through the thin carbon-dioxide atmosphere.

Ringed terraformable

The rings made for a very nice picture.

It's Here Somewhere

This is Aiphaitt QX-A d1-1579 A 2 a. There are three biologicals on this planet: Bacteria, Tussock, and Aleoida. The problem is that from the ship skimming the surface, the Tussock and Aleoida look basically the same.

I had got complete scans of the Bacteria and Tussock and then spent a good half hour skimming the surface looking for the Aleoida. I eventually just landed at some random spot and started walking around pinging the sampler. To my surprise in the middle of a large group of Tussock, there was a green return!


The picture makes it look obvious now, but last night the two plants looked almost identical.

DSSA Smilers Observatory

After dying 69 days ago, spending 49 days retracing my steps and a further 20 days progressing and surveying 4 White Dwarf stars, I have safely arrived at Phleedgoe MY-G d11-275 (DSSA Smilers Observatory).

I expect to stay here for two months cashing out my 400 Arx per week of biological and exploration data. Good thing this is my alt account.

Déjà Vu 3

49 days after I crashed and died, I made it back to Schignai TN-C b44-0 A 2 a.

Safe landings

I have successfully scanned that "one more" biological (just some bacterium) and can now plan the best way to continue surveying the remaining white dwarves on my list, and finding a fleet carrier to sell my data ... assuming I don't crash again.

Thargoid Probe

While making my way back to where I crashed and died I was surveying Myaumaei GY-J b53-1 B 3 and noticed there was a Non-Human Signal present.

It turned out to be a good spot to scan biological data and made for a nice photo.

Nice view

Déjà Vu 2

61 days after I was previously on Hacheau BE-X c3-0 A 4, I have returned. The mountain is right where I left it...

Repeat Mountain

So Many Osseus

Usually when I'm looking for an Osseus there is only one or two. Hacheau ZD-O c8-0 5 at about 6.03/-147.70 had multiple large groups of them.

Many Osseus

Very unusual.