CMDR Swislok profile > Logbook

Commander name:
Current ship:
Federal Corvette
Member since:
29 Sep 2016
Distances submitted:
Systems visited:
Systems discovered first:
Headed for Colonia!

I have finally been able to leave Beagle Point after quite a long layover, and am now headed towards Colonia. Starting things out there should be refreshing. I will have to make it back to the bubble again someday.

Plotting courses are a bit more difficult out in "The Abyss" as the stars are so far apart you have to manually plot like back in the days of old! If anyone else knows what this feeling is like then you know what deep space exploration is all about.

The galaxy looks so small from this distance. It's hard to believe that so much is pack in to a space so small, and yet we can't even begin to fathom how large it is. The universe is a much larger place than we realize and there is so much left to be seen.

Distant Worlds Expedition 2

Distant Worlds 2 (DW 2) is on!

After waiting for three years for the next epic voyage to begin, I bought myself a new ship: the Imperial Cutter which I dubbed Embrasse le Soliel. While the ship has it's short comings, it sure does like the camera. I'll have to post photos soon when I find a POI unique from others on this journey.