VESPER-M4 [#1625385077107]

Q5M-4XJ [#3701468928]
Fleet Carrier
Distance to arrival:
611 ls

Fleet Carrier
Fleet Carrier

Contacts, Crew Lounge, Refuel, Repair, Restock

Narcotics, Beer, Combat Stabilisers, Imperial Slaves, Liquor, Performance Enhancers, Progenitor Cells, Slaves, Tobacco, Wine
Last update: 04/07/2024 00:05


Buy price Stock Sell price Demand
Palladium 43,139 cr -- 0 cr 0 t
Platinum 49,614 cr -- 0 cr 0 t


Buy price Stock Sell price Demand
Painite 52,985 cr -- 0 cr 0 t


Buy price Stock Sell price Demand
AI Relics -- -- 1,835,560 cr 30 t
Ancient Artefact -- -- 195,390 cr 30 t
Ancient Key -- -- 299,310 cr 26 t
Ancient Orb -- -- 174,150 cr 2 t
Antimatter Containment Unit -- -- 7,288,900 cr 30 t
Antique Jewellery -- -- 1,831,630 cr 30 t
Antiquities -- -- 1,317,690 cr 30 t
Caustic Tissue Sample -- -- 676,800 cr 25 t
Data Core -- -- 67,910 cr 30 t
Gene Bank -- -- 590,820 cr 30 t
Mysterious Idol -- -- 2,086,300 cr 30 t
Prohibited Research Materials -- -- 13,176,900 cr 29 t
Prototype Tech -- -- 1,918,000 cr 30 t
Space Pioneer Relics -- -- 978,000 cr 30 t
Thargoid Basilisk Tissue Sample -- -- 722,120 cr 30 t
Thargoid Biological Matter -- -- 519,200 cr 30 t
Thargoid Cyclops Tissue Sample -- -- 632,720 cr 32 t
Thargoid Heart -- -- 141,910 cr 23 t
Thargoid Hydra Tissue Sample -- -- 1,074,950 cr 30 t
Thargoid Link -- -- 519,200 cr 30 t
Thargoid Medusa Tissue Sample -- -- 824,350 cr 33 t
Thargoid Orthrus Tissue Sample -- -- 983,680 cr 30 t
Thargoid Probe -- -- 1,292,535 cr 28 t
Thargoid Resin -- -- 328,250 cr 30 t
Thargoid Sensor -- -- 1,001,252 cr 30 t
Thargoid Technology Samples -- -- 399,300 cr 30 t
Time Capsule -- -- 53,640 cr 30 t
Trinkets of Hidden Fortune -- -- 341,700 cr 30 t