HIP 117288 [#3107509408474]

Lalande Terminal [#3223156992]
Orbis Starport
Distance to arrival:
265 ls


Apex Interstellar Transport, Contacts, Crew Lounge, Frontline Solutions, Missions, Pioneer Supplies, Refuel, Repair, Restock, Search and Rescue, Tuning, Universal Cartographics, Vista Genomics

Faction state:

Narcotics, Battle Weapons, Combat Stabilisers, Imperial Slaves, Slaves, Tobacco
Last update: 06/07/2024 01:23


Buy price Stock Sell price Demand
Agronomic Treatment -- -- 3,747 cr 1,233 t
Hydrogen Fuel 105 cr 951,008 t 100 cr 1 t
Hydrogen Peroxide -- -- 3,063 cr 4,110,567 t
Liquid Oxygen -- -- 2,221 cr 2,292,348 t
Tritium -- -- 53,823 cr 43,499 t
Water -- -- 251 cr 313,409 t

Consumer Items

Buy price Stock Sell price Demand
Clothing 364 cr 28,443 t 327 cr 1 t
Consumer Technology -- -- 7,940 cr 77,830 t
Domestic Appliances 576 cr 17,066 t 534 cr 1 t
Survival Equipment 422 cr 17,393 t 391 cr 1 t


Buy price Stock Sell price Demand
Algae -- -- 461 cr 1,125,495 t
Animal Meat -- -- 1,351 cr 38,835 t
Coffee -- -- 1,351 cr 9,710 t
Fish -- -- 747 cr 245,175 t
Food Cartridges 58 cr 260,282 t 38 cr 1 t
Fruit and Vegetables -- -- 315 cr 26,947 t
Grain -- -- 207 cr 179,852 t
Synthetic Meat -- -- 771 cr 69,600 t
Tea -- -- 1,532 cr 35,231 t

Industrial Materials

Buy price Stock Sell price Demand
CMM Composite -- -- 6,699 cr 195,873 t
Ceramic Composites -- -- 707 cr 4,226,481 t
Insulating Membrane -- -- 11,667 cr 121,877 t
Micro-weave Cooling Hoses -- -- 1,842 cr 665,965 t
Polymers -- -- 668 cr 6,368,013 t
Semiconductors -- -- 1,562 cr 1,120,388 t
Superconductors -- -- 7,562 cr 174,109 t

Legal Drugs

Buy price Stock Sell price Demand
Beer -- -- 620 cr 565,354 t
Bootleg Liquor -- -- 668 cr 7,265 t
Liquor 682 cr 235 t 644 cr 1 t
Wine -- -- 252 cr 114,992 t


Buy price Stock Sell price Demand
Atmospheric Processors 457 cr 439,739 t 422 cr 1 t
Building Fabricators 1,840 cr 1,394,375 t 1,775 cr 1 t
Crop Harvesters 2,192 cr 2,035,980 t 2,115 cr 1 t
Emergency Power Cells -- -- 2,860 cr 104,512 t
Geological Equipment 1,496 cr 34,049 t 1,442 cr 1 t
HN Shock Mount 1,496 cr 323,764 t 1,442 cr 1 t
Marine Equipment 3,842 cr 1,959,202 t 3,712 cr 1 t
Mineral Extractors 478 cr 1,644,081 t 451 cr 1 t
Power Generators 2,235 cr 14,608 t 2,157 cr 1 t
Skimmer Components 777 cr 72,146 t 736 cr 1 t
Thermal Cooling Units 3,183 cr 90,113 t 3,075 cr 1 t
Water Purifiers 226 cr 3,792,665 t 203 cr 1 t


Buy price Stock Sell price Demand
Advanced Medicines -- -- 1,761 cr 131,809 t
Basic Medicines 370 cr 57,864 t 332 cr 1 t
Performance Enhancers -- -- 7,940 cr 29,139 t
Progenitor Cells -- -- 7,940 cr 43,240 t


Buy price Stock Sell price Demand
Aluminium -- -- 859 cr 12,279,501 t
Beryllium -- -- 9,091 cr 500,229 t
Cobalt -- -- 5,032 cr 704,669 t
Copper -- -- 1,020 cr 4,036,620 t
Gallium -- -- 5,944 cr 1,435,437 t
Gold -- -- 51,024 cr 861,262 t
Indium -- -- 6,699 cr 260,989 t
Lithium -- -- 2,221 cr 1,448,486 t
Osmium -- -- 43,879 cr 600,274 t
Palladium -- -- 53,843 cr 700,320 t
Platinum -- -- 57,520 cr 52,198 t
Praseodymium -- -- 8,547 cr 526,327 t
Samarium -- -- 25,711 cr 334,936 t
Silver -- -- 40,861 cr 1,513,733 t
Tantalum -- -- 4,701 cr 883,011 t
Titanium -- -- 1,615 cr 5,180,619 t
Uranium -- -- 3,358 cr 3,601,640 t


Buy price Stock Sell price Demand
Low Temperature Diamonds -- -- 108,231 cr 10,897 t
Painite -- -- 54,143 cr 10,352 t


Buy price Stock Sell price Demand
Black Box -- -- 31,300 cr 1,089 t
Damaged Escape Pod -- -- 17,074 cr 5,444 t
Hostage -- -- 34,831 cr 1,089 t
Occupied Escape Pod -- -- 30,563 cr 1,089 t
Personal Effects -- -- 9,672 cr 1,089 t
Thargoid Glaive Tissue Sample -- -- 71,904 cr 6,160 t
Titan Deep Tissue Sample -- -- 499,092 cr 6,160 t
Titan Partial Tissue Sample -- -- 139,822 cr 6,160 t
Titan Tissue Sample -- -- 272,874 cr 6,160 t
Unoccupied Escape Pod -- -- 4,193 cr 6,160 t
Wreckage Components -- -- 9,091 cr 10,887 t
Xenobiological Prison Pod -- -- 149,471 cr 6,160 t


Buy price Stock Sell price Demand
Auto-Fabricators -- -- 4,661 cr 243,317 t
Computer Components 422 cr 294,384 t 391 cr 1 t
H.E. Suits -- -- 796 cr 2,663,858 t
Micro Controllers -- -- 6,309 cr 69,644 t
Robotics -- -- 2,575 cr 636,586 t


Buy price Stock Sell price Demand
Conductive Fabrics -- -- 1,020 cr 1,514,743 t
Leather -- -- 658 cr 6,278,461 t
Natural Fabrics -- -- 805 cr 959,384 t
Synthetic Fabrics -- -- 700 cr 4,448,469 t


Buy price Stock Sell price Demand
Biowaste 95 cr 32,919 t 57 cr 1 t
Scrap 104 cr 656,668 t 86 cr 1 t


Buy price Stock Sell price Demand
Non-Lethal Weapons -- -- 2,563 cr 9,793 t
Personal Weapons 4,171 cr 1,749 t 4,030 cr 1 t
Reactive Armour -- -- 2,847 cr 26,874 t