CMDR Marcus1701 profile > Logbook

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(Asp Explorer)
Member since:
Jan 16, 2019
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Into the Black Log 12

Half way home.

The return trip has had a few problems. The Rift almost did not want me to leave. I had to fight my way out, numerous short jumps.

Finally I found the edged managed to get a decent jump range. I noted today I reached 200,000ly in my travels. Quite an achievement in my current ships. I found the loneliness of space something I could cope with these days. Enough music, a few good videos and the odd bottle of whiskey helped.

100 jumps now before I reach home, back to my fleet and time to decide what next. I have heard the call for combat pilots to help with the Thargoids and I might now consider buying a combat ship and see what I can do.

More later

Into the Black Log 11

I have finally started for home.

It is a long way back but I am happy with what I have found and achieved. There is still so much of the galaxy to explore and I have learnt a few things on the way.

My ship is well equipped, maybe too much, but I expected more trouble. There is still the chance on the way home. My route back has been difficult in fact almost impossible plotting minor course changes to just reach fuel stars.

I did start to panic at one point, I could see nothing close by. Luckily after scanning systems I found what I needed. Thank god for that. Still around 9,000ly's to reach home and then hand in all my data.

Next plan is to consider which ship is best to explore the galaxy, the anaconda or the cutter. You never know I might pick a third.

Take-off planned for tomorrow morning and course plotted for the next waypoint.

Into the Black Log 10

So I made it.

The Zuara. The mystery ship many Commanders have flown here to find. It's a mega ship, sent out here to set up beacons for what?

I found all the logs and it makes me think. What is coming? Who put this here? Something is coming but what? Worse than the current threat we have. The last messages say to go back and find out.

I am sure many others have taken the same news and tried to find out what this is all about. Will we find out before it's too late or just suddenly face another threat.

Time to head back and see.

Into the Black Log 9

So now I am on the next part of my exploration trip. I have decided to press on to find the mysterious Mega ship deep in the Rift.

It is one of the reasons I came so far. I have enough data from the systems I have visited and god knows how many credits. But I have a reason and a need to find this ship.

I know others have been there but for me this is just something I want, if not need, to do.

Launched early in the morning plotted my course and 4,000lys to go. After that, well I think it will be time to head back.

As I have found in deep space there is always something to admire and sure enough I saw this nebula. What a view, like a wave slowly approaching. I wonder what treasures might hide inside that?

More later.

Into the Black Log 8

Getting closer to the Rift now. Only a few jumps before I reach the edge and begin my search.

Latest system I discover a number of planets and moons that have biological sources. Scanning a few, I found one to land for the night. Tomorrow I will take the SRV and see what I can collect.

One thing I should have brought was a bay. A fighter around here would make sense.

I still think there is something out here waiting to be found, just what I don't know. Anyway sleep now then explore the moon tomorrow.

Systems on full alert just in case.

Into the Black Day 9

Not so much by days these logs, more just entries now.

I have been travelling for days towards my first major stop. Eafots LZ-H b10-0 otherwise known as one of the four Formidine abandoned bases. This was base Beta and may jumping off point to enter the Rift.

I landed just at night time and waited for the morning. I felt a little uneasy, this base was supposed to be something to help explore the Rift further or so I thought. I checked the scanners and went out in my SRV to view the base. As I was told, they left messages.

I know this is all to do with either some sort of alien encounter or a people who wanted to escape. The aliens were not the ones we have been seeing near the bubble. Now I have to make my mind up. Go deeper or head back? There is a ship to find, I have the co-ordinates, its not a new find mind you but it's something to find.

The ship was found many years ago and it attracts adventures like myself. Having said that, I have made a number of first discoveries which is great.

So I am going to press on to the ship and see what happens.

Into the Black Day 7

I changed my flight plan for no real reason other than I just felt the need.

As it was, the change was perfect as in the next system I found my first Earth like planet. No one else had claimed it nor seen it. To fly over such a world, thinking of what or who might be there.

No contacts. No other pilots or ships. Yet why do I still feel worried.

My plan is to head to one of the listening posts before heading into the Rift. It makes sense to check these out and see who might be around.

From what I have seen, there is a Thargoid base close by. It might be worth a look so long as I don't run into any ships.

Planet fall in 10 minutes and rest for the night.

Into the Black Day 5

Hegua FV-G c10-50

Day 5 A long day two waypoints made and numerous water worlds found. The mining opportunities alone would make this trip very profitable.

The exploration data so far is as always amazing but still missing that something.

I keep seeing in the distance nebulas not sure where they are in relation to my trip but I will check out the navigation system. One problem with travelling solo is if anything goes wrong I am stuck.

Still the ship is fully equipped, supplies and more. Half to my first major stop and the edges of the Rift.

Into the Black Day 4

Outorst NF-E b39-1

Day 4 heading towards the Rift. The joy of exploration is hoping to find something really different. So far, many metal rich planets and some finds. Many already discovered by others but never scanned. I am beginning to enjoy the Anaconda, it is big plenty of space for fittings just like my cutter.

I have tested her in combat, defeated a few pirates and annoying hunters. Now out in the black its holding its own as I explore.

The Rift is another matter. From what I can tell, there is or was or maybe something deep inside. It could be another alien threat or something to help us defeat the others. I may never find anything other than planets.

Right now, sleep, a good meal and fresh start tomorrow.

Into the Black Day 3

Wredguia GF-R c4-0

Only a few jumps today, taking it nice and slow. Once more a few surprises came up when scanning new systems. Well new to me.

One of my first discoveries was a water world. Numerous small metal planets with lots of minerals but no landing places. Then I came across another system. A few planets to land on and more mining sites. Decided to land for the night and picked a rather tricky spot. Trust me. Right in depths of a canyon, but rich in needed minerals.

Reports on the Rift keep coming through. I spent the night reading before heading to sleep. Tomorrow I will do a surface trip and collect what I can, then head off to the next waypoint.