CMDR Dersh Rendar profile > Logbook

Commander name:
Current ship:
Outrider [7ly-dw]
(Asp Explorer)
Member since:
May 26, 2017
Distances submitted:
Systems visited:
Systems discovered first:
422,460,453 Cr
June 23rd, 3303

Captain's log - 39 days. 39 days I've spent out in the darkness, feels like I've spent a lifetime out here. I've seen so much but so little at the same time, in the grand scheme of things I'm a very small contribution into fully mapping the Galaxy. I saw a very small icy world today with rings, their rings were very small and they were so thin there was actually 2 layers; one closer to the body and one further out. My AFM is starting to break down, but I'll keep going even if it kills me. I really ought to have bought a second one but I didn't have time to spend on the downtime outfitting the secondary unit. As always, onward to the center, to the edge... Further into the darkness I go.

June 18th, 3303

Captain's log - After enjoying a few days within the Scutum-Sagittarii Conflux I'm beginning my journey into the Expanse, as always the core becomes brighter and brighter each day. Many different kinds of gas giants out this way, some of which contain primitive water-based life. I heard from a faint transmission over Galnet the Thargoids have returned to populated space, I'm too far out to be of any use for the upcoming war, but I hope my maps help the scientists back home find a safe place for us to move if necessary. The Outrider still has fuel and supply enough for a low consumption journey to Beagle Point, pending my sanity keeps up. Also small planetoids with rings are becoming more commonplace as I leave the Conflux and get nearer to the Expanse, I touched down on one to undergo repairs. As always, onward to the centre, to Sag A... to the edge...

June 12th, 3303.

Captain's Log Earthlike worlds! Earthlike worlds everywhere! The last few days have been quite interesting indeed, I've begun to see several interesting system configurations, including several earthlikes and water worlds, as well as a handful of terraformable worlds. I faced heavy damage due to a throttle malfunction, causing an unwarranted acceleration toward a T-Tauri star, but we'll manage. I touched down on a nearly moon to scavenge for materials and conducted basic repairs. I'm still quite a ways away from Sag A, and even further still from the edge; but I will remain vigilant and I will make it there one day. As always, onward, never backward. Towards Sag A... Towards the edge... Further and further into the black.

June 3rd, 3303.

Captain's log, got knocked out of cruise yesterday due to a bit of accidental drinking and flying. No matter, minimal damage to the Outrider and she's still as ready and able as I am to make the trip to the edge. Saw a series of ringed worlds today, sadly no life on any of them. I find myself often remembering busy systems where lots of commanders are passing through, just trying to make their way in this world like me. But now all there is cold, and the darkness. I really ought to have picked a better selection of music for my trip, and I lost Radio Sidewinder's signal around as soon as I left the bubble. Now all I have is whatever data tapes are stored in Outrider and the songs in my head. I remember a song from long ago... "Dreams" by Fleetwood Mac. "Have you any dreams you'd like to sell?" People a long time ago listened to a very different kind of music than we do these days. As always, I look ever forwards... forwards to Sag A, forwards to the edge...

May 31st, 3303.

Captain's log, everyday the bright light gets brighter, and everyday I get farther and farther away from home. The Outrider is holding together, I wouldn't have any other ship than her taking me on my voyage. I often find myself down on some rock... roaming the surface as a temporary reprieve from the dark cockpit. It's lonely out here, but it beats roaming around the bubble transporting deadbeat passengers who may or may not pay... Onward and forward, never backward. On to Sagittarius A, onto Beagle Point, on to the edge...