CMDR ShadowNUAR profile > Badges

(Imperial Cutter)

A new Ranulph?
Reach an Explorer Rank of Trailblazer.

Elite Explorer
Reach an Explorer Rank of Elite.

Playing the Markets
Reach a Trade Rank of Merchant.

Elite Trader
Reach a Trade Rank of Elite.

Reach a Combat Rank of Expert.

Elite Combat
Reach a Combat Rank of Elite.

Pro Player
Reach a CQC Rank of Professional.

Elite CQC
Reach a CQC Rank of Elite.

Triple Elite
Reach a Combat Rank, Explorer Rank, Trader Rank of Elite.

Classic Collection
Own 10 different ships simultaneously.

Ship Hoarder
Own 20 different ships simultaneously.

Pimp my Ride!
Add a paintjob to 1 of your ship.

Fashion Addict!
Add a paintjob to 10 of your ships.

100,000ly Club!
Travel at least 100,000ly.

200,000ly Club!
Travel at least 200,000ly.

500,000ly Club!
Travel at least 500,000ly.

1,000,000ly Club!
Travel at least 1,000,000ly.

Did I leave the oven on?
Travel at least 2,500,000 ly. The distance between the Milky Way & Andromeda galaxies.

Going, going...
Make a 50+ly jump.

... Gone!
Make a 200+ly neutron jump.

Popping to the Corner Shop
Travel 1,000 light years from the start.

Where Have You Been?
Travel 25,000 light years from the start.

65,000ly Club!
Travel at least 65,000ly from Sol.

Centre of the Galaxy
Visit Sagittarius A*.

Home, Sweet Home
Visit Sol.

Is there anybody out there?
Visit Colonia.

Binary Agent
Visit W Ursae Majoris.

Formidine Rifter
Visit EAFOTS sector.

Hutton Orbital Landing
Docked at Hutton Orbital... and all i got was a mug!

First credits incoming...
Have at least 1,001 credits.

Made my first million!
Have at least 1,000,000 credits.

Made my first billion!
Have at least 1,000,000,000 credits.

Got more credits than Uncle Scrooge!
Earn at least 4,000,000,000 credits.

Why fly when you can drive?
Collect a raw loot material.

Collect 5 different raw loot materials.

Collect 20 different raw loot materials.

Raw Collector
Collect 250 raw loot materials.

You Made This?
Collect a manufactured loot material.

Great Workmanship
Collect 5 different manufactured loot materials.

Exemplary Virtuosity
Collect 25 different manufactured loot materials.

Collect 250 manufactured loot materials.

Floppy Disk
Collect a data loot material.

Data Miner
Collect 5 different data loot materials.

Who Leaked this Data?
Collect 25 different data loot materials.

Server Farm
Collect 250 data loot materials.

Thargoid Encounter
Scan a Thargoid and scoop a `Thargoid Cyclops Tissue Sample`.

Thargoid Destroyed
Kill a Thargoid and scoop a `Wreckage Components`, `Propulsion Elements`, `Biomechanical Conduits`, `Weapon Parts`, or `Thargoid Heart`.

Kepler's Eye
Be first to discover a planet.

Honk and Scoop!
Be first to discover a scoopable star.

Wolf Hunter
Be first to discover a Wolf-Rayet star.

Into the Blackness...
Be first to discover a black hole.

Need a boost?
Be first to discover a neutron star.

Earth in sight!
Be first to discover an Earth-like world.

Cooper was here!
Be first to discover a Water world.

Be first to discover an Ammonia world.

One hour and still alive!
Played 1 hour.

Live like Bauer...
Played 24 hours.

Kilo Run
Played 1,000 hours.

Mission Farsight
Played 10,000 hours.

Bigger, Smaller, Hotter, Colder...
Find a galactic record.
- Kyli Flyuae AA-A h2 (Largest Wolf-Rayet O Star)
- Kyli Flyuae AA-A h2 (Lowest Wolf-Rayet O Star)
- HD 224959 A (Lowest C Star)
- Kyli Flyuae YJ-Z e9 B (Lowest White Dwarf (DCV) Star)
- Angonn PJ-I d9-0 B (Farthest K (Yellow-Orange) Star from Sagittarius A*)
- Tyriela EG-Y g2 B (Highest O (Blue-White) Star)
- Dryeau Aub FG-Y g6 B (Highest B (Blue-White) Star)
- Tyriele FG-Y g3 A (Highest B (Blue-White) Star)
- Treqai LR-W e1-2 (Highest A (Blue-White) Star)
- Smumbie WJ-R e4-5 B (Highest F (White) Star)
- Syroomie BF-A e7 B (Highest G (White-Yellow) Star)
- Pho Aoscs SO-R d4-10 A (Highest M (Red giant) Star)
- Smumbie BQ-P e5-0 (Highest Herbig Ae/Be Star)
- Smumbie PX-U e2-5 A (Highest Herbig Ae/Be Star)
- Kyli Flyuae CL-Y g12 A (Lowest O (Blue-White) Star)
- Sluemoa YP-X e1-2 A (Lowest G (White-Yellow) Star)
- Sluemoa SJ-Z e2 (Lowest G (White-Yellow) Star)
- Schao Flyuae RO-Q e5-2 B (Lowest M (Red giant) Star)
- Sluemoa YE-A g1 (Lowest T Tauri Star)
- Sluemoa YE-A g16 A (Lowest T Tauri Star)
- Kyli Flyuae ZE-A g15 B (Lowest Neutron Star)
- Kyli Flyuae ZE-A g15 A (Lowest Black Hole)
- Tyriela EG-Y g2 A 1 (Highest High metal content world)
- Swoarsts HL-Y e3 A 1 (Highest Earth-like world)
- Treqai LR-W e1-2 16 (Highest Ammonia world)
- Oub Aowsy EG-F d11-0 7 (Highest Ammonia world)
- Oub Briae CP-R d4-1 4 (Highest Ammonia world)
- Plao Aowsy PW-M c7-0 A 1 (Highest Gas giant with ammonia-based life)
- Eob Bluae BO-F d12-8 ABCDE 4 (Lowest Ammonia world)
- Outaig PM-C d1 8 (Lowest Ammonia world)
- Voqua RZ-D d13-307 A (Lightest Neutron Star)
- Tyriae Hypa OT-Y d1-0 (Lowest K (Yellow-Orange giant) Star)
- Tyriae Hypa HY-P d6-0 A (Lowest White Dwarf (DAB) Star)
- Tyre Eaec HI-E c14-0 B 3 (Lowest Ammonia world)
- Pho Aoscs AA-A g15 A (Highest Herbig Ae/Be Star)
- Dryeau Aub XT-I d9-10 A (Highest CN Star)
- Systae Free BA-A g7 AB 1 (Highest Class V gas giant)
- Phau Aoscs BA-A g5 B (Highest A (Blue-White) Star)
- Systae Free AA-A g3 1 (Highest M (Red dwarf) Star)
- Ooh Aub OD-T e3-3 C (Highest F (White) Star)
- Ooh Aub OD-T e3-3 ABC 4 (Highest Earth-like world)
- Kyloae Flyi ZE-A g6 D (Lowest A (Blue-White) Star)
- Thaae Byoe YE-A g2 AB 2 (Lowest Class IV gas giant)
- Thaae Byoe YE-A g2 AB 5 (Lowest Class IV gas giant)
- Thaae Byoe YE-A g2 AB 1 (Lowest Class V gas giant)
- Thaae Byoe YE-A g2 AB 4 (Lowest Class IV gas giant)
- Schao Flyuae WP-X e1-1 B (Lowest White Dwarf (DB) Star)
- Angosk BA-A d0 C (Farthest M (Red dwarf) Star from Sagittarius A*)
- Eolls Hypai DH-K d9-0 D (Farthest M (Red giant) Star from Sagittarius A*)
- Angosk JL-P d5-0 D (Farthest L (Brown dwarf) Star from Sagittarius A*)
- Ooscs Aewsy PA-A d0 D (Farthest L (Brown dwarf) Star from Sagittarius A*)
- Eolls Hypai LI-Q d6-0 A 2 (Farthest Y (Brown dwarf) Star from Sagittarius A*)
- Eolls Hypai MD-Q d6-0 2 (Farthest Y (Brown dwarf) Star from Sagittarius A*)
- Eolls Hypai EH-S d5-0 1 (Farthest Gas giant with water-based life from Sagittarius A*)
- Eolls Hypai MD-Q d6-0 3 (Farthest Gas giant with water-based life from Sagittarius A*)
- Tyreangie AA-A h3 AB 2 (Lowest L (Brown dwarf) Star)
- Tyreangie AA-A h3 AB 3 (Lowest L (Brown dwarf) Star)
- Tyreangie AA-A h3 AB 1 (Lowest T (Brown dwarf) Star)
- Tyreangeou AA-A h2 A (Lowest Wolf-Rayet NC Star)
- Triemboe DQ-X e1-1 B (Lowest White Dwarf (DCV) Star)
- Tyreangie AA-A h3 E (Lowest Neutron Star)
- Tyreangie AA-A h3 D (Lowest Neutron Star)
- Tyreangie AA-A h3 AB 4 (Lowest Water world)
- Tyreangie AA-A h3 AB 1 a (Lowest Gas giant with water-based life)
- Tyreangie ZE-A g4 ABC 1 a (Lowest Class IV gas giant)
- Tyreangeou ZE-A g4 CDEF 1 (Lowest Class V gas giant)
- Trienaae GH-V f2-14 B (Lowest MS-type Star)
- Syroomu BA-A f12 D (Highest MS-type Star)
- Treqoo EG-Y g7 C (Highest White Dwarf (DAB) Star)
- Oorb Chrea AA-A g0 AB 2 a (Highest Metal-rich body)
- Oorb Chrea AA-A g0 AB 1 d (Highest Ammonia world)
- Proo Dryooe TZ-E d12-0 A (Farthest White Dwarf (DAZ) Star from Colonia)
- Proo Dryooe TZ-E d12-0 A (Farthest White Dwarf (DAZ) Star from Sagittarius A*)
- Ble Hypae MS-K d8-0 (Farthest White Dwarf (DA) Star from Colonia)
- Ble Hypae GD-A d14-0 A (Farthest White Dwarf (DB) Star from Colonia)
- Traea Byoe TP-M d8-0 (Lowest MS-type Star)
- Schi Pruae ZE-A g0 C 1 a (Lowest Rocky Ice world)
- Schi Pruae ZE-A g0 C 1 (Lowest Rocky Ice world)
- Synaulooe CL-Y g0 1 j (Lowest Rocky Ice world)
- Oofainn ZE-A g4 ABC 2 (Lowest Water world)
- Synaulooe CL-Y g0 5 (Lowest Class II gas giant)
- Drasuae QY-Y d1-0 5 (Lowest Helium-rich gas giant)
- Synauloo ZE-A g4 10 (Lowest Ammonia world)
- Sluemaae DL-Y g11 B (Lowest B (Blue-White) Star)
- Sluemaae DL-Y g4 B (Lowest K (Yellow-Orange giant) Star)
- Sluemaae DL-Y g11 A 1 (Lowest Y (Brown dwarf) Star)
- Thaae Bli ZE-A g4 A 1 (Lowest Y (Brown dwarf) Star)
- Sluemaae DL-Y g11 A 2 f a (Lowest Rocky Ice world)
- Thaae Bli ZE-A g4 A 4 (Lowest Gas giant with water-based life)
- Thaae Bli ZE-A g4 A 2 (Lowest Gas giant with water-based life)
- Thaae Bli ZE-A g4 C 4 (Lowest Class II gas giant)
- Sluemaae DL-Y g11 A 2 (Lowest Class IV gas giant)
- Thaae Bli ZE-A g4 B 1 (Lowest Class IV gas giant)
- Sluemaae ZE-A g6 AB 1 (Lowest Class V gas giant)
- Sluemaae ZE-A g6 AB 2 (Lowest Class V gas giant)
- Sluemaae ZE-A g6 AB 3 (Lowest Class V gas giant)
- Treque EG-Y g17 E (Highest White Dwarf (DC) Star)
- Treque EG-Y g11 C (Highest Neutron Star)
- Treque EG-Y g8 A 2 (Highest Class II gas giant)
- Treque EG-Y g8 A 1 (Highest Class III gas giant)
- Treque EG-Y g11 B 1 (Highest Class V gas giant)
- Treqoo RX-U e2-12 B (Highest White Dwarf (DB) Star)
- Treqoo AA-A h5 D (Highest Neutron Star)
- Treqoo AA-A h5 E (Highest Neutron Star)
- Treqoo AA-A h5 B 1 (Highest Gas giant with water-based life)
- Oopaidy BA-A g5 C (Highest F (White) Star)
- Dryee Chrea AA-A h3 (Highest Wolf-Rayet O Star)
- Slauliae AA-A g6 (Highest F (White) Star)
- Systae Free AA-A g5 1 (Highest L (Brown dwarf) Star)
- Systae Free AA-A g5 4 (Highest T (Brown dwarf) Star)
- Slauliae AA-A g0 3 (Highest Gas giant with ammonia-based life)
- Systae Free BA-A g2 3 (Highest Gas giant with ammonia-based life)
- Qembea CL-Y g6 (The most Rocky Ice world in system)
- Syrumbi YE-A g9 C (Lowest White Dwarf (DB) Star)
- Qembea CL-Y g6 4 j (Lowest Rocky Ice world)
- Qembea CL-Y g6 4 i (Lowest Rocky Ice world)
- Syrumbi DL-Y g7 C 3 (Lowest Water world)
- Systae Free AA-A g5 2 (Highest T (Brown dwarf) Star)
- Tria Byoea DL-Y g0 E (Lowest White Dwarf (DAB) Star)
- Tria Byoea DL-Y g0 D (Lowest White Dwarf (DAV) Star)
- Qembea CL-Y g6 2 i (Lowest Rocky Ice world)
- Qembea CL-Y g6 4 b (Lowest Rocky Ice world)
- Systipua NC-D d12-0 (Lightest White Dwarf (DC) Star)
- Systipua NC-D d12-0 (Smallest White Dwarf (DC) Star)
- Systipua NC-D d12-0 (Coldest White Dwarf (DC) Star)
- Fraiseae CL-Y g4 (Lowest F (White) Star)
- Theau Byio ZE-A g4 1 (Lowest Gas giant with ammonia-based life)
- Theau Byio ZE-A g4 3 (Lowest Class II gas giant)
- Freasi EM-D d12-4 (Highest CN Star)
- Quemoa JC-V d2-4 A (Highest S-type Star)
- Syrumbie XO-A f18 (Lowest B (Blue-White super giant) Star)
- Systua Auwsy RZ-G d10-6 (Highest CN Star)
- Kylou Flyao TD-B e3 B (Lowest MS-type Star)
- Schao Pruae YE-A g18 B 1 (Lowest Y (Brown dwarf) Star)
- Hyphudgue PD-B e10 D (Lowest S-type Star)
- Hyphudgue HS-A d1-7 A (Lowest S-type Star)
- Kyloae Pruae DL-Y g5 AB 3 (Lowest Earth-like world)
- Kyloae Pruae DL-Y g5 AB 1 (Lowest Earth-like world)
- Kyleae Flyou DL-Y g5 C (Lowest K (Yellow-Orange) Star)
- Theau Pri AR-T d4-5 A (Lowest White Dwarf (DBV) Star)
- Spoihaae JH-V f2-1059 C (Hottest T Tauri Star)
- Tyroigau SO-Q e5-5 (Lowest F (White super giant) Star)
- Theau Pri AA-A h2 A (Lowest Wolf-Rayet O Star)
- Trienuia AA-A h4 2 (Lowest K (Yellow-Orange) Star)
- Trienuia AA-A h5 AB 13 (Lowest M (Red dwarf) Star)
- Trienuia AA-A h5 AB 12 (Lowest L (Brown dwarf) Star)
- Trienuia AA-A h5 AB 3 (Lowest T (Brown dwarf) Star)
- Trienuia AA-A h4 1 (Lowest White Dwarf (DC) Star)
- Trienuia AA-A h5 B (Lowest Black Hole)
- Trienuia AA-A h5 C (Lowest Black Hole)
- Trienuia AA-A h5 A (Lowest Black Hole)
- Trienuia AA-A h5 AB 2 (Lowest Icy body)
- Trienuia AA-A h5 AB 9 (Lowest Icy body)
- Trienuia AA-A h5 AB 5 (Lowest Icy body)
- Trienuia AA-A h5 AB 10 b (Lowest Water world)
- Trienuia AA-A h5 AB 7 (Lowest Class I gas giant)
- Trienuia AA-A h2 (Lowest A (Blue-White super giant) Star)
- Trienuia AA-A h5 AB 6 (Lowest T (Brown dwarf) Star)
- Trienuia AA-A h5 AB 1 (Lowest T (Brown dwarf) Star)
- Trienuia AA-A h4 (Lowest Black Hole)
- Angonn UP-G d10-0 2 (Farthest T Tauri Star from Sagittarius A*)
- Syrumbi AA-A h1 2 a (Lowest Y (Brown dwarf) Star)
- Qembea AA-A h0 B (Lowest Wolf-Rayet C Star)
- Thaae Pruae DL-Y g5 C (Lowest White Dwarf (DAB) Star)
- Trieneou DL-Y g0 8 a (Lowest Class V gas giant)
- Oofaisk AA-A h1 (Lowest O (Blue-White) Star)
- Trienaae AA-A h0 A (Lowest Herbig Ae/Be Star)
- Kyluae Flyuae AA-A h0 A (Lowest Wolf-Rayet O Star)
- Trienoa AA-A h2 (Lowest Wolf-Rayet O Star)
- Kyluae Flyuae YE-A g7 C (Lowest White Dwarf (DC) Star)
- Schao Pruae AA-A h3 1 (Lowest Class I gas giant)
- Kyluae Flyuae AA-A h4 A 1 (Lowest Class I gas giant)
- Trienaae AA-A h0 BCD 8 a (Lowest Class V gas giant)
- Trienuia AA-A h5 AB 10 (Lowest T (Brown dwarf) Star)
- Tyroigao TO-Q e5-1 B (Lowest White Dwarf (DBV) Star)
- Traea Flyi CL-Y g8 A 1 f (Lowest Ammonia world)
- Trienie TJ-Z e1 (The most White Dwarf (DAV) Star in system)
- Saimue XR-H d11-12 A (Hottest White Dwarf (DAB) Star)
- Thee Flyuae YE-A g7 4 (Lowest Ammonia world)
- Trieneau AA-A h0 A 1 (Lowest Gas giant with water-based life)
- Angosk DF-R d4-0 2 (Farthest Gas giant with ammonia-based life from Sagittarius A*)

Humboldt's Trail
Register and finish at least one expedition.

Leader of the pack
Be an expedition leader.

Best friend forever!
Be friend with another commander.

Work best as a team!
Be friend with 10 other commanders.

Disciple of Wagar
Write an entry in your logbook.

Acolyte of Wagar
Write 10 entries in your logbook.

Priest of Wagar
Write 25 entries in your logbook.

Being an EDSM benefactor.

Twatted by Sally!
Be killed by the Pink Lady.