Galactic News

  • April 22, 3307
  • Aegis Appeals For Guardian Artefacts

    Pilots Federation ALERT

    Ancient objects left behind by the Guardians have been requested by Aegis for a new anti-xeno research programme.

    The Guardians were an intelligent humanoid species whose civilisation collapsed over a million years ago, and who were engaged in hostilities with the Thargoid race.

    Professor Alba Tesreau, head of Aegis Research, gave this statement:

    “At the Galactic Summit, Aegis agreed to undertake a fresh analysis of Guardian technology. The hope is that this will lead to the development of more effective defences against the Thargoids. We therefore require new samples to compare with Ram Tah’s groundbreaking work on this mysterious species.”

    “Guardian artefacts including those previously identified as caskets, orbs, relics, tablets, totems and urns are needed. These can be unearthed from the ancient ruins scattered across dozens of worlds.”

    “I beseech the galactic community to support this project. It is vital that Aegis continues to receive funding, and to achieve this we must push the boundaries of our knowledge even further.”

    Pilots are asked to deliver their shipments to Aegis Research at the Alexandria megaship in the Delphi system.

  • April 8, 3307
  • The Awakening of the Adamastor

    Pilots Federation ALERT

    The Adamastor, a 200 year old ‘ghost ship’ in orbit around Chukchan 5 b, has received a mysterious encrypted signal. The derelict vessel has been undergoing investigation by Alliance Salvage Guild teams since its discovery last October. They released this report:

    “Months ago, we cut open one of the Adamastor’s damaged cargo holds to find an undeployed communications beacon. We managed to power it up, but it contained no data and had never been used.”

    “This beacon has now automatically activated, and is receiving and rebroadcasting a long-range signal. The transmission’s source cannot be identified, but is definitely of interstellar origin. Its encoded content has yet to be deciphered.”

    The Adamastor vanished in 3111 after an incident that may have involved the first historical encounter with the Thargoids. It reappeared in 3306 when it entered the Chukchan system at sublight speeds on autopilot, with no sign of its crew.

    It was recently learned that in 3113 the Adamastor’s sister ship, the Hesperus, also disappeared. Both were owned by a corporation called Azimuth Biochemicals, which was absorbed by a rival named Pharmasapien. Little is known about either company, but it is believed they were competitors in the field of xenological research.

  • March 25, 3307
  • Medicines Delivered for Starport Bombing Survivors

    Pilots Federation ALERT

    Safeguard Interstellar has successfully received medical supplies for civilians wounded during the NMLA terrorist attack.

    The bombing of nine starports across the Alliance, Empire and Federation left huge numbers of people injured, some with caustic burns due to Thargoid enzymes deployed by the explosives.

    Noel Beaumont, the aid organisation’s CEO, announced:

    “We are immensely grateful to all pilots who brought shipments of basic medicines and advanced medicines. These have been transported directly to the relevant systems, where they will be used to ease the suffering of several hundred thousand civilians.”

    Safeguard Interstellar confirmed that its partner factions have made rewards available at the three systems used as staging areas for deliveries.

    Pilots can collect from the Perez Ring Brewery at Krylov Ring in the He Bo system, Lavigny's Legion at Mackenzie Relay in the Cemiess system, and the Duamta Gold Creative Corp at Davis Terminal in the Duamta system.

    Over the past two weeks, emergency services have been concentrated on the nine damaged starports in the Achenar, Alioth, Eotienses, Gateway, Kamadhenu, Lave, Nanomam, Rhea and Sol systems. All survivors have been accounted for and repairs are largely completed, mainly due to dedicated support by members of the Pilots Federation.

  • March 11, 3307
  • Nine Starports Hit by Terrorist Bombings

    Pilots Federation ALERT

    Explosions have struck starports across the Alliance, Empire and Federation in a coordinated bombing attack by the NMLA.

    The capital systems of all three superpowers – Achenar, Alioth and Sol – have been targeted by the terrorists, as well as six other high-population systems. Precise casualty numbers are unavailable, but several hundred thousand people have been killed with many more injured.

    There are urgent calls for independent pilots to rescue survivors and support repair operations at all nine locations:

    Dawes Hub in the Achenar system

    Donaldson in the Alioth system

    Dublin Citadel in the Gateway system

    Hahn Gateway in the Nanomam system

    Ito Orbital in the Rhea system

    Lave Station in the Lave system

    Li Qing Jao in the Sol system

    Parkinson Dock in the Eotienses system

    Shajn Market in the Kamadhenu system

    The explosive damage to each station is consistent with corrosive enzyme weapons previously used by the NMLA. This has triggered automated systems designed to respond to Thargoid assaults.

    The Alliance Defence Force, Federal Navy and Imperial Navy are on full alert. Other military and security forces across the core systems are preparing for possible further attacks.

    The Galactic Summit has been temporarily suspended while Alliance, Empire and Federation leaders respond to the emergency. A full lockdown is in effect in the Sirius system, where the scheduled bounty hunting and trade initiatives have been cancelled.

  • March 10, 3307
  • Galactic Mysteries: The Adamastor

    Erik Gunnarson and Francesca Wolfe, two detectives from the Wallglass Investigations Agency, examine the background of the Adamastor megaship.

    Gunnarson: “When Wolfe and I started this project, we knew this case would come first. We’re both protégés of Benjamin Chester, creator of the Wallglass Archive. He retired years ago, but that old spark kicked in when a ‘ghost ship’ turned up on his doorstep!”

    “The Adamastor is a 200 year old derelict that drifted into the Chukchan system on autopilot. It’s still there, with the Alliance Salvage Guild poking through its guts. Chester investigated its owners, a super-secretive company called Azimuth Biochemicals. We don’t know what they were searching for, but what they found was possibly the first recorded Thargoid encounter.”

    “I’ve since tracked down evidence that the Adamastor had a sister ship – the Hesperus – which in 3113 was sent to… somewhere! Neither ship returned, but we only know what happened on the Adamastor mission. Of course, Wolfe had to go see that with her own eyes.”

    Wolfe: “Musca Dark Region PJ-P b6-1 is a busy system nowadays, but was unexplored when Professor Carver’s survey team were there. Listening to their logs from two centuries ago while examining the research base was chilling… ghost voices from a ghost ship.”

    “There was evidence of blast scars, but I’ve seen enough battlefields to know what exchanged gunfire looks like. Azimuth’s mercenaries weren’t just firing at Thargoids, but at someone who shot back with laser rifles.”

    “Gunnarson tells me Azimuth was swallowed up by a rival called Pharmasapien. Did they infiltrate the Adamastor and try to take over? Or did the thing that Carver captured drive everyone insane?”

    “This is a seriously cold case, even for us. But maybe one day, more tantalising clues will emerge. And that’s what we live for.”

  • March 9, 3307
  • Thargoid Conflict Discussed at the Galactic Summit

    Potential solutions to the threat posed by the Thargoid race are being debated at the diplomatic conference in the Sirius system.

    Political correspondent Conrad Sterling reported for Vox Galactica:

    “As always, the topic of the Thargoids brings division. The Alliance delegation has portrayed the aliens as a universal danger, while the Empire and Federation took a more balanced view.”

    “Professor Alba Tesreau’s plea to increase support for Aegis was well received, but many delegates argued that further anti-xeno breakthroughs were needed to justify additional funding. To this end, Aegis will undertake new research into the Guardians, hoping to discover a technological advantage from that ancient species.”

    “Prime Minister Mahon’s proposal for strategic cooperation against the Thargoids – known as the Sirius Treaty – is now being examined in detail. Supporters view it as a logical progression from the recently agreed Cornelius-Lasky Convention.”

    “There was minor uproar when Archon Delaine agreed to be a signatory. Coupled with similar commitments from the Marlinist Colonies and other independents, this has brought pressure upon the Empire and Federation to follow suit.”

    “If ratified, the Sirius Treaty could be the crowning achievement of the conference. However, putting it into practice will require a huge influx of resources. Decisions are expected before the end of this week.”

  • March 4, 3307
  • Archon Delaine Gatecrashes the Galactic Summit

    Pirate warlord Archon Delaine has unexpectedly appeared at the diplomatic conference and demanded to participate as a political delegate.

    Delaine is the leader of the Kumo Crew, a notorious crime syndicate that controls dozens of systems. Their arrival at Patterson Enterprise station initially caused many delegations’ security teams to begin evacuations.

    However, representatives of the Sirius Corporation called for calm and delivered this message:

    “We have vouchsafed Archon Delaine’s presence and extended full diplomatic immunity to his retinue. As with all attendees, they are expected to abide by our rules and etiquettes.”

    This reassurance did not prevent several ambassadors from walking out in protest. Some accused Sirius Corporation of striking a deal with Delaine to prevent even more pirate vessels from swarming through the Sirius system.

    Mainstream newsfeeds also covered the impact of Delaine’s arrival.

    The Imperial Herald: “Senator Patreus officially complained about ‘the repulsive sight of pirate scum strolling alongside respectable politicians’. However, Chancellor Blaine agreed that Delaine could address the conference, albeit under close scrutiny.”

    The Federal Times: “Neither Hudson nor Winters have commented on Delaine’s appearance, but the security chief for the Federal delegation remarked: ‘One wrong step and we’ll put some big holes right through their immunity.’”

    The Alliance Tribune: “This is an unwelcome distraction from Prime Minister Mahon’s proposal for Aegis’s remit to be enormously expanded. The Sirius Treaty will fully unite superpowers, corporations and independent systems against the Thargoids – assuming that Mahon can convince his fellow leaders to agree.”

  • March 3, 3307
  • Superpowers Make Progress at the Galactic Summit

    Leaders from the Alliance, Empire and Federation have agreed a series of minor treaties at the diplomatic gathering in the Sirius system.

    Vox Galactica featured this report from political correspondent Conrad Sterling:

    “Following days of heated arguments, temperatures in the conference chamber finally cooled enough for all three superpowers to formalise a raft of agreements. These were ratified in person by Chancellor Blaine, President Hudson and Prime Minister Mahon.”

    “The most significant of these treaties is the Cornelius-Lasky Convention, named after its two leading proponents. This requires the Alliance, Empire and Federation to share information on any large-scale threats to civilian populations, including environmental, medical and xenological crises.”

    “There has been slow progress on other topics, such as military limitation and border control. Many independent ambassadors are demanding to prioritise debates on the Thargoid issue, and especially the defensive role played by Aegis.”

    “Outside the chamber, First Minister Fairfax invited Princess Duval to a small ceremony to honour her late father. Fairfax formally apologised for Prince Harold’s death and condemned the terrorists responsible. Aisling Duval gracefully accepted this, but time will tell if it was an empty gesture or the first step toward Imperial-Marlinist rapprochement.”

  • March 1, 3307
  • Galactic Summit Imperilled by Political Frictions

    Delegates at the diplomatic conference have clashed over long-standing political issues, with some threatening to abandon the event.

    Journalists at Patterson Enterprise in the Sirius system reported their observations via mainstream newsfeeds.

    The Imperial Herald: “Minister Whyte’s claim that the Empire had fomented terrorism by repressing Marlinism was somewhat predictable. But nobody expected Princess Duval’s icy retort, which caused shocked gasps across the chamber.”

    Sol Today: “President Hudson easily dealt with Patreus’s whine about the Federation’s so-called ‘war-mongering’, putting the bombastic Imp in his place.”

    Eye on Achenar: “The dull-witted thug of a president was no match for Senator Patreus, who received cheers for his condemnation of typical ‘Fedneck’ arrogance.”

    The Alliance Tribune: “The conference’s hosts were visibly embarrassed by Councillor Kaine’s claims that Coalsack Nebula terraforming projects had triggered recent Thargoid attacks. Shockingly, several delegates dismissed this as an internal matter for the Alliance.”

    The Federal Times: “Chancellor Blaine’s stonewalling on the co-funding of humanitarian aid brought a rare flash of anger from Felicia Winters: ‘Maybe the Emperor’s puppet could loosen a few strings?’”

    The Sovereign: “Despite Prime Minister Mahon exaggerating the benefits of Alliance membership, several independent ambassadors complained about its incomprehensible bureaucracy, saying it would be less damaging to declare war against the Alliance than join it.”

    A representative from Sirius Corporation reported that the Galactic Summit was “going well”.

  • December 2, 3307
  • Councillor Kaine Campaigns for Alliance Votes

    Councillor Nakato Kaine is visiting key systems across the Alliance as part of her bid to be elected as the next prime minister.

    Of all the challengers to the incumbent Edmund Mahon, Kaine has the most support from fellow council members. She has represented the Tionisla system for nearly a decade, and is renowned for delivering forceful speeches before the Assembly.

    Kaine’s disapproval of the expansionist policies in recent years has struck a chord with people in many systems. She also has a strong reputation among the ‘Old Worlds’, which are viewed as the historic hub of the Alliance.

    During a political rally on Leesti, Councillor Kaine directly criticised her election opponent:

    “Prime Minister Mahon clearly thinks that the Alliance must mimic the Empire’s arrogance and the Federation’s corporate greed. He has repeatedly led us into conflict with the Thargoid race, risking millions of lives so we could raid their territories like thieves in the night.”

    “I believe that we should be inspired by the mutual cooperation that once made the Old Worlds thrive. We must invest in trade and security to benefit our member systems, instead of pretending to be a monolithic superpower.”

  • January 19, 3307
  • Prime Minister Mahon Campaigns for Re-Election

    Edmund Mahon has launched a political campaign to be elected as the Alliance’s leader for a second term.

    The incumbent prime minister is undertaking a whistle-stop tour across Alliance space to rouse support. Only members of the Assembly can cast votes in this election, but they will be heavily influenced by public opinion within their systems.

    Mahon’s campaign has focused on the Alliance’s huge expansion during his six-year premiership, with reminders of triumphs such as the Alliance Festival of Culture. His ability to handle a crisis has also been highlighted, including President Kincaid’s attempted coup and the League of Reparation’s crusade.

    More recent examples of his leadership are welcoming Marlinist refugees from the Empire and exploiting the Coalsack Nebula to boost economic prosperity. However, Mahon’s critics have pointed out that both strategies increased the risk of attack from Neo-Marlinist terrorists and the Thargoids.

    Addressing a packed conference hall on Birmingham in his home system of Diso, Mahon proclaimed:

    “We live in an increasingly turbulent galaxy, making it important to maintain a steady hand at the wheel. I will be honoured to continue representing the diverse peoples of the Alliance.”

  • January 8, 3307
  • Aegis Supports Galactic Summit

    The organisation Aegis has expressed support for Utopia’s offer to host a Galactic Summit for all three superpowers.

    Aegis was jointly formed by the Alliance, Empire and Federation to study the Thargoids, and develop new methods of monitoring and combating their forces.

    Professor Alba Tesreau, head of research at Aegis, gave this statement:

    “Humanity’s focus on petty internal conflicts has blinded us to the existential threat of the Thargoids. Their recent horrific attacks should be a wake-up call to the fact that defunding has crippled Aegis’s ability to offer protection.”

    “We strongly entreat our founders to come together and channel resources toward Aegis, and particularly into research. There can be no hope of coexistence with this alien species unless we increase our understanding of them.”

    No official responses to Utopia’s proposal have been made as yet. However, Prime Minister Edmund Mahon, Princess Aisling Duval and Shadow President Felicia Winters have all signalled broad approval of the idea. There are reports that many congressmen, councillors and senators are pressuring their respective leaders to attend the diplomatic conference.

    Simguru Pranav Antal has confirmed that the governments of independent systems will also be welcome to send delegates to the Galactic Summit. However, Utopia’s primary aim is to provide neutral territory for the Alliance, Empire and Federation to debate policies.

  • January 7, 3307
  • Thargoids Wreak Havoc in Nebulas

    Starports in the Coalsack and Witch Head Nebulas have been damaged during full-scale Thargoid incursions.

    An appeal by Aegis for anti-xeno support led to a concerted response from the galactic community. However, the Thargoid forces proved to be overwhelming and have attacked systems within the nebulas, with the loss of thousands of lives.

    Admiral Aden Tanner, chief military liaison of Aegis, broadcast this message:

    “Despite the heroic efforts of many pilots, the alien ships have resisted being driven from the Witch Head Nebula.”

    “Aegis’s military capability and manpower are both severely limited as a result of curtailed funding from the Empire and the Federation. We have no choice but to rely on independent pilots and anti-xeno squadrons as the first line of defence against the Thargoid threat.”

  • January 4, 3307
  • Countdown to Alliance Election Begins

    The Alliance has entered a period of political campaigning prior to the election of a new prime minister.

    The appointment of a head of government takes place every six years, with the forthcoming vote scheduled for the 25th of February 3307.

    Unlike the Federation, there are no political parties in the Alliance. The Assembly is comprised of councillors who each represent the ruling faction of a member system. Electoral votes will be cast by these individuals rather than the public, but councillors tend to abide by the majority views of their constituencies.

    Edmund Mahon is the current prime minister, having been in office since 3301, and is campaigning for re-election. If successful, he will be the first to serve more than one term.

    There are several rivals challenging Mahon, but the greatest support is for Councillor Nakato Kaine of Tionisla. She has become a rallying point for discontent among the Assembly, speaking out against the Alliance’s increasing dependence upon corporations and other superpowers.

    At an emergency debate regarding the current wave of Thargoid attacks, Councillor Kaine stated:

    “Can we be surprised that the Thargoid race is launching fresh assaults against us, when we brazenly invade their territories? Our obsession with meta-alloys has turned us into the aggressor! This is not the same Alliance that I pledged to serve. It’s time for a new direction.”

  • January 1, 3307
  • Utopia Invites Superpowers to Galactic Summit

    Simguru Pranav Antal, leader of the Utopia commune, has proposed hosting a diplomatic conference for the governments of all three superpowers.

    The intention is to provide a neutral location to discuss key issues such as the renewed Thargoid attacks, the Marlinist refugee crisis, and hostilities between the Empire and the Federation.

    Details have been sent to the Alliance Assembly, Federal Congress and Imperial Senate. Pranav Antal has also broadcast his invitation across all media channels:

    “It is not Utopia’s tradition to become involved with politics, but recent events are of great concern to us all. Interstellar war, terrorism, alien incursion and economic collapse are the new four dark horsemen that threaten humanity’s future.”

    “We therefore offer to host a Galactic Summit where the Alliance, Empire and Federation may debate these problems peacefully. My sincere hope is that the heads of state grasp this opportunity to resolve their differences and create solutions that benefit their peoples.”

    Utopia is an independent society with a focus on using highly advanced technology to increase quality of life. Should this Galactic Summit take place, it would be the first diplomatic meeting of all three superpower governments.

  • December 31, 3306
  • Thargoids Attack Coalsack and Witch Head Nebulas

    Pilots Federation ALERT

    Large numbers of Thargoid vessels are swarming through multiple inhabited systems, leading to urgent calls for assistance.

    In what appears to be a coordinated strike, Thargoid scouts and interceptors have appeared throughout the Coalsack and Witch Head Nebulas. Local security ships have engaged them in combat, but report being overwhelmed.

    The Alliance has a considerable presence in these regions, with four starports recently constructed in the Coalsack Nebula. But the Alliance Defence Force has not been able to mobilise in time to prevent some systems from becoming infested with Thargoids.

    Admiral Aden Tanner, chief military liaison for Aegis, made this announcement:

    “This is a resurgence of Thargoid activity on a scale that we have not witnessed for a long time. Unfortunately, drastic reductions in funding and resources mean that Aegis is unable to provide adequate defensive measures.”

    “We urgently request support from independent pilots and anti-xeno squadrons. It is critical that we prevent the Thargoids from dominating these nebulas and wiping out many thousands of people.”

  • December 28, 3306
  • Coalsack Nebula Terraforming Project Stalls

    Sirius Atmospherics has delivered an update on its experiments to terraform ammonia worlds in the Coalsack Nebula.

    The subsidiary of Sirius Corporation is working closely with the Alliance to exploit the nebula’s resources and pursue scientific investigation, including terraforming terrestrial planets with ammonia-based atmospheres.

    Project director Dr Maximilian North gave this progress report:

    “Preliminary efforts at ecosphere conversion have delivered promising results, but our new techniques are not as effective as the simulations based on exploration data suggested. We are still a long way from fully transforming these worlds into habitable environments.”

    Independent journalist Flint ‘Firemaker’ Lafosse commented on this via the Rewired network:

    “Does anyone really believe Sirius is there for the terraforming? Of course they can’t magically turn ammonia hellholes into paradise planets overnight! I know a cover story when I smell one. I wouldn’t be surprised if they’re deliberately trying to provoke the Thargoids for some reason, maybe to capture some specimens. Where there’s xenos, there’s credits.”

    The Alliance has corroborated Dr North’s report, but also confirmed an increase in Sirius Corporation personnel and equipment arriving in the Coalsack Nebula.

  • December 10, 3306
  • Coalsack Nebula Project Gathers Ammonia Worlds Data

    Pilots Federation ALERT

    Explorers have catalogued many ammonia worlds for a Sirius Atmospherics terraforming project in the Coalsack Nebula.

    The subsidiary of Sirius Corporation is one of several companies that are working in partnership with the Alliance to commercially exploit the region.

    Project director Dr Maximilian North announced the successful completion of the initiative:

    “The data provided on planets with ammonia-based atmospheres will be invaluable to our terraforming simulations. With our new environmental techniques, some of these poisonous worlds within the nebula may one day become habitable.”

    Sirius Atmospherics has confirmed that payouts for all contributing pilots are now available at Betancourt Base in the Musca Dark Region PJ-P b6-1 system.

    As the expansion into the Coalsack Nebula progresses, Commodore Morag Halloran of the Alliance Defence Force commented on the possibility of further attacks from the Thargoids:

    “Anti-xeno security is not as stringent as we had planned, due to the low availability of ADF vessels and Aegis being impacted by Federal and Imperial defunding. It may be necessary to call upon the galactic community again, should we encounter further interference from the Thargoids.”

  • December 8, 3306
  • Universal Increase to Combat Bond and Anti-Xeno Payouts

    Pilots Federation ALERT

    The values of combat bonds and anti-xeno bonds have been increased, as factions focus on bolstering defences.

    Financial instability and the current political tensions have led to factions upscaling their rewards for combat bonds, as well as bonds received for destroying Thargoid vessels.

    These increases to anti-xeno and combat bonds will be in effect across Alliance, Federal, Imperial and independent space. They can be processed as usual at any starport offering the relevant services.

    This follows a turbulent period in many marketplaces that has impacted commodity prices, as well as producing a boost to the value of bounty vouchers.

    The changes were remarked upon by Professor Ophelia Kaufmann, head of economics at Orion Independent University:

    “As anticipated, the ongoing volatility of financial markets has led to further widespread revaluation. With heightened hostility between the Empire and the Federation, coupled with terrorist attacks and a resurgence in Thargoid activity, it is hardly surprising that every faction now places a greater premium on protecting their citizens.”

    “Although some may view the current tranche of changes as inevitable or overdue, there may well be additional revaluing in other fields as a result of competing market forces. The only certainty is of further uncertainty.”

  • November 27, 3306
  • The Shadow of War

    NMLA terrorist attacks and the Marlinist refugee crisis have driven an increase in military spending from both the Empire and the Federation.

    The Federal Times has reported on President Zachary Hudson’s actions:

    “Building on the public outcry following the Neo-Marlinist bombing of a Federal starport, President Hudson has positioned himself once again as the Federation’s strongman. This is clearly a calculated effort to regain political power after negative associations from the Starship One trial.”

    “Shadow President Felicia Winters’s acceptance of Marlinist refugees has lost popularity, now that terrorists concealed among them have murdered thousands. However, cooler heads in Congress agree that provoking the Empire could lead to a far greater death toll.”

    The Empire’s response mirrored its counterpart, as observed by The Imperial Herald:

    “As well as the construction of new capital ships, Senator Denton Patreus has also ordered the withdrawal of funding for Aegis. The Senate’s consensus is that since Thargoid activity has reduced, the focus should now be on the Federation as well as the internal threat of the NMLA.”

    “Cooperation between the superpowers is rapidly coming to an end, leading to a state of interstellar brinkmanship. There is a real possibility that the Neo-Marlinists’ demand for revolutionary change may have broader repercussions than they intended.”