Galactic News

  • October 15, 3301
  • GalNet Focus on Democracy

    This weekly roundup highlights some of the minor factions pursuing the dream of democratic freedom by holding elections (*).

    Here are 10 of the 3,825 minor factions holding elections:

    • Nationalists of Ticushpakhi

    • Anezgan Focus

    • Union of Yenic Resistance

    • LTT 10918 Order

    • GQ Virginis General Corporation

    • Justice Party of HIP 105391

    • Nu-2 Lupi Crimson United Prtnrs

    • Aymifa Empire Pact

    • Aymifa Regulatory State

    • League of Andhrimi Defence Party

    Elections occur when two minor factions of a similar political structure resolve a conflict over ownership and influence within a system.

    * Data is correct at time of publishing.

  • Sirius Corporation Announces New Programme

    Earlier this year, the Sirius Corporation expanded into the systems of HIP 8396, Almagest, Sothis, Ceos, and Robigo. At the time, a number of economists predicted that these systems would witness dramatic change after being brought under Sirius Corp. control, but in fact the affected systems have remained much the same, with citizens reporting little difference to their everyday lives.

    It seems, however, that the Sirius Corporation might simply have been biding its time. In a statement released today, Li Yong-Rui, the CEO of the Sirius Corp., announced ambitious plans to revitalise his company's new holdings:

    "Over the coming weeks, the Sirius Corporation will subsidize a number of initiatives designed to revive the social and economic health of our new territories. These initiatives, which will rely heavily on support from independent contractors and pilots, will reinvigorate the economies of the affected systems, and usher in a new era of peace and prosperity for our compatriots."

    Roberta Unwin, an economist who regularly contributes to the Money Matters news feed, commented on the announcement:

    "Wealthy organisations often expand into new areas without any immediate plans in mind. Sometimes it's because they think the area will become profitable – other times it's done to undercut a rival. It's called speculative expansion. It's actually rather common, although it usually takes place on a much smaller scale."

    It appears the Sirius Corp. is eager to get started. The first of its initiatives is due to begin today, with the company appealing to independent pilots to deliver osmium to the HIP 8396 system, and promising to reward participants generously.

  • October 14, 3301
  • GalNet Weekly Powers Update Incoming

    In the early hours of tomorrow morning (7.00am GMT), the GalNet monitoring of powers' activities will go offline for a short period while the latest data is assembled.

    Any pilots who operate for one of the powers must deliver any cargo or vouchers before this time to ensure their activities are registered.

  • GalNet Weekly Health Hotspots

    This weekly report typically covers some of the minor factions experiencing significant health issues, such as famine and outbreaks. At the time of writing, however, outbreaks have not been reported among any minor factions.

  • October 13, 3301
  • Elegance in Simplicity

    Gutamaya Shipyards' latest vessel, the Imperial Eagle, is now available for purchase for any pilot holding the appropriate rank in the Imperial Navy, and positive consumer feedback is already flooding in.

    Commander Corrigendum, operating in the Prism system, said: "The Imperial Eagle is a blast to fly. It handles beautifully and has looks to match. I was able to stick on the tail of an Imperial Courier during combat exercises. It's a great addition to the Gutamaya portfolio." Commander Stateira 'Starcloak' Eleshenar added: "I love my Eagle, so I was curious to see if Gutamaya could improve on Core Dynamics' classic design. Now I've taken it out a few times, I'm happy to say it retains all the sublime responsiveness of the Eagle, and packs a harder punch in combat."

    When asked about the secret of Gutamaya Shipyards' success, lead engineer Ines Allende responded: "Elegance in simplicity. We kept the core design that made the Eagle Mk II great and simply tinkered with a few key elements."

    Commander Stateira "Starcloak" Eleshenar

    Jameson Memorial Review | Interstellar Press

  • GalNet Weekly Security Digest

    In this weekly report, the latest GalNet data is assembled to present ten minor factions experiencing civil unrest or lockdown in their systems.

    Here are 10 of the 1,519 minor factions in lockdown:

    • Wolf 1182 Values Party

    • G 214-14 Clan

    • Union of G 69-11 Progressive Party

    • Confederacy of Jeticans

    • Wilastsi Confederacy

    • V740 Cassiopeiae Hand Gang

    • Huiche Blue Gang

    • Midgcut Jet Dynamic Commodities

    • HIP 103654 Jet Major Commodities

    • New Unktomi Democrats

    Lockdowns increase the security rating for a system but also have a negative effect on the system's wealth. Increased bounty hunting activity can shorten the lockdown period.

    Here are 10 of the 1,976 minor factions experiencing civil unrest:

    • HIP 16460 Empire Consulate

    • Cartoi Life Company

    • Buricasses Citizens of Tradition

    • Psi Capricorni Purple Brothers

    • Epsilon Scorpii Central Corp.

    • AF Leporis Nobles

    • Independent Pichanto Alliance

    • Ayethi Citizens of Tradition

    • Uzumeru Netcoms Incorporated

    • Clan of Jadlillke

    Civil unrest is caused by illegal activity within the system as well completing contracts from more nefarious sources. The wealth rating and standard of living will suffer when a system contains civil unrest. Combat missions and activities can be utilised to end civil unrest.

    * Data is correct at time of publishing.

  • Canonn Interstellar Research Group Announces Breakthrough

    After months of research, scientists working for the Canonn Interstellar Research Group observed a change in the transmissions emanating from the so-called 'unknown artefacts', also known as 'anomalous extraterrestrial objects' (or AEOs). Now the organisation believes it has decoded at least part of these strange transmissions. Startlingly, the messages appear to contain schematic diagrams of the ships being used to study the objects.

    The breakthrough came when Commander Mike Juliett Kilo was inspired to channel a pre-recorded AEO signal into an antique scanner display system he happened to be transporting. "I was prepared to see an alien face or Thargoid warship," he said. "I certainly didn't expect to see a Vulture, especially as I was flying one at the time! It sent shivers down my spine."

    As the number of AEOs encountered in the Aries Dark region increases, the debate over the objects continues.

  • October 12, 3301
  • Emperor's Dawn Connected to Universal Cartographics Security Breach

    Exploration activity has been brought to a near standstill after a data-encrypting firmware bug threatened to compromise recently acquired astronomical data. A spokesperson for Universal Cartographics released the following statement:

    "Commanders started noting discrepancies between the exploration records stored in their ship systems and their own personal records. When we investigated, we found that one of our contractors has purposely altered a recent firmware update that was applied to all discovery and surface scanners. We also found that the contractor had a connection to Emperor's Dawn. An arrest warrant has been issued, and our staff worked through the weekend to recover the encrypted data and replace the compromised firmware."

    It has been speculated that the sabotage was designed to hamstring the IISS's efforts to locate Emperor's Dawn bases using exploration data.

    Commander Fionn Mac Cumhaill

  • Prime Minister Mahon Holds Influence over 1,000 Systems

    The office of Edmund Mahon has announced the signing of the Prime Minister's one thousandth trade agreement. This is a momentous achievement for the Prime Minister and his supporters, and a testament to the hard work and dedication of independent pilots throughout the Alliance. The achievement is impressive given the Prime Minister's relatively small number of supporters. It is also important to remember that Mahon's space doesn't have the reach of the combined borders of the Federation, and has far less than the Empire. It is evidence that the Alliance should be counted among the galaxy's major powers, and a pointed reminder that it intends to maintain its autonomy.

    Commander NOIR1787

    Alioth Guardian | Interstellar Press

  • GalNet Weekly Economic Report

    In this weekly digest, the latest GalNet data is compiled to show the economic state of a short list of minor factions and the star systems they inhabit.

    Here are 10 of the 6,333 minor factions currently enjoying an economic boom:

    • Liberty Party of Tau Ceti

    • Official Palengue Liberty Party

    • LP 681-91 Ring

    • Sibio Purple Power Systems

    • Dakshu Partners

    • Rathakako Shared

    • Crimson Dynamic Commodities

    • Kapurri Empire League

    • CD-54 9671 Patron's Principles

    • HIP 100685 Purple Travel Limited

    When in boom, the wealth of a system is increased for the duration and all trade missions have double the effect on influence. Boom can also positively increase a minor faction's influence. Boom can be entered by consistent trade profits and completed trade contracts. Booms tend to last until they naturally expire or until some other indicator takes precedence, such as famine.

    * Data is correct at time of publishing

  • October 11, 3301
  • Who is Funding Emperor's Dawn?

    As the war between the Empire and Emperor's Dawn continues, an increasing number of political commentators are asking the question: where does the organisation get its money?

    Since the military campaign began, the Empire has expended substantial resources fighting the insurgents, but for the most part Emperor's Dawn has managed to match the strength of the Imperial offensives, and this ability to resist the Empire suggests that the organisation has access to significant levels of funding. Several weeks ago it was revealed that Emperor's Dawn had at one time received backing from D and C Shipping, Inc., an organisation belonging to the Imperial patron and industrialist Damon Clarke, but the connection between the two organisations is believed to have been severed some time ago.

    Verifiable details are scarce, but an anonymous source within the Empire has shared suspicions that Emperor's Dawn could have a benefactor in the corporate world. If this is true, it raises the question of what kind of company would support an organisation like Emperor's Dawn, and what it might hope to gain from such an association.

    The IISS was approached for comment, but it replied only by saying it was "pursuing all available leads".

  • October 10, 3301
  • GalNet Weekly Expansion List

    Each week, GalNet presents a list of 10 of the 1,738 minor factions currently expanding into new systems.

    • GD 69 Advanced Industries

    • HIP 3470 as one

    • Ualarni Solutions

    • United Olokulu Party

    • Frentani Co

    • Aristocrats of Lauket

    • Revolutionary Shebera Coalition

    • HIP 103583 as one

    • Uniting Martudja

    • HIP 112389 Purple Major Holdings

    Expansion occurs when a minor faction reaches a sufficient influence rating and there is a populated system within striking distance. The act of expansion is a costly one, and the wealth and development rating suffers during the period of expansion.

    * Data is correct at time of publishing.

  • October 9, 3301
  • A Week in Powerplay

    Edmund Mahon remains optimistic despite the projections of some economic analysts, citing the fact that the Alliance still boasts the most profitable economy of any power. Despite the pessimistic reports, influential systems are still flocking to the Alliance, with two more joining in the past week. The coming weeks will validate the opinion of either the Prime Minister or the critical analysts.

    Arissa Lavigny-Duval experienced a momentous week in several ways, particularly her recent confirmation as the next Emperor. Only the threats of Emperor's Dawn appear to stand in her way now. The past week saw the closing of the embassy with the Sirius Corporation at Sietae. Relations between the Sirius Corp. and the Empire remain friendly. Four additional key systems subscribed to the protection of the Shield of Justice in the past week.

    Felicia Winters's approval rating has surpassed that of President Hudson for the first time in over a month. With a marked dip in opposition figures, Shadow President Winters was able to build up a command capital reserve that will serve her forces well in the coming week.

    Zachary Hudson's approval rating fell again this week as the Katurru system formally rejected the protection of Federation fleets. President Hudson's fleets more than compensated for the loss of Katurru by establishing bases of operation in three additional systems. The advent of the Close Quarters Combat Championship remains a wild card for the President - his public endorsement of CQC as a recruitment tool for the Federation Navy may lead to a rise in approval in the near future.

    Li Yong-Rui has put SiriusGov on track for steady growth. This week has seen the assets of one additional control system brought into the Sirius portfolio. Many investors would hope for more rapid growth and quick profits, but many shareholders recognize the value of a steady future of tempered growth. Li Yong-Rui appears most interested in the latter.

    Aisling Duval dealt with the results of the Senate's decision on the Imperial succession with grace, offering her support to the pronouncement, and popular opinion of the People's Princess appears to be on the rebound.

    Zemina Torval brought two profitable systems into her enterprise during the past week, ensuring yet another week with a high command capital reserve. Trade routes in Senator Torval's territory reportedly rival those of the Alliance. Things continue to look good for the wizened senator.

    Denton Patreus returned to Eotienses this week after a month in Achenar for the closed session of the Senate. His fleets appear to have recovered from recent weeks of conflict with Emperor's Dawn just as new Emperor's Dawn bases have been discovered in five systems. In anticipation of the coming engagements, fortification projects in the Senator's systems are currently in full swing.

    Archon Delaine and the Kumo Crew claimed another system, the second week of expansion in a row. Analysts of the war effort in the Pegasi Sector have questioned the effectiveness of the Imperial expeditionary fleets and the voluntary forces that have opposed the Kumo Crew. Criminal activity has been spotted, spurring insurrections this week in two influential Federal systems and one Imperial system.

    Pranav Antal now governs an impressive 43 control systems. The achievement is even more remarkable when one considers that mere months ago the vision of Utopia was shared by a mere handful of systems. Many doubted whether Antal's vision for the future would gain any traction, but he has proven beyond all doubt that the ideals of Utopia are more enticing than originally believed.

  • Increased Security on Capitol

    With Emperor's Dawn threatening to sabotage the Imperial coronation ceremony, and the Emperor's assassination still casting a pall over the city, security for the ceremony has been drastically increased. Naval infantry, local police and Imperial Guard units are already patrolling the streets of Capitol and conducting security checks. One Navy contact revealed that this was likely to be one of the largest deployments of Naval troops in decades.

    The population has responded positively to the increased security measures, with many locals claiming they would accept any level of protection to prevent another occurrence like the murder of the Emperor.

    The security extends beyond Capitol's surface, and in contrast to the Emperor's funeral, only invited guests or those with the appropriate permits will be allowed to enter the Achenar system. This has upset some offworld citizens who wanted to witness the procession first hand, but like the people of Capitol they have demonstrated understanding.

  • GalNet Weekly Conflict Report

    This weekly transmission lists some of the systems currently in conflict around the galaxy, based on the latest data.

    Here are 10 of the 21,924 minor factions involved in a civil war:

    • Ross 720 Crimson Cartel

    • Mundjiga Patrons of Law

    • Mariyacoch Solutions

    • El Tio Empire Party

    • Mariyacoch for Equality

    • Dewindji Silver Energy Ind

    • Confederation of Dewindji

    • Comanes Purple Drug Empire

    • Comanes Gold Dynamic Limited

    • Democrats of HIP 24777

    Civil wars involve conflict between minor factions in the same system over ownership of major assets such as starports. During civil wars, only combat missions and activities help bring the conflict to a resolution. Security, development level and standard of living indicators all drop for the duration of the civil war.

    Here are 10 of the 3,374 minor factions at war:

    • Codorain Emperor's Grace

    • Karnarki Blue General Company

    • Komovoy Crimson Posse

    • Kivah Resistance

    • Saisiyat Patron's Principles

    • Okua'gsa Empire Party

    • Xerente Blue Transport Comms

    • Movement for Ariminimi Labour Union

    • Jet Travel Services

    • Miskai Incorporated

    Wars occur when a minor faction invades another star system. For the duration of the conflict, wealth, security and standard of living are all severely impacted. Combat missions and activities determine who wins the war. If no winner emerges, the war ends in a ceasefire.

    * Data is correct at time of publishing.

  • Olympus Corp Thanks the Fuel Rats

    Commander F-Zlim was on the home stretch of a six-month galactic tour when a CO2 leak knocked him out. When he woke to the blare of alarms, his ship, the 'Korblah', was out of fuel. Using long-range comms, F-Zlim notified fellow Commanders at the exploration arm of the Olympus Corp. that he had exactly two minutes and 48 seconds of air remaining. Using the last of the ship's backup battery, he transmitted his final location via the captain's log module, and then he called the Fuel Rats.

    "I had 50 seconds of oxygen left when the first refuel drone arrived," said Commander F-Zlim. "It was the most exhilarating and frightening experience in the six months of my journey. The Fuel Rats saved me and I am eternally grateful."

    In recognition of for their valiant service, the Olympus Corporation has chosen to award the first-ever Korblah Medal to Commanders Orphius and Lokda Babybel of the Fuel Rats.

    Commander Soundwave

  • October 8, 3301
  • Federal Times Reporter Lends Weight to 'Master Chef' Story

    Earlier today, an anonymous message was delivered to a number of news feeds claiming that secret genetic experiments were being conducted in the Noti system. Many commentators dismissed the message as a hoax, but now it seems the claims may have a basis in reality. Marc Garfield, a reporter for the Federal Times, has allegedly seen the so-called 'master chefs' first hand, and the encounter clearly made an impression:

    "There's a secret training facility at Weber Gateway – I managed to sneak in through an air vent. In one room I saw a bunch of slaves chopping vegetables, blindfolded, while a deafening alarm went off. If the slaves dropped below a certain rate of efficiency or precision, they were given an electric shock. In another room they were navigating an assault course while making a soufflé. At least I think it was a soufflé – I'm not an expert. I've never seen anything like it."

    Garfield is a respected journalist, and his testimony lends considerable credibility to the 'master chef' story. The journalist also claims that the appeal from the Revolutionary Noti Value Party for Aganippe Rush has been coordinated by the organisation that created the master chefs, and he has suggested that the appeal may be part of an initiative to bring the gourmet slaves to market as a tradable commodity.

  • The Master Chefs – Truth or Hoax?

    An anonymous message has been delivered to a number of news feeds claiming that clandestine genetic experiments are being carried out in Noti system. The message, which was delivered in the early hours of the morning, asserts that an unnamed organisation has secretly created a new strain of slave labour. The full contents of the message are as follows:

    "I don't know what they're called – they hide behind various dummy companies – but I know what they're doing. They target people that match a specific genetic template, and kidnap them when they're just kids. Then they subject them to the most punishing, dehumanising training imaginable. By the end of it, the subject is barely even human. Their compassion and empathy have been completely hammered out of them. All that's left is the desire to cook. They call these creations...the Master Chefs."

    Is the message legitimate, or is it just an imaginative hoax? We leave you to decide.

  • More Emperor's Dawn Bases Found

    Two weeks ago, the Imperial Internal Security Service issued a request for exploration data as part of its ongoing effort to locate bases belonging to the insurgent organisation Emperor's Dawn. The request resulted in a raft of fresh astrological data, which has since been subjected to rigorous analysis by the IISS. This in turn has produced a list of star systems that the IISS believes contain Emperor's Dawn bases: Namarii, Tabaldak, LTT 874, Shambhala and Svari.

    Some commentators have expressed surprise at the Empire's decision to release the information, given its importance to the Imperial campaign, but Senator Denton Patreus, who is leading the fight against Emperor's Dawn, has no reservations:

    "Surprise is not a significant factor at this stage of the campaign. Let the insurgents prepare for our arrival. They cannot hope to withstand the full might of the Empire. We will crush them."

    Having already eradicated an Emperor's Dawn cell in Maausk, it is assumed that the Empire will soon launch military campaigns against the remaining insurgent bases.

  • GalNet Focus on Democracy

    This weekly roundup highlights some of the minor factions pursuing the dream of democratic freedom by holding elections (*).

    Here are 10 of the 2,833 minor factions holding elections:

    • Rishair Emperor's Grace

    • V2689 Orionis Jet Transport Ltd

    • V2689 Orionis Limited

    • Conservatives of Antilope

    • Constitution Party of Antilope

    • LTT 9573 Company

    • LTT 9573 Crimson Advanced Ltd

    • Flech Systems

    • Flech Bridge Systems

    • Ho Hsien Corporation

    Elections occur when two minor factions of a similar political structure resolve a conflict over ownership and influence within a system.

    * Data is correct at time of publishing.