Expeditions > Devos Expedition Program #1

Expedition summary
Starting date Jul 22, 2017, 10:30:00 PM
Arrival date Sep 22, 2017, 10:30:00 PM
Starting system Kaushpoos
Waypoints 4
Arrival system Omega Sector VE-Q b5-15 (Omega Mining Operation)
Participants 25
  - Abandonment 1
  - Success 24
Estimated distance 7,021.09 ly
Expedition announce

The first expedition of the Devos Expedition Program is focused on those commanders who want to start exploration and are afraid to leave the bubble, the route goes through a series of POIs that will make you visit exotic systems, beautiful nebulas, find life Indigenous, far advanced space stations, to see closely the mining works in the deep space among other things. All on a short trip for novice explorers.

Join the Devos Expeditions Program and make the universe small!


La primera Expedicion del Devos Expeditions Program esta enfocada a aquelllos comandantes que quieren iniciarse en la exploracion y se sienten miedo al salir de la burbuja, el recorrido pasa por una serie de POI´s que te haran visitar exoticos sistemas y podras encontrar vida indigena, visitar lejanos puestos espaciales, ver de cerca los trabajos mineros en el espacio profundo entre otras cosas. Todo esto en un corto viaje pensado en pilotos novatos en la exploración.

Unete al Devos Expedition Program y haz que el universo te quede pequeño!

1. enter image description here

------- TRAILER --------


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Expedition timer

This expedition is finished.

Jumps so far...
Total distance travelled
Celestial bodies scanned
Celestial bodies mapped
Fuel used
Probes used
Commanders dead
Commanders self destructed
Expedition waypoints
System Distance from start Participants reached Participants visited
#1 Kaushpoos
#2 Ophiuchus Dark Region B Sector PD-S b4-2 578.45 ly
#3 Lagoon Sector NI-S b4-10 (Amundsen Terminal) 4,577.74 ly
#4 NGC 6530 WFI 16706 4,597.40 ly
#5 Traikaae KT-P d6-10 (Cinnabar Moth Nebula) 5,730.77 ly
#6 Omega Sector VE-Q b5-15 (Omega Mining Operation) 7,021.09 ly