Expeditions > Fantastically Frigid Trip to Trifid
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Fantastically Frigid Trip to Trifid
Have you been playing Elite, and thought something was missing? Are those endless waves of pirates and combat zones boring you to the core? What about your mining, the endless repetition getting to you? Look no further! The Fantastically Frigid Trip to Trifid has you covered. Bring your explorer vessels, and prepare to see some of the best sights just outside the Bubble!
Get your photo suite ready, and space on your hard drive freed up as this list includes stops such as glowing gas giants, wondrous nebulae, ringed planets, planets inside rings, and landable planets with unique geography.
Come roast s'mores with us over the vents on Lucifer's Lair, and dress warmly for landing on some of the icy bodies we'll be exploring. Been itching to prove your dominance in an SRV? We have a couple planets very well suited for just that! Along some of the stops, we'll hang out and watch various space movies, and play some party games. (Games and movies to be decided upon by the exped memebers, and will be announced at a later date.)
This expedition is geared for newer players, or those who just want to kick back, relax, and enjoy a nice firey vent with some new and exciting people. Exploration ships come highly recommended, but are not necessarily required. This trip will be done in Odyssey, as the planet gen makes for some really nice pcitures, though it should be Horizon friendly and you are welcome to follow our route no matter what you play on. (Have a fleet carrier, and want to help out? Contact IkerzTheMage#3652 on Discord).
Logo Conceptual Design - Dragonfyre & Richard Fluiraniz M.
This expedition is finished.