KDT. clockworkSlick Profil > Logbuch

Aktuelles Schiff:
Proposition [r-5206]
(Alliance Chieftain)
Mitglied seit:
Übermittelte Entfernungen:
Besuchte Systeme:
Zuerst entdeckte Systeme:
565.476.851 Cr
Out of Retirement

Haven’t made one of these yet, so please bear with me. I feel like just last week I was stuck in the middle of Ryker’s Hopes, which is because I was. To avoid the nasty details, let's just say I got back to Colonia with 0% hull integrity. Space is crazy.

Anyways, I’m back on the exploration trail after officially retiring to live in the black about 2 years ago. First trip is Colonia to The Bubble, which I’ve done a handful of times before. I’m trying to stop off at any cool systems I see on the way, but I’m mostly excited to turn in this data to cartographics and maybe outfit a new ship. Anaconda for jumping? Krait for similarity to my Tarkus? Buy a second Asp and glue it to the bottom of my ship to make a SUPER-ASP? Lots of things to consider, but I’ve got a lot of time. I’m about 230 jumps from home, so let's see how well it goes.