KDT. HalseySpartan2 Profil > Logbuch

(Imperial Cutter)

Latuba System Inner Orion Spur
13 FEB 3308
CMDR HalseySpartan 2 Commanding Faulcon-Delacy ANACONDA PNW-98 "Cascadia"
Well, this is it. I finally got the Cascadia outfitted and fully engineered. Even got the Guardian frame-shift drive booster, too. My baby has a maximum jump range of 73.90ly unladen, not bad for a hoss like an Anaconda! I've been preparing to make an expedition out in the black. Way, way out in the black. I wanted to really break Cascadia in so I looked for the furthest eastern star I could find and set my sights on it. What I found...was Vothae HF-C D14-0. It's the furthest out you can get to in that part of the Milky Way. And it's 45,319 ly from me.
I..I won't be back for a while, I'm afraid. I've left a lot of things undone, and I've left a lot of things unsaid. I promise, I'll make it good when I get back. If I get back. This is further out in the black than anyone's ever been. Hey, who knows? Maybe I'll be the one to find Raxxla, haha. Anyway, I'm about to have my last meal in Soukup City, in Latuba System. This'll be the last good food I have for a while, after this it's pilots' rations from the Replicator, ugh. They never get the taste quite right on this pasta.
Anyway, if anyone reads this, let the Diamond Frogs know one of their goons is heading out that way. Never hurts to have someone know where to look if I don't turn back up!