KDT. luckY stryke Profil > Logbuch
Baby, It’s been a long weekend. I was unable to launch this weekend because of some internal short that almost started a fire. Good thing it just melted down some internals. The maintenance crew here is amazing. Well, I have to believe that, because, they are the only show in town. Anyway, they have been finding/making parts to replace something in the engines that burnt out. It may have been related to when we made them dirty thrusters. Originally, the way those thrusters were designed, it might have lasted another couple of years, but, with the extra I have been asking of them lately, they burnt out.
No worries though, we are back in the black today. I went for a shake down flight to a nearby ‘Oasis’. It was about 500 lightyears from the carrier. I know that seems a little more than a shake down, but, if it’s gonna fail me, I’d rather find out about it now.
I got your letter and yes, I am still wearing my sunglasses, even inside my maverick suit. Being how dangerous space walks are, I thought if I am gonna go, best I have my shades on. On another funny note, when the wrench heads were pullin one of my engines, they actually found my my old pair of glasses down there…maybe the ship is too big after all?
Also, was able to work those new tires I got for the SRVs. They are sweet! talk about beast mode! I was almost was able to drive straight up the side of a mountain today. I think I could have made it on a second try, but I had to get back to the ‘Big G’. That’s what some of us call the carrier now.
Go easy on the Lavian Brandy, give everyone my best. Talk to you Soon ~ Lucky
I don’t have a lot of time before we jump again and I have been real busy trying to square away a few things. The auto launch sequencer broke/malfunctioned today and that is why I missed the first ride. I found a good mechanic and he’s ‘got it nailed down right’ or so he told me.
Can you believe it malfunctioned just before lock down??? The ship's computer alerted me just in time! I ran to the bridge and got out of the the Gargantua's path before she jumped. We were almost squished by her wake! When subspace settled down, we hoped over to the Solylent Green. Good thing she still had some room left or it would have been an all nighter trying to catch up to the fleet. At the end of the day we all made it.
The asteroid base is really neat, and I had a brush with some of the locals as I arrived. I got jumped on my way in! I am kind of used to the rough welcome treatment in the bubble, but, I kind of imagined that folks would be a little more receptive to strangers out here in the black. Maybe he thought I was some hapless trader just bumbling into the black? I'm still not sure, but, the local authorities broke up the fight and well, like I told the authorities, he deployed his hard points first. After a few rounds at the bar, we finally got the politics right and got back to work. Hopefully the picture of the bar will get through the mail, if not you'd have to believe the view from the bar it's amazing!
It is amazing that they actually live inside an asteroid. In the end, I made a few friends and had a good time. We have 7 carrier jumps ahead so it’s gonna be a rough one. I found two new plants for the eco guys, so, that should keep 'em happy. As long as the carriers keep rockin along we should be ok. As always give everyone my regards and I’ll talk to you soon from the black. ~Lucky
I am sorry you couldn’t come on this trip with me this time, but I will miss you so. I was doing my final checks and someone took this unflattering picture. So, I am off in a little while. Everything looks tight. The ship’s cat is feed and happy, and I'm probably gonna go pick up some last minute trip stuff before we launch. So, this might be a little short...I was thinking the cat should have a name by now, but, that probably doesn’t matter too much deep in the black.
I have never been that far outside the bubble. I am excited and kind of nervous at the same time. Then again, the pilots’ federation doesn’t exactly hand out those coveted licenses. I know what I am doing and I have become fairly adept, so I don’t want you worrying if I can handle myself out there.
Besides I must be doing something right to get noticed from Mel Brandon, Marsha Hicks, Petra Olmanova and Etienne Dorn. Those are some of the biggest names in Colonia. I actually thought I was just on some spam list when I got the first message. Who would have thought, anyone would take notice of an independent like me.
The Guys at Canonn want to know what role I kind of fall into. They would like to know whether I am more into exploration, science, AX, trader, ect. We both know I am just and adventurer, or better yet a wanderer. It is probably more accurate to say I am somewhere in between, we both are, and probably always will be. I know your family never really liked you dating pilot and all, actually they kind of warned you that I would constantly be on the go, and I’d take off and leave you someday…
We both know that’s not true, you just have to finish up there and I’ll always have room for you on my ship. Looks like this trip to Colonia is going take about a month and with communications being what they are…Well you know I’ll write you as often as I can. The ships computer has the latest firmware updates and diagnostics are complete. We are docked on the CRV Gargantua and only waiting for the final lockdown to begin. Our first jumps will take us to Mammon for a 24 hour layover. That will kind of be shake down for the fleet. There are two other carriers with us Grabhar’s hammer and Solylent Green. I have been told that there is an asteroid base there, and that alone is going to be sooo cool to visit. I have also heard that they will launch a probe at the last minute to film our departure. You will probably get to see it before me!
Give my regards to everyone there and I’ll talk to you soon from Mammon! - Lucky