Inti [#203174175924]

T9J-72J [#3707663872]
Fleet Carrier
Entfernung zum Eintrittspunkt:
1.566 Ls

Fleet Carrier
Fleet Carrier

Black Market, Contacts, Crew Lounge, Pioneer Supplies, Refuel, Repair, Restock, Universal Cartographics, Vista Genomics

Letztes Update: 25.01.25 17:05

Optional Internal

Cargo Racks Integrity Mass Power Price
1E Cargo Rack Standardised storage rack for use in automated cargo transfer system. ?? 0 t 0 MW 1.000 Cr
2E Cargo Rack Standardised storage rack for use in automated cargo transfer system. ?? 0 t 0 MW 3.250 Cr
3E Cargo Rack Standardised storage rack for use in automated cargo transfer system. ?? 0 t 0 MW 10.560 Cr

Utility Mount

Xeno Scanner Integrity Mass Power Price
0E Xeno Scanner Scanner that can passively understand non-Human vessels, and analyse their structural make-up and internal modules. ?? 1,3 t 0,2 MW 365.698 Cr
Experimental Integrity Mass Power Price
0F Shutdown Field Neutraliser Counters current xeno shutdown technology when used within proximity. ?? 1,3 t 0,2 MW ??

Weapon Hardpoint

Experimental Integrity Mass Power Price
2F AX Multi-Cannon (Turret) Rapid fire, small-calibre projectile tipped with a compound that damages alien vessels. Turret mounted, with automatic signature tracking. ?? 4 t 0,46 MW ??
2E AX Multi-Cannon (Fixed) Fixed mount, rapid fire, small-calibre projectile tipped with a compound that damages alien vessels. ?? 4 t 0,46 MW ??
2B AX Missile Rack (Dumpfire, Fixed) Missile battery capable of launching dumbfire ordnance loaded with a compound that damages alien vessels. ?? 4 t 1,2 MW 540.900 Cr
2B AX Missile Rack (Dumpfire, Turret) Missile battery capable of launching dumbfire ordnance loaded with a compound that damages alien vessels. Turret mounted, with automatic signature tracking. ?? 4 t 1,2 MW 2.022.700 Cr