Balante [#5068463875457]
Fleet Carrier
Entfernung zum Eintrittspunkt:
859 Ls
Fleet Carrier
Fleet Carrier
Contacts, Crew Lounge, Refuel, Repair, Restock, Universal Cartographics, Vista Genomics
Contacts, Crew Lounge, Refuel, Repair, Restock, Universal Cartographics, Vista Genomics
Narcotics, Beer, Combat Stabilisers, Imperial Slaves, Liquor, Performance Enhancers, Progenitor Cells, Slaves, Tobacco, Wine
Letztes Update: 14.12.24 12:22
Optional Internal |
AFM Units | Integrity | Mass | Power | Price | ||
1E | Auto Field-Maintenance Unit | Allows in-flight repair of internal ship modules. Can restore broken modules. Requires ammunition. | 32 | 0 t | 0,54 MW | 10.000 Cr |
1D | Auto Field-Maintenance Unit | Allows in-flight repair of internal ship modules. Can restore broken modules. Requires ammunition. | 24 | 0 t | 0,72 MW | 30.000 Cr |
2E | Auto Field-Maintenance Unit | Allows in-flight repair of internal ship modules. Can restore broken modules. Requires ammunition. | 41 | 0 t | 0,68 MW | 18.000 Cr |
2D | Auto Field-Maintenance Unit | Allows in-flight repair of internal ship modules. Can restore broken modules. Requires ammunition. | 31 | 0 t | 0,9 MW | 54.000 Cr |
3E | Auto Field-Maintenance Unit | Allows in-flight repair of internal ship modules. Can restore broken modules. Requires ammunition. | 51 | 0 t | 0,81 MW | 32.400 Cr |
3D | Auto Field-Maintenance Unit | Allows in-flight repair of internal ship modules. Can restore broken modules. Requires ammunition. | 38 | 0 t | 1,08 MW | 97.200 Cr |
4E | Auto Field-Maintenance Unit | Allows in-flight repair of internal ship modules. Can restore broken modules. Requires ammunition. | 64 | 0 t | 0,99 MW | 58.320 Cr |
4D | Auto Field-Maintenance Unit | Allows in-flight repair of internal ship modules. Can restore broken modules. Requires ammunition. | 48 | 0 t | 1,32 MW | 174.960 Cr |
5E | Auto Field-Maintenance Unit | Allows in-flight repair of internal ship modules. Can restore broken modules. Requires ammunition. | 77 | 0 t | 1,17 MW | 104.980 Cr |
5D | Auto Field-Maintenance Unit | Allows in-flight repair of internal ship modules. Can restore broken modules. Requires ammunition. | 58 | 0 t | 1,56 MW | 314.930 Cr |
6E | Auto Field-Maintenance Unit | Allows in-flight repair of internal ship modules. Can restore broken modules. Requires ammunition. | 90 | 0 t | 1,4 MW | 188.960 Cr |
6D | Auto Field-Maintenance Unit | Allows in-flight repair of internal ship modules. Can restore broken modules. Requires ammunition. | 68 | 0 t | 1,86 MW | 566.870 Cr |
7E | Auto Field-Maintenance Unit | Allows in-flight repair of internal ship modules. Can restore broken modules. Requires ammunition. | 105 | 0 t | 1,58 MW | 340.120 Cr |
7D | Auto Field-Maintenance Unit | Allows in-flight repair of internal ship modules. Can restore broken modules. Requires ammunition. | 79 | 0 t | 2,1 MW | 1.020.370 Cr |
8E | Auto Field-Maintenance Unit | Allows in-flight repair of internal ship modules. Can restore broken modules. Requires ammunition. | 120 | 0 t | 1,8 MW | 612.220 Cr |
8D | Auto Field-Maintenance Unit | Allows in-flight repair of internal ship modules. Can restore broken modules. Requires ammunition. | ?? | 0 t | 2,4 MW | 1.836.660 Cr |
Cargo Racks | Integrity | Mass | Power | Price | ||
1E | Cargo Rack | Standardised storage rack for use in automated cargo transfer system. | ?? | 0 t | 0 MW | 1.000 Cr |
2E | Cargo Rack | Standardised storage rack for use in automated cargo transfer system. | ?? | 0 t | 0 MW | 3.250 Cr |
3E | Cargo Rack | Standardised storage rack for use in automated cargo transfer system. | ?? | 0 t | 0 MW | 10.560 Cr |
Collection Limpets | Integrity | Mass | Power | Price | ||
1E | Collector Limpet Controller | Controls limpets to collect canisters and asteroid chunks automatically. | 24 | 0,5 t | 0,14 MW | 600 Cr |
1D | Collector Limpet Controller | Controls limpets to collect canisters and asteroid chunks automatically. | 32 | 0,5 t | 0,18 MW | 1.200 Cr |
1C | Collector Limpet Controller | Controls limpets to collect canisters and asteroid chunks automatically. | 40 | 1,3 t | 0,23 MW | 2.400 Cr |
1B | Collector Limpet Controller | Controls limpets to collect canisters and asteroid chunks automatically. | 48 | 2 t | 0,28 MW | 4.800 Cr |
1A | Collector Limpet Controller | Controls limpets to collect canisters and asteroid chunks automatically. | 56 | 2 t | 0,32 MW | 9.600 Cr |
3E | Collector Limpet Controller | Controls limpets to collect canisters and asteroid chunks automatically. | 38 | 2 t | 0,2 MW | 5.400 Cr |
3D | Collector Limpet Controller | Controls limpets to collect canisters and asteroid chunks automatically. | 51 | 2 t | 0,27 MW | 10.800 Cr |
3C | Collector Limpet Controller | Controls limpets to collect canisters and asteroid chunks automatically. | 64 | 5 t | 0,34 MW | 21.600 Cr |
3B | Collector Limpet Controller | Controls limpets to collect canisters and asteroid chunks automatically. | 77 | 8 t | 0,41 MW | 43.200 Cr |
5E | Collector Limpet Controller | Controls limpets to collect canisters and asteroid chunks automatically. | 58 | 8 t | 0,3 MW | 48.600 Cr |
Decontamination Limpets | Integrity | Mass | Power | Price | ||
1E | Decontamination Limpet Controller | Controls a limpet that removes caustic chemicals affecting a ship's hull, as well as applying a small amount of hull repair. | ?? | 1,3 t | 0,18 MW | ?? |
3E | Decontamination Limpet Controller | Controls a limpet that removes caustic chemicals affecting a ship's hull, as well as applying a small amount of hull repair. | ?? | 2 t | 0,2 MW | ?? |
5E | Decontamination Limpet Controller | Controls a limpet that removes caustic chemicals affecting a ship's hull, as well as applying a small amount of hull repair. | ?? | 20 t | 0,5 MW | ?? |
Docking Computers | Integrity | Mass | Power | Price | ||
1E | Standard Docking Computer | Allows automated docking sequence at all starports and outposts. | ?? | 0 t | 0,39 MW | 4.500 Cr |
1E | Supercruise Assist | ?? | 10 | 0 t | 0,3 MW | ?? |
FSD Interdictors | Integrity | Mass | Power | Price | ||
1E | Frame Shift Drive Interdictor | Used to pull targets out of supercruise. | 32 | 1,3 t | 0,14 MW | 12.000 Cr |
1D | Frame Shift Drive Interdictor | Used to pull targets out of supercruise. | 24 | 0,5 t | 0,18 MW | 36.000 Cr |
2D | Frame Shift Drive Interdictor | Used to pull targets out of supercruise. | 31 | 1 t | 0,22 MW | 100.800 Cr |
2C | Frame Shift Drive Interdictor | Used to pull targets out of supercruise. | 51 | 2,5 t | 0,28 MW | 302.400 Cr |
3D | Frame Shift Drive Interdictor | Used to pull targets out of supercruise. | 38 | 2 t | 0,27 MW | 282.240 Cr |
3C | Frame Shift Drive Interdictor | Used to pull targets out of supercruise. | 64 | 5 t | 0,34 MW | 846.720 Cr |
4E | Frame Shift Drive Interdictor | Used to pull targets out of supercruise. | ?? | 10 t | 0,25 MW | 263.420 Cr |
4D | Frame Shift Drive Interdictor | Used to pull targets out of supercruise. | 48 | 4 t | 0,33 MW | 790.270 Cr |
Fighter Hangars | Integrity | Mass | Power | Price | ||
5D | Fighter Hangar | A module designed to house ship launched vehicles. | ?? | 20 t | 0,25 MW | 575.660 Cr |
6D | Fighter Hangar | A module designed to house ship launched vehicles. | ?? | 40 t | 0,35 MW | 1.869.350 Cr |
Fuel Transfer Limpets | Integrity | Mass | Power | Price | ||
1E | Fuel Transfer Limpet Controller | Controls a limpet to transfer 1 ton of fuel to a targeted ship. | 24 | 1,3 t | 0,18 MW | 600 Cr |
1D | Fuel Transfer Limpet Controller | Controls a limpet to transfer 1 ton of fuel to a targeted ship. | 32 | 0,5 t | 0,14 MW | 1.200 Cr |
1C | Fuel Transfer Limpet Controller | Controls a limpet to transfer 1 ton of fuel to a targeted ship. | 40 | 1,3 t | 0,23 MW | 2.400 Cr |
1B | Fuel Transfer Limpet Controller | Controls a limpet to transfer 1 ton of fuel to a targeted ship. | 48 | 2 t | 0,32 MW | 4.800 Cr |
1A | Fuel Transfer Limpet Controller | Controls a limpet to transfer 1 ton of fuel to a targeted ship. | 56 | 1,3 t | 0,28 MW | 9.600 Cr |
3E | Fuel Transfer Limpet Controller | Controls a limpet to transfer 1 ton of fuel to a targeted ship. | 38 | 5 t | 0,27 MW | 5.400 Cr |
3D | Fuel Transfer Limpet Controller | Controls a limpet to transfer 1 ton of fuel to a targeted ship. | 51 | 2 t | 0,2 MW | 10.800 Cr |
3C | Fuel Transfer Limpet Controller | Controls a limpet to transfer 1 ton of fuel to a targeted ship. | 64 | 5 t | 0,34 MW | 21.600 Cr |
3B | Fuel Transfer Limpet Controller | Controls a limpet to transfer 1 ton of fuel to a targeted ship. | 77 | 8 t | 0,48 MW | 43.200 Cr |
3A | Fuel Transfer Limpet Controller | Controls a limpet to transfer 1 ton of fuel to a targeted ship. | 90 | 5 t | 0,41 MW | 86.400 Cr |
5E | Fuel Transfer Limpet Controller | Controls a limpet to transfer 1 ton of fuel to a targeted ship. | ?? | 20 t | 0,4 MW | 48.600 Cr |
5D | Fuel Transfer Limpet Controller | Controls a limpet to transfer 1 ton of fuel to a targeted ship. | 77 | 8 t | 0,3 MW | 97.200 Cr |
Hatch Breaker Limpets | Integrity | Mass | Power | Price | ||
1E | Hatch Breaker Limpet Controller | Control unit that can program a blank limpet to hack a target's hold, causing cargo ejection. | 32 | 1,3 t | 0,12 MW | 600 Cr |
1D | Hatch Breaker Limpet Controller | Control unit that can program a blank limpet to hack a target's hold, causing cargo ejection. | 24 | 0,5 t | 0,16 MW | 1.200 Cr |
1C | Hatch Breaker Limpet Controller | Control unit that can program a blank limpet to hack a target's hold, causing cargo ejection. | 40 | 1,3 t | 0,2 MW | 2.400 Cr |
1B | Hatch Breaker Limpet Controller | Control unit that can program a blank limpet to hack a target's hold, causing cargo ejection. | 56 | 2 t | 0,24 MW | 4.800 Cr |
1A | Hatch Breaker Limpet Controller | Control unit that can program a blank limpet to hack a target's hold, causing cargo ejection. | 48 | 1,3 t | 0,28 MW | 9.600 Cr |
3E | Hatch Breaker Limpet Controller | Control unit that can program a blank limpet to hack a target's hold, causing cargo ejection. | ?? | 5 t | 0,18 MW | 5.400 Cr |
3D | Hatch Breaker Limpet Controller | Control unit that can program a blank limpet to hack a target's hold, causing cargo ejection. | 38 | 2 t | 0,24 MW | 10.800 Cr |
3C | Hatch Breaker Limpet Controller | Control unit that can program a blank limpet to hack a target's hold, causing cargo ejection. | 64 | 5 t | 0,3 MW | 21.600 Cr |
3B | Hatch Breaker Limpet Controller | Control unit that can program a blank limpet to hack a target's hold, causing cargo ejection. | 90 | 8 t | 0,36 MW | 43.200 Cr |
3A | Hatch Breaker Limpet Controller | Control unit that can program a blank limpet to hack a target's hold, causing cargo ejection. | 77 | 5 t | 0,42 MW | 86.400 Cr |
5E | Hatch Breaker Limpet Controller | Control unit that can program a blank limpet to hack a target's hold, causing cargo ejection. | ?? | 20 t | 0,3 MW | 48.600 Cr |
5D | Hatch Breaker Limpet Controller | Control unit that can program a blank limpet to hack a target's hold, causing cargo ejection. | 58 | 8 t | 0,4 MW | 97.200 Cr |
Passenger Cabins | Integrity | Mass | Power | Price | ||
2E | Economy Class Passenger Cabin | Economy Class Passenger Cabin. | ?? | 2,5 t | 0 MW | 4.320 Cr |
3E | Economy Class Passenger Cabin | Economy Class Passenger Cabin. | ?? | 5 t | 0 MW | 8.670 Cr |
4E | Economy Class Passenger Cabin | Economy Class Passenger Cabin. | ?? | 10 t | 0 MW | 18.960 Cr |
5E | Economy Class Passenger Cabin | Economy Class Passenger Cabin. | ?? | 20 t | 0 MW | 34.960 Cr |
6E | Economy Class Passenger Cabin | Economy Class Passenger Cabin. | ?? | 40 t | 0 MW | 61.420 Cr |
Planetary Vehicle Hangars | Integrity | Mass | Power | Price | ||
2H | Planetary Vehicle Hangar | A module designed to house ground-based vehicles. | ?? | 12 t | 0,25 MW | 18.000 Cr |
2G | Planetary Vehicle Hangar | A module designed to house ground-based vehicles. | ?? | 6 t | 0,75 MW | 21.600 Cr |
4H | Planetary Vehicle Hangar | A module designed to house ground-based vehicles. | ?? | 20 t | 0,4 MW | 72.000 Cr |
Prospector Limpets | Integrity | Mass | Power | Price | ||
1E | Prospector Limpet Controller | Controls a limpet to prospect an asteroid to discover its composition. | 24 | 1,3 t | 0,18 MW | 600 Cr |
1D | Prospector Limpet Controller | Controls a limpet to prospect an asteroid to discover its composition. | 32 | 0,5 t | 0,14 MW | 1.200 Cr |
1C | Prospector Limpet Controller | Controls a limpet to prospect an asteroid to discover its composition. | 40 | 1,3 t | 0,23 MW | 2.400 Cr |
1B | Prospector Limpet Controller | Controls a limpet to prospect an asteroid to discover its composition. | 48 | 2 t | 0,32 MW | 4.800 Cr |
1A | Prospector Limpet Controller | Controls a limpet to prospect an asteroid to discover its composition. | 56 | 1,3 t | 0,28 MW | 9.600 Cr |
3E | Prospector Limpet Controller | Controls a limpet to prospect an asteroid to discover its composition. | 38 | 5 t | 0,27 MW | 5.400 Cr |
3D | Prospector Limpet Controller | Controls a limpet to prospect an asteroid to discover its composition. | 51 | 2 t | 0,2 MW | 10.800 Cr |
3C | Prospector Limpet Controller | Controls a limpet to prospect an asteroid to discover its composition. | 64 | 5 t | 0,34 MW | 21.600 Cr |
3B | Prospector Limpet Controller | Controls a limpet to prospect an asteroid to discover its composition. | 77 | 8 t | 0,48 MW | 43.200 Cr |
3A | Prospector Limpet Controller | Controls a limpet to prospect an asteroid to discover its composition. | 90 | 5 t | 0,41 MW | 86.400 Cr |
5E | Prospector Limpet Controller | Controls a limpet to prospect an asteroid to discover its composition. | ?? | 20 t | 0,4 MW | 48.600 Cr |
5D | Prospector Limpet Controller | Controls a limpet to prospect an asteroid to discover its composition. | 77 | 8 t | 0,3 MW | 97.200 Cr |
Recon Limpets | Integrity | Mass | Power | Price | ||
1E | Recon Limpet Controller | Controls a limpet that can hack into data points. | ?? | 1,3 t | 0,18 MW | ?? |
3E | Recon Limpet Controller | Controls a limpet that can hack into data points. | ?? | 2 t | 0,2 MW | ?? |
5E | Recon Limpet Controller | Controls a limpet that can hack into data points. | ?? | 20 t | 0,5 MW | ?? |
Refineries | Integrity | Mass | Power | Price | ||
1E | Refinery | Converts scooped fragments into usable resources (requires mining laser). | 32 | 0 t | 0,14 MW | 6.000 Cr |
1D | Refinery | Converts scooped fragments into usable resources (requires mining laser). | ?? | 0 t | 0,18 MW | 18.000 Cr |
1C | Refinery | Converts scooped fragments into usable resources (requires mining laser). | 40 | 0 t | 0,23 MW | 54.000 Cr |
1B | Refinery | Converts scooped fragments into usable resources (requires mining laser). | 56 | 0 t | 0,28 MW | 162.000 Cr |
2E | Refinery | Converts scooped fragments into usable resources (requires mining laser). | ?? | 0 t | 0,17 MW | 12.600 Cr |
2D | Refinery | Converts scooped fragments into usable resources (requires mining laser). | 31 | 0 t | 0,22 MW | 37.800 Cr |
2C | Refinery | Converts scooped fragments into usable resources (requires mining laser). | 51 | 0 t | 0,28 MW | 113.400 Cr |
2B | Refinery | Converts scooped fragments into usable resources (requires mining laser). | 71 | 0 t | 0,34 MW | 340.200 Cr |
3E | Refinery | Converts scooped fragments into usable resources (requires mining laser). | 51 | 0 t | 0,2 MW | 26.460 Cr |
3D | Refinery | Converts scooped fragments into usable resources (requires mining laser). | 38 | 0 t | 0,27 MW | 79.380 Cr |
3C | Refinery | Converts scooped fragments into usable resources (requires mining laser). | 64 | 0 t | 0,34 MW | 238.140 Cr |
3B | Refinery | Converts scooped fragments into usable resources (requires mining laser). | 90 | 0 t | 0,41 MW | 714.420 Cr |
4E | Refinery | Converts scooped fragments into usable resources (requires mining laser). | 64 | 0 t | 0,25 MW | 55.570 Cr |
4D | Refinery | Converts scooped fragments into usable resources (requires mining laser). | 48 | 0 t | 0,33 MW | 166.700 Cr |
4C | Refinery | Converts scooped fragments into usable resources (requires mining laser). | 80 | 0 t | 0,41 MW | 500.090 Cr |
Repair Limpets | Integrity | Mass | Power | Price | ||
1E | Repair Limpet Controller | Controls a limpet that repairs an amount of damage to the hull of a targeted ship. | ?? | 1,3 t | 0,18 MW | ?? |
1D | Repair Limpet Controller | Controls a limpet that repairs an amount of damage to the hull of a targeted ship. | ?? | 0,5 t | 0,14 MW | ?? |
1C | Repair Limpet Controller | Controls a limpet that repairs an amount of damage to the hull of a targeted ship. | ?? | 1,3 t | 0,23 MW | ?? |
1B | Repair Limpet Controller | Controls a limpet that repairs an amount of damage to the hull of a targeted ship. | ?? | 2 t | 0,32 MW | ?? |
3E | Repair Limpet Controller | Controls a limpet that repairs an amount of damage to the hull of a targeted ship. | ?? | 5 t | 0,27 MW | ?? |
3D | Repair Limpet Controller | Controls a limpet that repairs an amount of damage to the hull of a targeted ship. | ?? | 2 t | 0,2 MW | ?? |
3C | Repair Limpet Controller | Controls a limpet that repairs an amount of damage to the hull of a targeted ship. | ?? | 5 t | 0,34 MW | ?? |
5E | Repair Limpet Controller | Controls a limpet that repairs an amount of damage to the hull of a targeted ship. | ?? | 20 t | 0,4 MW | ?? |
5D | Repair Limpet Controller | Controls a limpet that repairs an amount of damage to the hull of a targeted ship. | ?? | 8 t | 0,3 MW | ?? |
7E | Repair Limpet Controller | Controls a limpet that repairs an amount of damage to the hull of a targeted ship. | ?? | 80 t | 0,55 MW | ?? |
Research Limpets | Integrity | Mass | Power | Price | ||
1E | Research Limpet Controller | Controls a limpet that scrapes samples and bio-matter from the surface of an alien vessel. | ?? | 1,3 t | 0,4 MW | 1.437.374 Cr |
Surface Scanners | Integrity | Mass | Power | Price | ||
1C | Detailed Surface Scanner | Advanced stellar body scanner used during exploration. | 20 | 0 t | 0 MW | 250.000 Cr |
Utility Mount |
Heatsink Launchers | Integrity | Mass | Power | Price | ||
0I | Heat Sink Launcher | Purges ship's heat into a disposable sink block, which is then ejected. Requires ammunition. | 45 | 1,3 t | 0,2 MW | 3.500 Cr |
Kill Warrant Scanners | Integrity | Mass | Power | Price | ||
0E | Kill Warrant Scanner | Scanner that incorporates real-time communication with multiple law enforcement networks to obtain all issued bounties. | 32 | 1,3 t | 0,2 MW | 13.540 Cr |
0D | Kill Warrant Scanner | Scanner that incorporates real-time communication with multiple law enforcement networks to obtain all issued bounties. | 24 | 1,3 t | 0,4 MW | 40.630 Cr |
Manifest Scanners | Integrity | Mass | Power | Price | ||
0E | Cargo Scanner | Scanner that can detect and analyse the contents of a targeted vessel's cargo hold and passenger cabins. | 32 | 1,3 t | 0,2 MW | 135.400 Cr |
0D | Cargo Scanner | Scanner that can detect and analyse the contents of a targeted vessel's cargo hold and passenger cabins. | 24 | 1,3 t | 0,4 MW | 40.630 Cr |
Wake Scanners | Integrity | Mass | Power | Price | ||
0E | Frame Shift Wake Scanner | Scanner that can calculate the destination of a hyperspace jump by analysis of frame shift energy wake. | 32 | 1,3 t | 0,2 MW | 13.540 Cr |
0D | Frame Shift Wake Scanner | Scanner that can calculate the destination of a hyperspace jump by analysis of frame shift energy wake. | 24 | 1,3 t | 0,4 MW | 40.630 Cr |
Pulse Wave Analyser | Integrity | Mass | Power | Price | ||
0E | Pulse Wave Analyser | Pulse wave analysers are used to detect anomalous readings within solid objects, more specifically within asteroid fields. | ?? | 1,3 t | 0,2 MW | ?? |
0D | Pulse Wave Analyser | Pulse wave analysers are used to detect anomalous readings within solid objects, more specifically within asteroid fields. | ?? | 1,3 t | 0,4 MW | ?? |
0C | Pulse Wave Analyser | Pulse wave analysers are used to detect anomalous readings within solid objects, more specifically within asteroid fields. | ?? | 1,3 t | 0,8 MW | ?? |