Berzitibi [#16064922527153]

Q1K-40Z [#3705000192]
Fleet Carrier
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Fleet Carrier
Fleet Carrier

Black Market, Contacts, Crew Lounge, Pioneer Supplies, Refuel, Repair, Restock, Universal Cartographics, Vista Genomics

Narcotics, Beer, Combat Stabilisers, Imperial Slaves, Liquor, Performance Enhancers, Progenitor Cells, Slaves, Tobacco, Wine
Letztes Update: 19.07.24 17:52

Optional Internal

Collection Limpets Integrity Mass Power Price
1E Collector Limpet Controller Controls limpets to collect canisters and asteroid chunks automatically. 24 0,5 t 0,14 MW 600 Cr
1D Collector Limpet Controller Controls limpets to collect canisters and asteroid chunks automatically. 32 0,5 t 0,18 MW 1.200 Cr
1C Collector Limpet Controller Controls limpets to collect canisters and asteroid chunks automatically. 40 1,3 t 0,23 MW 2.400 Cr
1B Collector Limpet Controller Controls limpets to collect canisters and asteroid chunks automatically. 48 2 t 0,28 MW 4.800 Cr
1A Collector Limpet Controller Controls limpets to collect canisters and asteroid chunks automatically. 56 2 t 0,32 MW 9.600 Cr
3E Collector Limpet Controller Controls limpets to collect canisters and asteroid chunks automatically. 38 2 t 0,2 MW 5.400 Cr
3D Collector Limpet Controller Controls limpets to collect canisters and asteroid chunks automatically. 51 2 t 0,27 MW 10.800 Cr
3C Collector Limpet Controller Controls limpets to collect canisters and asteroid chunks automatically. 64 5 t 0,34 MW 21.600 Cr
3B Collector Limpet Controller Controls limpets to collect canisters and asteroid chunks automatically. 77 8 t 0,41 MW 43.200 Cr
5E Collector Limpet Controller Controls limpets to collect canisters and asteroid chunks automatically. 58 8 t 0,3 MW 48.600 Cr
Decontamination Limpets Integrity Mass Power Price
1E Decontamination Limpet Controller Controls a limpet that removes caustic chemicals affecting a ship's hull, as well as applying a small amount of hull repair. ?? 1,3 t 0,18 MW ??
3E Decontamination Limpet Controller Controls a limpet that removes caustic chemicals affecting a ship's hull, as well as applying a small amount of hull repair. ?? 2 t 0,2 MW ??
5E Decontamination Limpet Controller Controls a limpet that removes caustic chemicals affecting a ship's hull, as well as applying a small amount of hull repair. ?? 20 t 0,5 MW ??
Fuel Transfer Limpets Integrity Mass Power Price
1E Fuel Transfer Limpet Controller Controls a limpet to transfer 1 ton of fuel to a targeted ship. 24 1,3 t 0,18 MW 600 Cr
1D Fuel Transfer Limpet Controller Controls a limpet to transfer 1 ton of fuel to a targeted ship. 32 0,5 t 0,14 MW 1.200 Cr
1C Fuel Transfer Limpet Controller Controls a limpet to transfer 1 ton of fuel to a targeted ship. 40 1,3 t 0,23 MW 2.400 Cr
1B Fuel Transfer Limpet Controller Controls a limpet to transfer 1 ton of fuel to a targeted ship. 48 2 t 0,32 MW 4.800 Cr
1A Fuel Transfer Limpet Controller Controls a limpet to transfer 1 ton of fuel to a targeted ship. 56 1,3 t 0,28 MW 9.600 Cr
3E Fuel Transfer Limpet Controller Controls a limpet to transfer 1 ton of fuel to a targeted ship. 38 5 t 0,27 MW 5.400 Cr
3D Fuel Transfer Limpet Controller Controls a limpet to transfer 1 ton of fuel to a targeted ship. 51 2 t 0,2 MW 10.800 Cr
3C Fuel Transfer Limpet Controller Controls a limpet to transfer 1 ton of fuel to a targeted ship. 64 5 t 0,34 MW 21.600 Cr
3B Fuel Transfer Limpet Controller Controls a limpet to transfer 1 ton of fuel to a targeted ship. 77 8 t 0,48 MW 43.200 Cr
3A Fuel Transfer Limpet Controller Controls a limpet to transfer 1 ton of fuel to a targeted ship. 90 5 t 0,41 MW 86.400 Cr
5E Fuel Transfer Limpet Controller Controls a limpet to transfer 1 ton of fuel to a targeted ship. ?? 20 t 0,4 MW 48.600 Cr
5D Fuel Transfer Limpet Controller Controls a limpet to transfer 1 ton of fuel to a targeted ship. 77 8 t 0,3 MW 97.200 Cr
Hatch Breaker Limpets Integrity Mass Power Price
1E Hatch Breaker Limpet Controller Control unit that can program a blank limpet to hack a target's hold, causing cargo ejection. 32 1,3 t 0,12 MW 600 Cr
1D Hatch Breaker Limpet Controller Control unit that can program a blank limpet to hack a target's hold, causing cargo ejection. 24 0,5 t 0,16 MW 1.200 Cr
1C Hatch Breaker Limpet Controller Control unit that can program a blank limpet to hack a target's hold, causing cargo ejection. 40 1,3 t 0,2 MW 2.400 Cr
1B Hatch Breaker Limpet Controller Control unit that can program a blank limpet to hack a target's hold, causing cargo ejection. 56 2 t 0,24 MW 4.800 Cr
1A Hatch Breaker Limpet Controller Control unit that can program a blank limpet to hack a target's hold, causing cargo ejection. 48 1,3 t 0,28 MW 9.600 Cr
3E Hatch Breaker Limpet Controller Control unit that can program a blank limpet to hack a target's hold, causing cargo ejection. ?? 5 t 0,18 MW 5.400 Cr
3D Hatch Breaker Limpet Controller Control unit that can program a blank limpet to hack a target's hold, causing cargo ejection. 38 2 t 0,24 MW 10.800 Cr
3C Hatch Breaker Limpet Controller Control unit that can program a blank limpet to hack a target's hold, causing cargo ejection. 64 5 t 0,3 MW 21.600 Cr
3B Hatch Breaker Limpet Controller Control unit that can program a blank limpet to hack a target's hold, causing cargo ejection. 90 8 t 0,36 MW 43.200 Cr
3A Hatch Breaker Limpet Controller Control unit that can program a blank limpet to hack a target's hold, causing cargo ejection. 77 5 t 0,42 MW 86.400 Cr
5E Hatch Breaker Limpet Controller Control unit that can program a blank limpet to hack a target's hold, causing cargo ejection. ?? 20 t 0,3 MW 48.600 Cr
5D Hatch Breaker Limpet Controller Control unit that can program a blank limpet to hack a target's hold, causing cargo ejection. 58 8 t 0,4 MW 97.200 Cr
Prospector Limpets Integrity Mass Power Price
1E Prospector Limpet Controller Controls a limpet to prospect an asteroid to discover its composition. 24 1,3 t 0,18 MW 600 Cr
1D Prospector Limpet Controller Controls a limpet to prospect an asteroid to discover its composition. 32 0,5 t 0,14 MW 1.200 Cr
1C Prospector Limpet Controller Controls a limpet to prospect an asteroid to discover its composition. 40 1,3 t 0,23 MW 2.400 Cr
1B Prospector Limpet Controller Controls a limpet to prospect an asteroid to discover its composition. 48 2 t 0,32 MW 4.800 Cr
1A Prospector Limpet Controller Controls a limpet to prospect an asteroid to discover its composition. 56 1,3 t 0,28 MW 9.600 Cr
3E Prospector Limpet Controller Controls a limpet to prospect an asteroid to discover its composition. 38 5 t 0,27 MW 5.400 Cr
3D Prospector Limpet Controller Controls a limpet to prospect an asteroid to discover its composition. 51 2 t 0,2 MW 10.800 Cr
3C Prospector Limpet Controller Controls a limpet to prospect an asteroid to discover its composition. 64 5 t 0,34 MW 21.600 Cr
3B Prospector Limpet Controller Controls a limpet to prospect an asteroid to discover its composition. 77 8 t 0,48 MW 43.200 Cr
3A Prospector Limpet Controller Controls a limpet to prospect an asteroid to discover its composition. 90 5 t 0,41 MW 86.400 Cr
5E Prospector Limpet Controller Controls a limpet to prospect an asteroid to discover its composition. ?? 20 t 0,4 MW 48.600 Cr
5D Prospector Limpet Controller Controls a limpet to prospect an asteroid to discover its composition. 77 8 t 0,3 MW 97.200 Cr
Recon Limpets Integrity Mass Power Price
1E Recon Limpet Controller Controls a limpet that can hack into data points. ?? 1,3 t 0,18 MW ??
3E Recon Limpet Controller Controls a limpet that can hack into data points. ?? 2 t 0,2 MW ??
5E Recon Limpet Controller Controls a limpet that can hack into data points. ?? 20 t 0,5 MW ??
Repair Limpets Integrity Mass Power Price
1E Repair Limpet Controller Controls a limpet that repairs an amount of damage to the hull of a targeted ship. ?? 1,3 t 0,18 MW ??
1D Repair Limpet Controller Controls a limpet that repairs an amount of damage to the hull of a targeted ship. ?? 0,5 t 0,14 MW ??
1C Repair Limpet Controller Controls a limpet that repairs an amount of damage to the hull of a targeted ship. ?? 1,3 t 0,23 MW ??
1B Repair Limpet Controller Controls a limpet that repairs an amount of damage to the hull of a targeted ship. ?? 2 t 0,32 MW ??
3E Repair Limpet Controller Controls a limpet that repairs an amount of damage to the hull of a targeted ship. ?? 5 t 0,27 MW ??
3D Repair Limpet Controller Controls a limpet that repairs an amount of damage to the hull of a targeted ship. ?? 2 t 0,2 MW ??
3C Repair Limpet Controller Controls a limpet that repairs an amount of damage to the hull of a targeted ship. ?? 5 t 0,34 MW ??
5E Repair Limpet Controller Controls a limpet that repairs an amount of damage to the hull of a targeted ship. ?? 20 t 0,4 MW ??
5D Repair Limpet Controller Controls a limpet that repairs an amount of damage to the hull of a targeted ship. ?? 8 t 0,3 MW ??
7E Repair Limpet Controller Controls a limpet that repairs an amount of damage to the hull of a targeted ship. ?? 80 t 0,55 MW ??
Research Limpets Integrity Mass Power Price
1E Research Limpet Controller Controls a limpet that scrapes samples and bio-matter from the surface of an alien vessel. ?? 1,3 t 0,4 MW 1.437.374 Cr