LTT 2974 [#2557820834506]

Edwards Dock [#3228399616]
Entfernung zum Eintrittspunkt:
861 Ls

Industrie / Raffinerie

Apex Interstellar Transport, Black Market, Contacts, Missions, Pioneer Supplies, Refuel, Repair, Restock, Search and Rescue, Tuning, Universal Cartographics


Narcotics, Battle Weapons, Bootleg Liquor, Combat Stabilisers, Imperial Slaves, Landmines, Nerve Agents, Onionhead Gamma Strain, Personal Weapons, Slaves, Tobacco
Letztes Update: 11.06.24 03:10


Buy price Stock Sell price Demand
Agronomic Treatment -- -- 3.552 cr 184 t
Explosives 318 cr 33.193 t 287 cr 1 t
Hydrogen Fuel 99 cr 121.555 t 94 cr 1 t
Hydrogen Peroxide -- -- 3.063 cr 321.025 t
Liquid Oxygen -- -- 1.500 cr 126.011 t
Mineral Oil -- -- 684 cr 224.801 t
Surface Stabilisers 419 cr 46.327 t 391 cr 1 t
Tritium 49.968 cr 10.652 t 49.247 cr 1 t
Water -- -- 351 cr 69.451 t

Consumer Items

Buy price Stock Sell price Demand
Clothing 415 cr 39.104 t 375 cr 1 t
Consumer Technology -- -- 7.562 cr 8.790 t
Domestic Appliances 614 cr 21.415 t 573 cr 1 t
Survival Equipment 419 cr 1.953 t 391 cr 1 t


Buy price Stock Sell price Demand
Algae -- -- 470 cr 219.142 t
Animal Meat -- -- 1.286 cr 4.225 t
Coffee -- -- 1.408 cr 1.955 t
Fish -- -- 880 cr 44.385 t
Food Cartridges 58 cr 272.004 t 38 cr 1 t
Fruit and Vegetables -- -- 315 cr 4.346 t
Grain -- -- 207 cr 26.774 t
Synthetic Meat -- -- 771 cr 11.226 t
Tea -- -- 1.960 cr 12.753 t

Industrial Materials

Buy price Stock Sell price Demand
CMM Composite -- -- 6.699 cr 73.090 t
Ceramic Composites -- -- 707 cr 476.307 t
Insulating Membrane -- -- 11.480 cr 41.111 t
Micro-weave Cooling Hoses -- -- 1.842 cr 250.172 t
Polymers -- -- 333 cr 467.731 t
Semiconductors -- -- 1.418 cr 613.436 t
Superconductors -- -- 6.561 cr 16.556 t

Legal Drugs

Buy price Stock Sell price Demand
Beer -- -- 604 cr 82.000 t
Liquor -- -- 764 cr 495 t
Wine -- -- 698 cr 58.837 t


Buy price Stock Sell price Demand
Atmospheric Processors 454 cr 24.814 t 422 cr 1 t
Building Fabricators 1.975 cr 1.935 t 1.917 cr 1 t
Crop Harvesters 2.074 cr 176.628 t 2.013 cr 1 t
Emergency Power Cells -- -- 2.860 cr 11.774 t
Geological Equipment 1.487 cr 36.688 t 1.442 cr 1 t
HN Shock Mount 1.487 cr 36.371 t 1.442 cr 1 t
Marine Equipment 3.948 cr 10.713 t 3.839 cr 1 t
Microbial Furnaces -- -- 714 cr 74.174 t
Mineral Extractors 475 cr 183.648 t 451 cr 1 t
Power Generators 2.384 cr 24.161 t 2.315 cr 1 t
Skimmer Components 772 cr 1.838 t 736 cr 1 t
Thermal Cooling Units 3.163 cr 1.782 t 3.075 cr 1 t
Water Purifiers 409 cr 13.138 t 369 cr 1 t


Buy price Stock Sell price Demand
Advanced Medicines -- -- 1.761 cr 19.623 t
Basic Medicines 522 cr 17 t 472 cr 1 t
Performance Enhancers -- -- 7.562 cr 3.199 t
Progenitor Cells -- -- 7.562 cr 4.623 t


Buy price Stock Sell price Demand
Aluminium -- -- 330 cr 81.428 t
Beryllium -- -- 8.017 cr 14.103 t
Cobalt -- -- 3.701 cr 19.867 t
Copper -- -- 472 cr 284.507 t
Gallium -- -- 5.028 cr 40.469 t
Gold -- -- 49.867 cr 30.545 t
Indium -- -- 5.743 cr 18.273 t
Lithium -- -- 1.555 cr 102.030 t
Osmium -- -- 43.879 cr 67.694 t
Palladium -- -- 53.839 cr 11.745 t
Platinum -- -- 57.520 cr 5.887 t
Praseodymium -- -- 8.547 cr 59.355 t
Samarium -- -- 25.711 cr 37.771 t
Silver -- -- 40.023 cr 82.952 t
Tantalum -- -- 3.945 cr 93.348 t
Titanium -- -- 1.004 cr 29.187 t
Uranium -- -- 2.603 cr 67.693 t


Buy price Stock Sell price Demand
Alexandrite -- -- 228.258 cr 937 t
Bauxite -- -- 1.437 cr 74.259 t
Benitoite -- -- 159.244 cr 937 t
Bertrandite -- -- 20.698 cr 5.255 t
Coltan -- -- 7.189 cr 23.352 t
Cryolite -- -- 14.370 cr 155.352 t
Gallite -- -- 13.433 cr 143.428 t
Goslarite -- -- 7.584 cr 50.254 t
Grandidierite -- -- 209.173 cr 937 t
Indite -- -- 13.137 cr 147.692 t
Lepidolite -- -- 1.070 cr 58.689 t
Lithium Hydroxide -- -- 5.601 cr 12.564 t
Low Temperature Diamonds -- -- 108.231 cr 1.832 t
Methane Clathrate -- -- 1.574 cr 362.164 t
Monazite -- -- 194.506 cr 363 t
Musgravite -- -- 210.115 cr 937 t
Painite -- -- 51.415 cr 1.813 t
Pyrophyllite -- -- 13.907 cr 43.248 t
Rhodplumsite -- -- 183.328 cr 756 t
Rutile -- -- 2.537 cr 121.549 t
Serendibite -- -- 183.233 cr 937 t
Uraninite -- -- 3.616 cr 111.465 t
Void Opals -- -- 127.338 cr 363 t


Buy price Stock Sell price Demand
Black Box -- -- 30.772 cr 184 t
Damaged Escape Pod -- -- 17.074 cr 675 t
Hostage -- -- 34.348 cr 184 t
Occupied Escape Pod -- -- 30.109 cr 184 t
Personal Effects -- -- 9.397 cr 184 t
Thargoid Glaive Tissue Sample -- -- 71.904 cr 676 t
Titan Deep Tissue Sample -- -- 499.092 cr 676 t
Titan Partial Tissue Sample -- -- 139.822 cr 676 t
Titan Tissue Sample -- -- 272.874 cr 676 t
Unoccupied Escape Pod -- -- 4.193 cr 676 t
Wreckage Components -- -- 9.091 cr 1.832 t
Xenobiological Prison Pod -- -- 149.471 cr 676 t


Buy price Stock Sell price Demand
Advanced Catalysers -- -- 3.546 cr 126.602 t
Auto-Fabricators -- -- 4.439 cr 21.093 t
Computer Components 572 cr 1.923 t 534 cr 1 t
H.E. Suits -- -- 796 cr 249.426 t
Micro Controllers -- -- 6.309 cr 7.849 t
Resonating Separators -- -- 6.699 cr 10.873 t
Robotics -- -- 2.452 cr 52.887 t


Buy price Stock Sell price Demand
Conductive Fabrics -- -- 540 cr 55.583 t
Leather -- -- 657 cr 706.823 t
Military Grade Fabrics 639 cr 33.130 t 609 cr 1 t
Natural Fabrics -- -- 929 cr 1.304.365 t
Synthetic Fabrics -- -- 436 cr 492.550 t


Buy price Stock Sell price Demand
Biowaste 95 cr 5.996 t 57 cr 1 t
Chemical Waste -- -- 652 cr 19.729 t
Scrap 224 cr 57.095 t 186 cr 1 t


Buy price Stock Sell price Demand
Non-Lethal Weapons -- -- 2.231 cr 1.302 t
Reactive Armour -- -- 2.667 cr 3.100 t